If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

HI, my name is Amber, from Alberta Canada, I have 2 20G fresh water tanks and just recieved a 30g set up which I am working with now for saltwater, been reading alot of great posts, thanks!
Hey guys my name is Johnathan iv had a 46 gallon tank for about a year and a half now. HOB filter and skimmer, Mp10 powerhead a 6 bulb t5 and apex controller. Currently no sump. Planning on upgrading to a 60 inch cube. But not sure where to start.
Can´t believe i missed this thread.

My Name is Albert from Canada (currently residing in Europe)
I´ve always wanted a saltwater tank and decided to get my feet wet a few weeks ago.
I picked up a Boyu Tl450 (58L) all in one setup to get me going. It´s currently cycling with live rock. I hope to be able to start stocking in a few weeks time.

Hello everyone!!:celeb2:

My first post on this forum... Not new to fish keeping but new to the reef addiction err I mean hobby

My tank has been setup for a few months now..gradually adding fish/inverts and waiting for my tank to Stabilize so I can start adding corals... in the meanwhile researching the heck out of everything and reading anything that I can get my hands on...

Thought this would be a good thread to make a splash..
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Hello everybody!

Wanted to introduce myself. Im a college student with my first 20g Reef that I started about 6 months ago. Am learning new things everyday and love the hobby!
Hey there! I've been an aquarium hobbyist for 40 years, today, as a matter of fact. Went browsing to see the livestock at a local shop, brought my husband since we were celebrating my birthday. I was in the fresh water section, as always, and my husband just could not understand why I was looking at tiny nice fish, when the other side of the shop had all these cool fish! Big, fast swimming, colorful fish, like the kind we've seen snorkeling. I began to explain how hard marine tanks were, and a nice guy who works there straightened me out. I don't need 300 gallons, I don't need to spend hours tinkering with chemistry and lights and fans. My husband was practically jumping up and down. The clincher? He said I could put my new marine tank on the main floor of the house for everyone to enjoy, and maybe we should get a big one. I've got a lot to learn to get up to even beginner speed, but I was thrilled to hear its become a lot easier than it was ten years ago. :)
Hello everyone,

I am very new to the saltwater hobby, I have a high tech planted tank that took me awhile to build up around 2 years. I have always wanted to start saltwater but have been somewhat intimidated by the vast amount of stuff available and at least twice the parameters to consider vs freshwater.

I finally took the plunge and got a JBJ 30 gallon with the stand (not sure how it holds the weight seems cheap but hey). And I got a Kessil A360W for my lighting. Overall I am eager to have started what will eventually be a reef tank. I have a few hermit crabs , 2 snails and a chromis all thriving and doing well. The corals are what scare me, so many parameters but I will be looking at all the posts on here to try to gain more knowledge.
Hey there! I've been an aquarium hobbyist for 40 years, today, as a matter of fact. Went browsing to see the livestock at a local shop, brought my husband since we were celebrating my birthday. I was in the fresh water section, as always, and my husband just could not understand why I was looking at tiny nice fish, when the other side of the shop had all these cool fish! Big, fast swimming, colorful fish, like the kind we've seen snorkeling. I began to explain how hard marine tanks were, and a nice guy who works there straightened me out. I don't need 300 gallons, I don't need to spend hours tinkering with chemistry and lights and fans. My husband was practically jumping up and down. The clincher? He said I could put my new marine tank on the main floor of the house for everyone to enjoy, and maybe we should get a big one. I've got a lot to learn to get up to even beginner speed, but I was thrilled to hear its become a lot easier than it was ten years ago. :)

Awesome it's always good to have your spouse support your hobby :). My wife loves my freshwater tank, and will probably end up liking my saltwater a lot more... more color in the saltwater world. :)


Hello All...

I am assembling what I want to be a healthy, thriving reef tank. I have several years experience with fresh wather community and cichlid tanks, but it's been nearly 10 years since I've had a system, 22 years of military life made keeping one very difficult. So now that I'm retired from the service, I have time once again to enjoy the therapy of an aquarium.

What I have now is a 34 gallon tank, fluval 306, basic LED marine wand light, in tank skimmer, some salt and about 50# of medium grit argonite. The RO/DI unit is in the mail, as is the skimmer.

I guess what I need to know most is... with the canister filter... can I treat is like a sump? what should I place into it that will best help my marine/reef tank flourish? Is there a recipe that I should use initially to get the tank to cycle, then shift to something different to keep it maintained?

I've also been looking at refugium designs to hang off the back of the tank. would it be smart to simply divert some of the return flow from the 306 into the refugium, or should it have it's own pump system?

I'm anxious to get the water and substrate in so I'm at a point to introduce some live rock.

Thanks for any/all of your input...

Hartsville, SC
Hello Reef Central!

I have decided to join seeing as I am switching over my fresh water tank to a saltwater tank. This will be my first saltwater setup. Growing up my Dad had aquariums... fresh and saltwater.

I am starting a saltwater reef tank with a 65 Gallon Hexagon Tank and some "used" equipment as listed below. I already know this tank style is not the best shape for reefing but this is the tank I like and will use because of the unique shape.

