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help new to salt water aquarium

help new to salt water aquarium

If I have a 90 gallon tank with 1 drain and 1 return a sump what size should my return pump be????
new, hello

new, hello

Hi ladies and gentlemen. Im in my 30's, work in automation. my dad always kept fishes and I guess it reminds me of him. Figured I'd have a go, just trying to figure out what to do and how to not embarrass myself or murder any living creatures. Been sponging information anonymously for a few weeks now and for that I thank you.
Hello all, my name is Rob, and I have been reefing for a year now. Just joined and wanted to say hello. We have a 120 gal mixed reef, and just started a 60 gal deepblue frag tank that we are trying to make into a lagoon style tank. My wife and I really enjoy reef keeping, and hope to keep it going for a long time. Hope to learn a lot on this site.
greetings from the land of tequila for everyone, my name is Abderramán just wanted to introduce myself and tell you that the information on the forum has been very helpful in starting a reef 100 gallon. I hope to take advantage of the tips and experience of the people on the forum, photos and themes are very good.
Hi, I'm new, and my name is Kerry. We just started our tank Mother's Day weekend, and needless to say, I'm addicted. We have two peppermint shrimp, (one that I believe is pregnant), an emerald crab, several SPS Zoanthids, hermit crabs, and snails. If you have any advice, I will take anything I am offered!

Hello! I'm starting out with a marine aquarium, probably going to go fish-only to start, but probably going to end up with some coral.

So far, I have acquired:
* tank stand
* 55-gallon reef-ready aquarium

... and a pile of stuff in various online order carts.

I'm going to get an RO/DI unit (probably this one), and probably work out some sort of sump.

I need to do some research on how to plumb everything up, though. The RR tank has a 1.5" and a 1.75" hole, so I'll need to get some sort of plumbing kit.

Man, there's a lot of information out there. I'll share some photos once I get something beyond a tank...
Hey guys, I have a friend, rtparty, who is pretty involved in his tanks and very good with them. After many years he's finally got me hooked on starting a tank. I don't have anything yet but my plans are to run a 20 high reef tank. As I'm sure many of you have had to start with one piece at a time I'm hoping to have tank up and ready for fish by Feb/March.
Marc Harding

Marc Harding

hey everyone, just got into the hobby and kinda got over my head a little and a lot of lessons learned, I hope to one day learn all that I can and also be able to help someone in the future. I am a military veteran from NC and love the idea of a saltwater tank, but wow is it expensive. I must learn patience so everyone says, its very hard but hope it pays off for the tank to be healthy.
I am new to the hobby. My Wife has had a 38g for several years and as she added more fish/coral more problems began to spring up. We are in process of cycling a 100g+- tall tank that we just acquired second hand. So I guess I am now taking up the hobby although I am going into it kicking and screaming. I much rather go fishing than look at fish in a bowl. Thus the screen name. I love to eat fish.:D
hey everyone, just got into the hobby and kinda got over my head a little and a lot of lessons learned, I hope to one day learn all that I can and also be able to help someone in the future. I am a military veteran from NC and love the idea of a saltwater tank, but wow is it expensive. I must learn patience so everyone says, its very hard but hope it pays off for the tank to be healthy.

What part of NC are you in?
new user saying hi

new user saying hi

Hi everyone,

i've been keeping freshwater aquaria for the past 10 years or so, and im just now looking to cross over to the marine side. My wallet isn't happy about it, but it looks like it'll give me the challenge and fresh learning opportunity that will re-invigerate my love for the hobby.

I've been doing my best to read up on all the ins and outs, but i'm sure i'll probably have a few questions for all the experienced reefers out there

thanks to all the mods and users for making this such an informative site
long time creeper first time posting

long time creeper first time posting

Hey guys, Brand new noob here as far as saltwater goes i have had freshwater tanks since i was a young boy, and as of late i have finally decided to take the plunge into the saltwater world :headwally: . just love the colors and real tired of cichlids lol. so i decided to take a buddy of mines advice and become a member on here and ask all the questions i feel like being ridiculed for. Look forward to learning all the things you all have to offer :beer:
Believe it or not, finally fully registered

Believe it or not, finally fully registered

Hey there, my name is Curtis and I have had a 76g 22" radius half round tank for about 8 or so years (24" depth). Apparently I've had a sign up registration in limbo for that long as I've just gotten it finalized (go figure :spin2: ).

I started in the hobby at the urging of a nephew. In the beginning I feel I got lucky as my tank thrived for about the first year, then I started to have a cascade failure. My inexperience taught me the lesson that I actually DO have to swap out my T5 florescent lights at frequent intervals.

The Tank seemed to only just be marginally healthy for reef keeping, and my fish seemed to either be attacked or disappear overnight (with my two oldest survivors: a Black clown fish and a six-line wrasse).

I've traded out my T5 for a couple of Kessil a150 sky lights, and have since seen a disturbing increase in my algae growth. Fish are still there, but my corals have mostly been over ridden. BTW, My bubble tip anemone keeps multiplying and I have more than I want.

