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Hi, my name is Rob, I have a 90 gallon reef/fish tank and I've had this setup for about seven months, (after I tipped ouR 37g tank over in the dinning room, yes, the fish,crabs and snails had quite the ride) I am really enjoying the hobby but I know I have lots to learn.
New to reefcentral hello all!

New to reefcentral hello all!

Hey all I am new to the site but not tanks. I was raised around salt and fresh water tanks and had fresh all my adult life. I did care for my boss's saltwater tanks years ago. I maintained and just did what he wanted done to them. This past year I decided to dive head first in and get my own tank. I have a 27 gal cube with a pair of clowns, firefish, yellow watchmen goby, and skunk cleaner shrimp. Everyone has been fine no issues at all since I started the tank. Now I am getting a little bored and want some change. I am not financially ready for a larger tank (my spouse would :uzi: me) I did just add a Kenya tree 3 days ago since I just have always loved those little weeds. Looking for some ideas from the professionals here!
i`m from crewe cheshire uk where they make the bently car, i`ve only got a 240 lt tank 2nd hand just a year old for just £250, was a surprise marine setup for my julie ;)
having spent 3 months trying to work it out on a very tight budget, pre order live rock £300+ ect for my julie b4 she went on holiday with her mum to have it ready when she got home. i did manage this but could not have the tank setup in time as waiting on live rock, was about three weeks.
so had to hide the empty tank in a friends garage.
she was coming home for just a couple of hour`s.
just b4 she whent to look after her mum`s house.
so when she went i could move the tank home fill the tank & set it up with water ect.
but when she came home!!!
she was not happy when she entered the front room, saying i`m not going to live with that at the end of my bed:(
Turns out she had a very near drowning experience. oops :(
so i now sleep with it in my bedroom as she cannot sleep flat with me in bed as has spina bifida :( now i`m trying to get to sleep with the tank right by my head. but better that that having to get rid of it :)
hi all i am ray and new to the forum but not reefing currently i do not have a tank setup but i have something in the works i am looking forward to checking more of the site out

Pam here, from Cleveland, Ohio- hubby and I inherited a 45 gallon hex tank from the in-laws. All this information is overwhelming and exciting at the same time! Looking forward to being part of the community!
Hi name is Marc not long into reef tanks have a small 32 gallon about 10kgs live rock, live sand 8 fish and 4 corals, I have a question my kh/alk test didn't change from blue to pinky orange any suggestions to why that would happen?
Howdy folks. Just began setting up a 46gal tank for future fish/soft coral. This will be my third marine aquarium. I am stationed in Rhode Island.

Looking to make a few connections in the area who enjoy the hobby and trade/etc.
Hello I am in Norman oklahoma I have a 40 gallon reef tank it is my first tank
My name is Shaun. 50 yo male. I am a welder. And my other hobby is radio controlled race cars
chromis problem

chromis problem

Hi guys I am hoping to get some help I brought a green chromis 3 days ago and already its dead!!! It went into hiding straight away and then started spinning around and had one cloudy eye then passed away so very annoyed.. AMMONIAS 0 NITRITE 0 NITRATE 0.20.... Its only fish in 20 gallon tank as set up 4 weeks ago.. Any ideas guys???
Hey all!

I'm Hunter. New to the forum obviously. I live in Texas. I have a 20 gallon fowlr tank, and im starting my 55 gallon build including a DIY 20 gallon long sump. Anyone got any good advice for a good quality diy sump? include a refugium chamber or not? I've seen both designs online but I want some input from actual aquarists to help steer me in the right direction. Also anyone have or know of any good designs I can follow? So many options on google that I don't even know where to begin.

Sorry I'm still pretty new to this but I'm definitely obsessed with the marine and reef aquarium hobby.
Greetings all!

My name is Bradley and live in Washington. Found my love for fish while serving in the military, however found myself "restarting" my tank many times over after each move. I'm now home and in a constant place. I've started a 40 gallon breeder tank with crushed coral substrate and a few pieces of live rock.

I have a beautiful black volition lion fish, a flame angelfish, striped sail fin tang, 2 black ice clownfish (one female and one male), and a chocolate chip starfish. I feel my tank is full enough for it's size. I love the activity the clowns give the tank. The Lion hangs out under the cave made by the live rock, it doesn't go after any of it's tank mates and is well feed with silverside. The tang and star get a stripe of seaweed everyday and with 2 hours its gone. I feed a mix of flake, frozen blood worn, frozen brine shrimp, and frozen mysid shrimp. The clowns eat both shrimp, but don't really care for the worms. The tang and angle don't really care for any of the frozen, not sure if that will just take some time or if they just don't care for it.

