If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey all!

New to the hobby but with the help of my brother picking it up very quickly! He was kind enough to give me a 55gal with lights and since then it's been full steam ahead. Looking forward to learning here!

Hi, my name is Angel! I'm a graphic/web designer living in Phoenix, AZ. I recently inherited a 55 gallon fish only tank from my brother in law. I'm slowly learning that it has a whole long list of problems! Most of these come from using cheap filters, etc. and not doing enough water changes or ANY cleaning of CC substrate for about 4-5 years.

I've been reading posts on this site for a while trying to figure out how to get this mess under control so I decided it would be a great idea to join!

I am looking forward to learning from passionate hobbyists and building a great tank! :bounce2:
Introduce myself

Introduce myself

Hi all,

I'm new to ReefCentral, so I guess I'll introduce myself. I've got a 24g nano cube up and running for two years now. Liking the hobby enough that I just started a 180 build! The forums have been a lot of help. Thanks all!

Hi my is rohan. I have a 40 gallon planted fresh tank. I have a 48"x24x24 tank I'm going to be setting up here very soon I just need advice on my build. It's most likely going to be a high tech tank. Glad to be here.
Hi everyone, Ghee here. new to this forum and new to marine tank hobby as well. just wondering, which thread should i post in if i have questions about assembling a tank and sump?
Hello all... New to saltwater/ reefs i have a tun of freshwater planted tanks. Ive always wanted a reef tank. I decided to join the forum for encouragement to finally put a tank up.
Overwhelmed by it all

Overwhelmed by it all

Hi guys.. right now I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that I am reading"¦ none of which I am understanding. I am a artist and I am developing a project to create an underwater sculpture garden in Maui similar to the ones Jason deCaires Taylor has developed off Grenada and Cancun. He talks about treating the marine cement he uses with a pH-reducing additive to make them coral-friendly. I can sculpt in cement"¦ not a problem but I want to create a healthy viable coral reef system"¦ so I am doing my due diligent research. I found this site and these forums and so I have come to the experts to find out what you know that may help me achieve my goals. Am I barking up the wrong tree here?
Hi I am John, I started out with a 29 gallon, now I am embarking on a 165 gallon tank. Here to learn and get some help setting up my new tank.
Hello All - Back in the hobby accidently.

Hello All - Back in the hobby accidently.

My name is Freddy and I am a returning member after being away from the hobby for a couple of years... but as you all know it's an addiction and eventually you'll find a way back... :spin1: I actually decided to take the plunge by accident. I was looking up information for a friend and once I started reading and seeing pics of tanks... I knew it was too late... My challenge now was to convince my wife I could get back in without breaking the bank. Then luck struck. I was sitting at a pizza party and just brought up to a friend that I was trying to convince my wife when another gentleman at the party interrupted and said do you mean a fish tank... I said yeah, why? He said... I have a 55 gallon tank with stand, lights, filter and a bunch of painted corals that a friend gave me and it's just taking up room in my shed and my wife wants it gone... I asked how much and he said just come get it and it's yours... sooooo... I'm back... LOL!
I plan a 55 gallon tank (Reef friendly). 15 gallon sump (HOB Overflow). a Tunze 9002 skimmer, a phosban 150 can (I plan to put Clear FX in it), a UV can. 4 Tunze Power heads and a 6X54W T5 lights with LEDs.

Any advice/information would be greatly appreciated.
Good Morning, I just joined the forum. Thank you for allowing us access to such a wealth of informations. I'm new to the hobby. I'm diving, nearly got my dive-master. All exams done but my instructors died just before sending all off to TDI. So I've seen reefs and beautiful fish out there. During the course of my diving I managed to hurt my ear, can't dive any more so I decided to bring the reef to my Lounge room :-) Going very slow. My local shop has taken the time and its been more than 3 months before they supplied me with everything. 200 gal, sapphire glas, 2x mp40, red devil skimmer, 3 x rodeon, Reef link, automatic top off, automatic water changes, Teco 1000l chiller. 3 stage RODI unit (they say its enough because the water in AU is good) I filled the tank with RO water and bought RedSea Coral Salt. It looks like I will be replacing it with a new water and do the salt mixing again. I didn't read much about salt mixing. Salt precipitated, became cloudy. I added it to 21 degrees water, too quickly and too much. I was running the Mp40's constantly for 3 days but the water is not 100 %, its clean but just a little cloudy. It will probably not get Crystal clear so I have to do it again. I just ordered refractometer and TDS meter. Education is everything, that's why this forum is so precious. If we rush, don't educate ourselves, the result will be similar what I've managed to achieve. So, I will be spending hours reading all I can in this forums and thank you again for giving us this opportunity. Mario
new to reef and excited

new to reef and excited

Hi all. My name is Bryan and I have a 55g aio tank that I have as freshwater and am looking to convert it to a reef tank. I have so many questions but wanted to say hi and introduce myself.
New to this Forum

New to this Forum

Hey Whats up everyone. I am new to this forum. I have had a 60 gallon tank for about 3 years now. Just have had fish and invertebrates now I added corals. I am trying to create a post on here but can't seem to figure it out. lol any help
hi all, long time stalker finally posting. i had a 5gal fluvial just corals till it cracked.I am embarking on a budget 55gal build reef tank.
Hey everyone

Hey everyone

Okay, this has been to long coming. I have been reading and learning from RC for years. Wanted to start my first post thanking everyone that has filled this site with great info.
I currently have a 75g tank that's been up for about 3 years, doing good, but not like the tanks I see here on RC.

Thanks again
Hi all. I'm back to reefing after 10 years with my 80 gal & 180 gal tanks stashed in my garage. I set my 180 acrylic tank up about 5 weeks ago and finally got through cycling. It had been so long, I'd actually forgot about that.
Well, amazing how much has changed in 10 years in the hobby. My VHOs are woefully outdated, as was my skimmer. I've replaced the lighting with LEDs and T5s now and got a new skimmer. Also, I'd never heard of a refugium 10 years ago. Just added a fuge to my sump.
Got a few fish, Xenia and Toadstool leather. (And a sea cucumber that hitched a ride in on some live rock.)

It's great to be back!

Hello all,
I live in Italy and I have marine aquariums since 10 years.
Unfortunately my tank is very small (220 liters including the sump) compared the average of yours but I don't have enough space at my home.
What can I say, I hope to find new friends! :-)

bye bye
Hello, new to the forum. I have a 37 gallon tall tank that I have slowly converted to a reef tank. I have a Damsel and clown, anemone and other corals. I've done a lot of reading, a lot of learning, and yes, a few mistakes. But my reef is getting there. :)
Hey everyone!! My name is Patrick, I've been in the hobby for about a year and 2 months now. I've got a 55 gallon FOWLR with 2 blue damsels, a baby Hippo Tang, and a clown (did have two but my female died). Im looking to get much further into the hobby, eventually getting some coral and more fish. Im very much interest in getting any information in keeping my fish happy and healthy!!
Saltwater reef virgin

Saltwater reef virgin

Hah hey guys I don't have a cool user name but it's on I can remember:uzi: anyway I am 27 and have a 150 gallon rectangle tank. I have 2 canister filters from when it was a fresh water tank. I'm thinking of going with the sump instead... I still have a lot to get... Live rock and sand and skimmer and sump... But I will read up here and see what's the best and go for it.... Glad Christmas is almost here ehh:deadhorse: Btw best emoticons ever hahah