ivans, jump on ebay and search for DIN 477. There are hundreds listed. The first thing that came up is 1/4" NPT on on side, DIN 447 on the other. I believe all of the adapters are 1/4" NPT on the regulator (what you posted above, the GCA320 specs, 0.825" - 14NGO is probably 1/4 NPT). Anything for Aquarium CO2 is going to basically expect you to be using the same equipment.
I believe all of the USA regulators are 1/4" NPT. It certainly seems that way from the description of all of the aquarium plant CO2 regulators.
You just have to get a socket or wrench to attach to the GCA320 tank-side nut, and unscrew it out of the regulator, then put the DIN 447 adapter into the regulator in that same slot, and you should be good to go for EU gas.
The CarbonDoser is mostly distributed by AquariumPlants.com, and I've called them with some basic questions before and they've been mostly helpful (though they're not regulator experts).