Newbie here
Newbie here
Hi folks. Just getting into the hobby. I have had multiple fresh water tanks in the past and have always wanted a saltwater tank but have been told that if I didnt have money to throw at it on a regular basis, to stay away. Well, I'm finally at a point in my life that I thought now would be a good time to jump in. I am going to be placing the tank in my office and want to put together a reef tank.
I purchased a 90 gallon tank from Craig's list and then really started the research......WOW!! I had / have so much to learn before I get the chance to see my little fishes and corals in my office tank. I see now why saltwater tanks involve quite a bit of capital money.
I have currently been researching and building for the past 4 months or so and still have so much more to do. My hope is to have it up and running within the next 5 months or so.
So far I have built the stand frame, drilled the tank, built the overflow box (not quite a coast to coast but close), picked up a used sump from a reefer here in Upper Michigan, scavenged parts from a salt water friend, picked up piles of plumbing and plumbed the sump / DT. It works!!!!
Now I just have a
few more things to pump for the sump (I currently am using a used pump that has by no means enough flow (my calculations point to about 900 GPH needed), finish the closed loop system (I have the tank drilled, bulkheads in and plumbing inside the tank done - still have the sinusoidal valve to build, buy a pump for that and plumb externally), buy LED lights (going with the Reefbreeders Photon48), do the aqua-scape (currently have 100lbs dry rock from BRS), build the stand enclosure and hood, pick up some live rock from TBS to seed, set up the QT (I will start my live rock here to observe and hopefully remove and unwanted hitchhikers before I transfer to the DT), look at building / buying supplemental systems (kalkwasser, GFO, etc), put together the ATO and auto water changer (going with Perillistic pumps for each), pick up a controller....just to name a few.
My intention is to have this thing as automatic as possible and keep the maintenance down to the least possible. I have also no intention of rushing into the final product and want to do it as right as possible the first time.
I have been a creeper on quite a few Forums and have just been absorbing information (my girlfriend is seeing how this hobby will end up consuming me"¦..good thing she supports wholly). I figured it was time to join and start bouncing ideas off all you experts here. Glad to be here"¦..Here are a few pics of the progress so far.
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