Just so everyone knows that Dr. G's LPS/SPS dip is very effective against red bugs. I dosed 1ml per gal. No corals or fish were affected. My serpent starfish was not affected. I did remove my hermit crabs though.
i don't have red bugs (knock on wood) but for future reference and everyone else.
do you have an update? All dead?
Did your hermits survive?
I took them out of the main display while treating. I'm currently trying to get my skimmer back up and running as it wants to foam over like crazy. :dance:
Any follow up to this thread. I want to use Dr. G's but want to see if there are any long term affects.
I ended up losing quite a few snails/hermits due to leftover Interceptor in the tank. My serpent starfish pulled through, but acted funny for several weeks.
I suggest doing large water changes after treatment or running tons of carbon to remove the medication since it will slowly kill off weak invertebrates.
Other than that it's a great in tank treatment for red bugs and I haven't seen them since.
Good to know. Did you happen to have an anemone in the tank? Any idea how they fare?
Continuing as a follow up for future readers.
My red bug issue has been resolved using the Dr. G's LPS/SPS Dip.
I used 1ml per gallon as perviously mentioned and added it to a high flow area in my tank. I turned off my carbon and gfo reactors and also my skimmer. The tank stayed cloudy for about an hour.
I left the medication in the tank for 1 24 hour period before I then turned on my GFO and Carbon Reactors. The skimmer was bubbling like crazy so I was unable to turn it on until 2 days later when the carbon had removed the medication.
I did have a shrimp that I couldn't catch that died. I am not sure if my crabs all lived. I have several emerald crabs, i did see one out on the sandbed a few days after the treatment and he was moving. I now see a shell out on the sandbed. Im not sure if thats because he grew a new shell or if he actually died. All of my snails, fish, corals, and anemone are doing great. I will have to add more copepods to the system as they were taken out too.
I will now be using this product as my only dip for incoming corals.
Did you do any water changes?
I did not do an extra water change after the 24 hour period (Started this process on sunday). I am just waiting for my regular water change this weekend. I will probably do a little bit of a larger change this weekend.
The carbon seems to have captured most of it. My skimmer is working well again and the tank is showing all the signs of running regularly.