My setup:
76 g half round 22" radius 24" deep
2x Koralia 4
Squid wave thingamabob (real technical term there)
2x Kessil 150 (10,000k or sky)

Refugium I'm guessing is about an 8g capacity with live sand/rock (I was recently told that it's better to remove the chaeto, which I did)
Coralife protein skimmer
Oceanic 1501 Chiller (my place may only get super hot about 2-3 weeks during the year)

Fish: 1 black clownfish - Jenny (Benny r.i.p), 1 six line wrasse - Ming
6 bubble tip anemones - names unknown

Corals: I'm not expert on names but the only thing that seems to have survived are my Star Polyps. Some corals have been donations from my nephew, whereas we have each managed to keep our organisms from disappearing altogether with mutual fragging.

With the inclusion of LED lights, I can now dedicate some more serious time and limited resources into eliminating deficiencies with my tank, with y'all helping me I hope.
Starting out super slowly....

Starting out super slowly....

So I've been stalking rc for a long, long time and I've finally decided to start my own tank. Years ago I had a healthy fish with live rock biocube but my deadbeat roommate didn't pay the electric bill. The tank crashed when the electricity was shut off. I've wanted to start over for a long time but I'm just now taking the steps towards a new tank.

I'm starting out with the lighting system since this time around I'm more interested in coral and macroalgae than fish.

On Friday I am picking up the first element towards my new tank. It is a used non-dimmable Apollo Cube LED.

I want to have a nano/pico reef. I believe that this light will enable to me to have almost anything I want in my tank.... Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Here are the specs....

SPS capable beam of 18″ x 18″ at 24″ depth 150 PAR. The light has the whites and blues on separate circuits and power cords (2) for use with a timer.

The blues 453 nm Royal Blues and whites are 8000K.

There are a total of 8 pcs of Royal Blue LED and 4 pcs of 8000K White LED for a final spectrum at full power of about 20K.

Channel one has 4 pcs of White LED @ 8000K and 2 pcs of Royal Blue LED @453NM

Channel two has 6 pcs of Royal Blue LED

All are 3W LED for a total draw of 37 w including the internal fan.
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New to RC

New to RC

I am new to RC and looking forward to the wealth of knowledge that is available. Currently, I do not own a tank, but am "fish sitting" my nephew's 85 gal reef tank, and have been bitten by the saltwater tank bug. I am looking to set up a 100-180 gal reef tank and am just getting started on gathering prices, parts, and astonished at the cost. Any ideas on where to get used equipment? Thanks everyone.

I have been reading reef central for about a year. Decided to finally stop just reading and lurking.

My husband had a 10g reef tank 23 years ago was it was unheard of. After that we had a 29g show with a hang on the back wet dry with bio ball lol.. over the years we had our tanks grow to a 60g and then a 100g with a sump 13 years ago.. life and a child we took a break. Things have really changed over the years and access to information is much better than only books as a resource.

Now we re-entered the hobby with a 10g again 1.5 years ago and within 6 mo were back to a 58g tank with a 20L sump which we have been running for over a year. We have 2 x 1050 GPH Hydor Koralia power heads and a 425 GPH power head as well.

2 x Kessil A 360W Tuna Blue Lights
Neptune Controller
BRS Reactor with GFO and carbon
Chaeto in the sump running light after hours
dosing 2 part in 24 doses through out the day

Originally I was a bystander with each tank, this time I am hooked. I love the corals, we have finally after 1.5 year took the leap to fish (we had them long time ago, just was easier with corals this time).

I have mushrooms, really big hairy mushroom, hammer corals, purple stylophora, birds nest, a very happy neon green candy cane that is growing like crazy, palys, some zoas (I don't do as well with these guys, they do ok), duncan, kenya tree forest ;) bunch of acro frags, new jet eye mind trick chalice .. love him.. and a miami hurricane which I am looking forward to seeing grow. We have a clean up crew that does a great job and a couple of emerald crabs who leave the corals alone.

We have 2 baby black clowns, a fairy wrasse, flasher wrasse, and "Bob" a flame goby.
Hi guys been a member for yonks but never really posted.

I have been keeping marines on and off for about 20 years and have now got a 48 x 28 x 30 inch tank that was setup in July 2013 and is predominately SPS

Look forward to some interesting discussions in the future lol
Hi all,
I'm finally gonna introduce myself to RC...my names Pete I'm30 and live in Cape may, NJ.... I'm a local painter working for my old man over ten years.... I've always had some sort of fish tank setup since I was a kid and slowly progressed from fresh(cichlid) to salt(FOWLR) to finally reef tank about 8 months ago.. I'm obsessed with the hobby like most of you on here are also.... Making the jump from fowlr to reef has been one of the most challenging ...educational.. And greatest things I've done....I'm self taught and educate myself daily on new and improve ways and methods to keep a successful reef tank....unfortunately I don't know anyone around my area to learn hands on but with sites like this and a little homework and research anything can be done...I look forward to meeting everyone!
New member and yet to be in the hobby. I have a 10g, 29g and 40g freshwater tanks varying with planted and non plated. Im in the process of trying to sell my 29g and work out what works best for a Saltwater beginner! So hello and sorry in advance for all the questions :)