How to keep an Idiot busy...150DD

I watched this in HD and my god it was amazing to watch! I am not kidding, I loved the video. Your tank looks superb and colours are GREAT! I would love my tank to look like yours one day. :D

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Can you please tell me what camera and lens was used to record this?

Many thanks.
I love it :beer:


I watched this in HD and my god it was amazing to watch! I am not kidding, I loved the video. Your tank looks superb and colours are GREAT! I would love my tank to look like yours one day. :D

Can you please tell me what camera and lens was used to record this?

Many thanks.

Thanks! I used my samsung galaxy s3 with the white balance on cloudy and the exposure down to -2. Over saturates the color some but looks nice.

And this is the beginning of the end:thumbdown. The house will be listed in a few weeks and I'll be trying to recoup some cash at ffm. Marc was nice enough to stop over today and help cut 125 frags. Didn't look as bad as I thought it would after such carnage.

Your tank is simply amazing Pat!

Thanks! glad you like it.

Now you say the beginning of the end are you taking the tank down or moving it?

Both actually. There's way too much in it to move, too much risk. So I'll be selling it as a whole I've gotten 4 potential buyers already. But not until the house sells so it could be awhile. And I'll be setting up again in the new house.
It is not for sale yet.
I don't know if I should be thanked or hated for helping cut up those frags. But I can tell you that it was a pleasure and an honor to be one of the last to see that tank in its entirety. The funny thing is when we were done cutting over 100 frags, I looked at it and said "it doesn't even look like we did anything". The video and pictures don't do the size of the corals justice.
What do you run you sal,alk,calc,mag at and what salt do you use

I used red sea for awhile and switched to Instant Ocean. Other info is here

I don't know if I should be thanked or hated for helping cut up those frags. But I can tell you that it was a pleasure and an honor to be one of the last to see that tank in its entirety. The funny thing is when we were done cutting over 100 frags, I looked at it and said "it doesn't even look like we did anything". The video and pictures don't do the size of the corals justice.

Yeah it was bittersweet. I was really looking forward to the day the green slimer grew out of the water too. I can't believe how little of a dent it made either. I counted the frags after you left just to make sure it wasn't a bag of 50 mismarked or something. Thanks again.

Wow! The video, and pics are awesome buddy! I'm sure your next project will be even more fantastic! Can't wait til the ffm!

Thanks! It will be very similar to what I have now but I'm going to take my time and do everything nice and neat. I guess taking 6 months from tank purchase to water in it was too rushed for me and there's things I can't wait to change. the live rock will be up on pvc legs so I can clean underneath. The sump will be better organized. My t5's will have better cooling and neat wires etc.
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Had the fortunate pleasure of seeing this in person today and sharing some reefing conversation with Pat today, and picked up some very healthy sps frags... One of the better displays I've seen in person... Thanks again dude, can't wait to see your next project develope... Very much appreciated :beer:
Had the fortunate pleasure of seeing this in person today and sharing some reefing conversation with Pat today, and picked up some very healthy sps frags... One of the better displays I've seen in person... Thanks again dude, can't wait to see your next project develope... Very much appreciated :beer:

Thanks it was nice to meet you. The frag rack kills the beauty of the display I can't wait to get it out of there.

Tossing back asternias like they were chips lol

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Awesome, I love the plating montiporas and how they swirl together. I may have missed it in this thread, but what is your maintenance routine, or at least what have you found that worked for your tank over time?
I do 25 gallon water changes every couple weeks. I siphon the detritus from the sump when I have the time. I wipe the skimmer neck with a bottle sponge for dishes a couple times a week. Once a month or less I pluck all the hair algae out of the display. I test alk twice a week. The colors darken and fade and I haven't made the association with why yet.
Your tank is amazing! 150 DD is one of my favorite sizes. It sucks you have to brake it down...

Thanks! Yeah I considered going bigger with the upcoming build but I think the 150 cube is the cutoff size before it gets too expensive maintenance wise. I dont want a 20% WC to be any more volume than it already is. It does suck but I'm focusing on the postives of it. Placement for one. I put a green coral with blue tips right next to a green coral with blue tips. At the time I was just trying to find a place where each coral would be happy. The worst part of it all will be no sps until the tank is cycled properly again.
Thanks! Your 90 was inspirational when it was running, it showed me how nice a reef can look when done right. I still tell people about how your colonies wouldn't fit in 5 gallon buckets when you took it down.
Last Update

Last Update

So the livestock and coral has been sold and the system taken down. House is for sale and I'm searching through the equipment threads looking forward to the rebuild. Thanks for looking!
