If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey there, my names Jeff. About 5 years ago I had 75g reef. I've been out of the hobby for awhile and I'm starting to get back in. I currently have a FW 29G that I'm converting to a reef tank and I have plans for a 50G reef.
Hey all, just introducing myself. I've had a planted freshwater tank for a while and the wife and I decided we wanted to try our luck at saltwater. Purchased a 55G tank with a stand for a great price from someone looking to get out of the hobby. Didn't come with any equipment shortly after I realized it was tempered on all sides. So, to say the least we are learning and I'm going to be sure to do some more research before I start buying anything else.
Hi-New to Forums

Hi-New to Forums

Hi folks my name is Pete and I'm fairly new to the hobby- I've had mostly sweetwater but I am adventuring into saltwater. Hope to hear from on some of the question I'll have.

New guy out of Tampa, FL

New guy out of Tampa, FL

Hi all,

I'm very new to the hobby. I've had FW tanks in the past, but about 6 months ago decided to start a small SW tank as a learning experience and to do with my 12 year old son.

It has been going great with my 12 gal tank so far. I even have some Softies in the tank now and even an Anemone. My son loves it and we are now planning to start a 36g bow front that we got on CL for $50.00.

I'm now in the process of buying the stand and I'm going to make or try to make my own led light. I hope I can post some pics here to share with all on that project.

Very happy to join this great community.

Howdy peoples.
Been passionately involved in the hobby for close to ten years now. Had an account about 8 years back, but it seems to have been deactivated. Don't currently have a reef tank at home as I traveled indefinitely a few years back and since returning have returned to studies, hence the life of a broke student. However, I work at an aquarium specializing in Marine species and look after the sps system and 2000 liter display tank. My previous personal tank was predominantly sps.

Anyway, looking forward to meeting you all around the traps, again..
Hi guys,

I've had some freshwater tanks over the years. I just got a new 29g freshwater tank up and running (just doing a fishless cycle now). I look forward to setting up a saltwater tank fairly soon down the road here. I'd like to start with fish only and work my way towards a full out reef. There's tons of good information around, so I'll look forward to absorbing it all as time goes on!
hi friends, how are you all? I am new here. Recently joined this community and this is my first post. Just wanted to say hello to all of you.
Hello, I'm Jason. I've been doing research on setting up my new tank and Google pointed me to this forum so often I decided to join. I kept freshwater tanks for many years and have had a small FOWLR set up for about six months now. I'm kind of an obsessive researcher when I get involved in any project so I will be mostly lurking and searching old posts for a while but I'm sure I will have some questions.
Hey all! New guy here, hoping to get into some aquatics! I'm starting small, 5 gallon tank, and hope to get some good habits down before upgrading.

Saw RocketEngineer's tank stand thread and I'm currently designing a stand along the same line. Has anyone done that for a tank as small as mine? Suggestions for another build?

Excited to start! :)
Hey everyone,
Just set up my 28g JBJ Nano over the weekend and the cycle wait has comenced...tick tock. New to saltwater, but like most have some experience with freshwater. Interested in hooking up with some other New Mexico folks as it seems NM is the state reef keeping forgot. Great site, and tons of info!!!!
new fan of the marine world

new fan of the marine world

Hi :wavehand: I'm new in this world of aquatics, just wanted to say hello i'll put my 90 gallon in two weeks, not even that will put fish, clown fish will think. anyway, greetings and wish me luck :thumbsup:

New to the Hobby

New to the Hobby

Hi all, my name is Rusty(DolphinzFan) I'm from a small town Gillespie, Illinois. By my user name you can tell I'm a Miami Dolphins Fan. I'm extremely new to the hobby, I haven't purchased a tank or anything yet, just trying to learn as much as I can right now. I'm really excited to start up my own reef aquarium. I have always been very interested in them. My local Aquatics center recommended me to check this site out.
Anyways, I'm hoping to get started as soon. So any advice would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm basically starting at ground zero right now. Wanting to start small like a Bio/Nano cube set up and grow from there.
Look forward to seeing everyone around the forums.

Hi Guys, new here, from SoCal. I have a 120g tank I'm trying to get wet. Looking forward to absorbing the wealth of information on this site!
New, from Huntsville, Tx. Just inherited a 29 gallon tank, from a good friend. I've always been interested in saltwater and jumped at the chance to get this tank. He's helping me with the maintenance and referred me to this site to help me learn more.
Good morning ladies and gentleman,
I've been here for a while but never posted anything.
My name is Tony, live in Dallas Texas and I have a 215 gallon tank with lots of fish and corals.
I am a beginner just learning a little at a time.
have been in this for about 6 months now
Hello everyone!

New to this forum and looking forward to learn and share experiences with the community!

I have a 120 gal, mostly LPS's and about 20 fish.


Hello everyone. New to the hobby. About 2 months ago purchased a home that has a 175 gallon in-wall aquarium. Been reading many books and browsing the internet learning as much as possible about reef aquariums (including many posts from this community, very helpful thank you!). About ready to begin the build so thought I'd sign-up and say hi. Looking forward to learning and contributing more. :wavehand:

- Dane


Hello all my name is mike and im new to the saltwater world. I have been into freshwater for over 5 years but wanted to try saltwater. So far Ive had my tank for a little over a month and everything is going well.