If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Newbie to Saltwater!!

Newbie to Saltwater!!

Hello Reef Central ! My name is Kendall, I am 32 years old, married to my lovely wife Kristy, and we have a 7 year old son named Leyton. I have always been fascinated by saltwater eco systems and always been interested in starting one of my own. I have always had freshwater aquariums growing up and continued through the early years of my sons life. I have not had an aquarium set up in at least two years and I miss it very much. So, the itch has overcome me and now is as good a time as any to start my saltwater experience. I have been doing research for a few months and have been overwhelmed with so much new information. Just looking forward to getting started and taking it slow to get it done right. Also, looking forward to being a part of this reef community!! :thumbsup:
Hi everyone! I am Priya from Toronto, Canada. I'm currently doing research before jumping into this hobby (I have a LOT to learn and am open to any help/suggestions/advice etc). I have a 20g high tank that's currently a hermit crab terrarium, which I would *like* to convert into a marine tank sometime in the future. I'm moving them to the 55g (just my last molting hermit crab is left) and I really want a marine tank...just start off with some crushed coral/sand substrate and live rock and a few beginner fish. Simple stuff. First I gotta know my stuff though...and that's why I am here!
it's best to not use crushed coral... the problem with cc is it traps debris just a word of caution to ease problems down the line
I used to be a member under 3s1k but no longer have the email attached to the account so I started a new one. I used to have a 120g semi reef tank and sold it 6yrs ago. Now I turned my inlaws ugly 10g FW tank into a SW tank this evening after my equipment arrived in the mail.
New reefer

New reefer

Hello my name is John.
I started a 180g reef tank with my wife 3 months ago. We've gone a little bit more advanced in our first reef tank than most but so far all seems to be going well. I have my display tank on my first floor and custom piped and build my sump system in the basement below(huge DIY project but it was fun and I learned alot).

We cycled the tank for 8 weeks with no lights no skimmer and 2 clown fish. at week 8 we put in a loaner skimmer from the reef store and added a yellow and blue tang. All water parameters are in normal ranges with 0 ammonia and 0 nitrates. At week 12(present time) we put in a 4 ft T5 light while waiting for the LED fixture to arrive and upgraded the skimmer.

the system has 2 1" drains and 2 1" returns. The system is running with a Blueline HD100. I upgraded the loaner protein skimmer I had borrowed from the store to a vertex Alpha 200. nothing is skimming yet, but I expect it will take a few weeks for it to acclimate to my system.

later today I am planning on adding 2 MP40's to the main display. So far it has been a very enjoyable hobby.

If anyone has any ideas on what to do next or how to do things better please let me know.
New to Reef Central

New to Reef Central

My name is Mike and currently live in Eugene Oregon. I have not had tanks in at least 40 years. My Dad used to raise tropical fish and at one point had at least a dozen tropical fresh water tanks. I get the issues and know there are even more areas to learn in dealing with a reef tank.
So I came here with a desire to learn from some experienced people. I am willing to read and study before I jump in with both feet. Having just registered here, should I be able to find some of the very basics? Or could someone recommend a great beginners book? Thanks for having this venue. All help is appreciated.
Hi Everyone. My name is Sherri and I live in Suntree, Fl. I have kept freshwater tanks for years and I am now crossing over to the salt world. I will be getting my 90 gallon drilled tank this week. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on because this is such a different world than freshwater is. I am so thankful for this site and I am sure I will be asking many questions in the future.
Hello everyone, my name is Angel and Im just setting up a 65g with the help of my brother in law... its been up for about 4 months and I am just adding live rock to it... Well so far everything has been going good, I did run into a little problem where there was a lot of brown algae but got it under control... I found out I had my lights on for too long... Well I hope I get a lot of good tips...
Toua here been reefing for over 8 years but just recently got more serious bout it. I have a 110 gallon mixed reef tank. Newest addition is a Jebao 40, love this sucker. Put on quite a wave show in the tank.
Hello I'm Mike and I'm quite new to saltwater had freshwater for 6 years now wife likes the more colorful fish and less aggressive. I raised and sold Flowerhorns,frontosas,malawis,cons,etc..
But now trying saltwater; not interested in breeding and selling but more as for personal pleasure.
Just trying to get the tank situated before I introduce livestock.

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Hey everyone! My name is Eric. New to the hobby and getting ready to build my first tank! Here is a link to my build. Scroll down to the bottom and I have uploaded my final draft of the design (unless the plastics company comes back with a huge $ quote, then I might have to change some things.) Any input would be appreciated!
new to reef central and to saltwater!

new to reef central and to saltwater!

hi! im new to reef central and im planning on being new to saltwater, my current 29 gallon freshwater is being switched out for a 36 bowfront while we are moving and iv been planning on doing a reef tank il be posting questions of pleanty, thanks for everyones help !


Hello, I am new the this site as well as the Reef Tank hobby, but I have several years experience with freshwater tropical tanks. I've decided it's time to graduate from freshwater and try my hand at a reef aquarium.
Hey everyone, I've been lurking on this site for a while and decided it's time to actually sign up. I have quite a few years of experience with freshwater tanks and a little experience with a FOWLR salt water tank, but now I'd like to set up my first reef. Looking forward to being a part of this community!
New Reef startup

New Reef startup

Greetings everyone,
I've had aquariums on and off for the past 10-12 years and just recently sold off my 46g freshwater live-plant system. I am now staging a 75g with the intent of making it a reef tank (along with compatible livestock).

Thus far I have a tank, stand, canopy with T5 light system, a protein skimmer & return pump. The guy that sold me this setup also threw in some lace rock (20-30 lbs) that had been sitting outside behind his shed. It had traces of dried coraline (sp) algae, so I intend to use it in some fashion after cleaning it up.

I want to setup a 20g sump with refugium. I intend to buy a used 20g tank and build it myself. I'll also be plumbing the system and plan on using an over-the-top overflow system.
I welcome any and all sage advice regarding the planning/building of my sump/fuge, as well as the plumbing involved. I also welcome everyone's opinions on the most quiet & reliable overflow system.
I look forward to enjoying this new, more colorful (and challenging) area of aquaria!
Hello reefers

Hello reefers

My name is Scott from Long Island...I am taking the leap to a salt water tank...
Starting small, 4g CAD....hope not too small, we will see...

Cycling live rock in a plastic vat as I write this....waiting for tank to arrive and add live sand...glad i found this site for advice....hope to post positive pictures soon....
Hello everyone I have come back I was here maybe 7 years ago, got out of the hobby now I am thinking of coming back. Wish I could remember my old user name lol
New Guys

New Guys

we are the new guys to the community we have a 300g reef tank and we love it.Any help we can get would help us a lot.Jim & lisa