How will the new CA mandates affect reefers in the state?

You are correct, it is funny how some use parts of a article to start something, they left out the one kid part which like immigration will never happen. We are a country of immigrants and that will never change. If you go back to what scientist said back in the early 70's you will read how they thought at that time the world was cooling?

You continue to confuse the heck out of me. Perhaps its the non-sequitors.

Are you a climate change denier or not? If so, I'm done. I won't debate whether 2+2=4.

On immigration and population control, are you suggesting that if "we" deport all illegal immigrants and pass a law limiting each family to one child, that will solve California's drought?
On immigration and population control, are you suggesting that if "we" deport all illegal immigrants and pass a law limiting each family to one child, that will solve California's drought?

You might want to take a breath here. I don't think alton is suggesting any of the above. It was a rhetorical question not advocacy.
You might want to take a breath here. I don't think alton is suggesting any of the above. It was a rhetorical question not advocacy.

Glad I was not the only one who saw it that way.

Side note - which sort of ties into this thread and of course your sig - please don't increase the price of my wine!!!!!
You might want to take a breath here. I don't think alton is suggesting any of the above. It was a rhetorical question not advocacy.

Rhetorical questions are by nature loaded with advocacy. I respect you wanting to give Alton the benefit of the doubt. But it was he who went "there". If he did not load the question with advocacy, he can correct the record, in which case I too will give him the benefit of the doubt and we can all return to our normal reef talk! (Breath taken)
Glad I was not the only one who saw it that way.

Side note - which sort of ties into this thread and of course your sig - please don't increase the price of my wine!!!!!

Rest easy, California wine prices are not based on the cost of production, but on the market's irrational exuberance for good Cabs!!
Californians sorry about your drought situations, except for this year we have been in one for 13 years. The joke around here is we have plenty of oil now just not enough water.
Californians sorry about your drought situations, except for this year we have been in one for 13 years. The joke around here is we have plenty of oil now just not enough water.

Been a while since I've been to Texas, but at least you guys/gals have a balanced budget and pay no state taxes, correct? Probably still waaay off topic I'm sure but to right the wrong, I still don't see much of an impact outside of RI/RO. Even then you could re-use if you are not already doing so.

Personally speaking this may solidify my use of natural sea water. I already go down to Monterey a couple times a year for diving. Next time I'll just fill up a 25 or so gallon brute and bring it home. Toss in a power head once I get home and it will last for a while.
I had to double check I wasn't in the lounge.:crazy1:

I thought we WERE in the lounge and had had a couple of rounds! :lolspin:

Of nice fresh spring water, of course. ;)

It seems like conservation is the only reasonable way to go. Desalinization is very expensive, an energy hog and has it's own environmental issues. Increasing storage is also expensive and really wrecks the dammed area and drastically changes the streams below the dam.

Farming, ranching and manufacturing consume more than 90% of the water. Residential use restrictions are a drop in the bucket compared to what might be saved on the farm. Ag needs to step up and improve their water use practices. I'm not suggesting we ban certain crops, just make more efficient use of the water so less is needed.

Even though I think the illogical residential restrictions are politically motivated, we are doing our part. We have no lawn (live in the burbs) and have just finished redoing the front yard with water retaining systems, more hardscape, less planted area and drought tolerant plants. Probably means the next ten years will be extremely wet! :eek1:
Is Reefing causing cancer in Cali now? There are a lot of products out there that say "can cause cancer in California" or is it more like toys in happy meals are making kids fat? LOL So glad i dont live in Cali

I heard pens make people spell wrong.
I was trying to do my part. I let all my grass die because I wasn't watering. I get a letter from my homeowners association saying that it is against the CC&R's have my yard look that way. They said that I had 10 days to but new grass or I would be fined. So I had to reseed and water everyday for the last month so I wouldn't get fined.
I love this state and grew up here. I wouldn't live anywhere else(expect for Hawaii) but sometimes the political bull really puzzles me
The state legislature is considering a new law outlawing fines for dead grass. Hopefully that will pass soon and you can tell your HOA to shove it.
The state legislature is considering a new law outlawing fines for dead grass. Hopefully that will pass soon and you can tell your HOA to shove it.

I hope so!
But also we all know how long it takes the state to act on anything.
My solution is simple, just split the state...

Hell, most people think the capitol of California is Los Angeles anyway, I think it is for the best. I'll even raise it one and give you San Fransicko. We can draw state lines just as messed up as our districts.

On the home owners association. If that really happened one or two things you could have done. One, tell them to shove it. If they want it green then they can pay your water bill. Plain and simple. And once they don't agree to do that, then kindly remind them that we have all been asked to do what we can to conserve. I don't believe they would do much after that - this is all headline stuff so they are aware.

Edit: You can also give them the office phone of Jerry. Just search for it, it is on That is what I would do personally. Oh, you want me to have a green lawn? Sure, here. Please call this number and ask to speak to Governor Jerry Brown and get permission...