I am running a GEO 612 with a masterflex pump. The masterflex is pulling through the reactor. I have noticed that when I turn the co2 off, the water slowly moves up the co2 tubing towards the regulator. I placed a 5lb brass check valve right after the regulator needle valve. My concern is that the masterflex is creating a vacuum which opens the check valve with the co2 turned off. The water can then back flow through the vacuum.
Also I am on metering valve #2 and can barely get any control over the bubble rate. I am using a Swagelok SS-SS4-A I can just barely crack the needle valve and it bubbles. If I move the meter 1/32 of an inch it changes the flow drastically. Its difficult to get the reactor dialed in because I am constantly messing with the metering valve. I am also not getting a consistent bubble rate. I will get a large bubble then a couple small bubbles, then nothing for a bit then a large bubble, and so on.