"¢65 Gallon Hexagon Tank that in 24 inches deep and 25 inches across (flat to flat).
"¢10 Gallon Homemade Sump
"¢(1) Hydor Koralia 1 circulation pump (400 GPH / 6 GPM)
"¢(2) Hydor Koralia 2 circulation pumps (600 GPH / 10 GPM
"¢Current USA Satellite Dual 65 Watt Power Compact Light Fixture w/ LED Lunar Moon Lights
"¢Marineland SeaClone Protein Skimmer (I will place in my sump)
"¢(2) Aqueon 300 Watt Submersible Heaters


Hello all,

Please excuse me because this is my second reply because I could not find this post...

My name is Gonzalo, from Spain, and starting my new reef tank after years with fresh water. I spend a lot of time searching information in internet, and always receiving links to this community. For sure is one of the most important places and I would like to take part.

My project, still in a very early stage, just looking for some main equipments (light, pumps, etc). Tank will be 51 x 24 x 24 in (124 gallons). Skimmer chosen is Aquamedic aCone 1.5, sump is 47,24 x 15,74 x 19,68 in (63,4 gal) coming from my last FW.

That's all at this time..
Thanks to everyone.
Newbe, and just getting started...

Newbe, and just getting started...

Hi all,
Thank God there are people out there like all of you that just love the hobby for us newbe's that are, well let just say "not all knowing".

I built a 65 gal show with a 45 gal acrylic sump (around a 20 gal refugium). I know I am talking a chance because of my location I used my well water to kick it off. The well water tested excellent, so that is what I proceeded with. Not RODI, because the strength of my well being what it is, and not being able to accept a 4 to 1 waste on the units.

Anyway to my point. I added the water, and since it was all bare I added the salt mix in the tank. Turned it all on and let it dissolve nicely, and circulate with the power heads for a day or two. Checking the saline levels. All was good 0-no2, 0-no3, 0.50 ppm Ammonia, 8.0 Ph. So I added the live sand (80 lbs), 60 in the show, and 20 in the sump. I did NOT rinse the sand due to it being live sand, and not wanting to rinse away any beneficial bacteria I added it directly to the tank for this first and only time. Holy smokes!! What a sand storm! 3 days later still looking as thick as day one..

Question - should I put in filter socks to pull some of this out? I prepped the plumbing for socks if I ever wanted to use them and then read all kinds of negatives on them, so I opted out. I'm wondering would this be a great time to utilize them?

I'm interested in your comments.. I figure it took me 6 months to build this aquarium from start to finish (of the build)... I'm in no rush just to throw some fish in just to say look at what I did.. I got all the time in the world..

Thanks TO.
Hey everybody i'm super excited to be apart of this forum. I recently started my first Saltwater tank. The tank is 55 gallons with a 20 gallon acrylic sump that is happily growing mangroves and cheato. I'm in my 3rd month and things are going decently well. Pictures and videos will be posted soon. Stocklist consists of BTA anemone, Ocellaris Pair, Goby, and some zoas colonies! I am running a Remora skimmer, overflow hang on, and refugum sump with a bag of phosban.
Name is Ari! I currently have 2 reef tanks that are established, 1 reef that is in progress, and one fish only tank that is in progress. I will post pictures and details as soon as possible!
Newbie Here to Learn :)

Newbie Here to Learn :)

Hi everybody! My name is Elizabeth and I joined RC so that I'll have a place to ask real people questions as I begin this new hobby.

My goal is to set up a reef system and have a porcupine puffer fish, and a few other fish that he/she can live with. I have fallen in love with a porcupine puffer at my local fish store over the last 2 years and this one adorable fish has singlehandedly (or maybe singlefinnedly...lol) gotten me into this entire project.

I've been surrounded my animals my entire life...I have horses, dogs, mini horses, goats, cows, sheep, mini donkeys...but no fish! Well, we have a betta fish at work, but I won't begin to compare that to knowing anything about keeping fish!

I found a 120 gallon pre-drilled aquarium with a cabinet on eBay that I will pick up next weekend, and it has some supplies with it. If anyone is reading this and is willing to read over what I'm getting and the price, I'll post details.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice. I know it can be exhausting to start from the basics for those with such a big learning curve ahead, so I appreciate you all for being here!

Elizabeth :)


Hello All.
My name is Fred. looking forward to learn this new hobby.
already have questions?
My tank is 55gal an 3 weeks old wait on my cycle to complete.

API Test Kit,
test are done buy daily on water quality. just had a spike in the tank but its gone in two days the levels are:
NH3/NH4 are 0
NO3 are 0
NO2 are 0
High PH are 8.0
PO3'4 are 0
CA2 are 440
KH are 16

lights off thru cycle and I have a clean up crew 4 hermit crabs and 3 peppermint shrimp. No fish yet also i'm using phosban media in my sump.

KH level at 16 I think I'm going to let them lower by it self, not sure if my tank has fully cycled.

Green algae on my live rock is that a good thing or am I'm doomed?

haven't added a skimmer yet. Red Sea Coral Pro Salt is the salt mix that I started with

Going to make one other change from Phos-ban to Chemi-pure elite

Any and all advise please

Glad to be apart of this forum REEFERS