I want to get a 125 gallon next, but before I make the big jump I want to understand the best things to have in place; along with experience in them. One such item I have been looking into is a Neptune System. Truth be told, I never put much thought into a heater failing. Perhaps it's because my tanks were never up long enough to reach such failures, but now that I've done some reading and found out it's very common, the temps here in Washington will be devastating to my beautiful fish. I've never used a sump or protein skimmer. I understand the value of a sump and will be designing one within the next few months. The protein skimmer on the other hand I have yet to fully grasp the benefits. From what I understand (which is very little) is that protein skimmers are used to collect broken down waste. I am assuming this is more needed when you have corals, but not entirely sure.

Im looking for all kinds of knowledge, advice, and more then willing to share what I've learned and experienced. Looking foreword to "meeting" a ton of great new people!
Hey guys, this will be my second tank setup after the first one got pulled down due to moving house. 150 litre (39g) with 16g sump/refugium below. Keen to get a bta after a lot of research however worries that the tank size is too small. Currently nothing in the main display except live rock and shallow sand bed.

What are your thoughts on putting a bta in a 39g tank?

(I have done a lot of research on bta's and understand what their needs are etc just worried about tank size)
Hello everybody. I'm Jeff. I live in Guthrie, OK. I've been in the hobby for about 3 years now. I'm on my 2nd reef tank now. My first was a 75 gallon. Almost 6 months ago I upgraded to a 125 with a 40gal long sump. After living through a algae nightmare on the 75 gallon, I'm doing the 125 right the first time. I like posting pictures of my tank. Comments are always welcome!
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IAM NOT NEW TO THE HOBBY..rNA nice salt shop back in day in Cleveland ohio BACK IN TH DAY AND WAS also ran the largest freshwater import business in oio. before all the shops started bring in their own product. we specialized in rare south american fish and freshwater IMPORTERS IN OHIO. BEForE EVER SHOP started DOING IT. MAN SOME DAYS I WOULD LOVE TO Go back TO TH OLD Days. BOX Filter WITH CARBON And A GOOD OLD DIATOM Filter LOL we kept all the fish alive but that was before the days of corals,. love the information here.
I have a 120 mixed reef. doing well. now that it i sup and running wish i would of done few things different
Do what?!

Do what?!

Hello all. New to the hobby of SW. Have been a good 10+ years since I've had a tank, which was African Cichlids, that took basically nothing more than water changes and canister filtration.

Have come across two tanks. 40b or a 75g reef ready with overflow in back left corner. Have never modified a tank, so the 40b would be my first try. On a basement, so not exactly sure on the weight restrictions, although I could always reinforce the floor to be sure!

I hated science in school, so I'm hoping to learn as much as I can before asking myself, WTH was I thinking?! lol I've spent the past 3+ days reading the forum "Setting Up: How To:". Spoke with one of my lfs people who informed me it wouldn't take long to setup and cycle a tank, but that's with using all LS and LR with RO/DI etc. But after reading the "Setting Up" articles it looks as though it can take up to 12+ weeks or more.

Looking forward to learning what I can and hopefully coming out with more wins than loses.

Btw the name is Chad.
Hey guys. I just got into the hobby. I have a 55 gallon with live rock, couple ocellaris clowns, and peppermint shrimp. Any tips or advice is always appreciated!
Hi All, I'm Nez. I got my first salt water tank about 5-6 months ago. Started off great and then had a power failure at my office. Since then, things have been a disaster. Haven't been able to keep fish alive, but my polyps and corals are doing great. I know it's a learning process and I'm excited to learn, but can't figure out why my fish keep dying on the weekends (or at night) when nobody is at the office. My local fish store has been working with me really closely on this issue as it's been going on for months. Every time we put fish in, after about 4-6 days, they die. They just brought to my attention that i could possibly have a black mantis shrimp or a Crab that hitch-hiked on live rock that is attacking the fish. I'm not sure if I've heard the Clicking noise that a mantis makes. Any other opinions on what it could be? Or how do I find-out if one of these guys is in there?