If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi I'm Steve, I'm 20 years old and I live in Bemidji MN. I am a music education major at Bemidji State University. I currently have a couple of freshwater tanks but I am planning on starting a nano reef.
Algae problem

Algae problem

I have a 75-90gallon tank and I am having a problem with algae I have a 55gallon sump two overflows to two filter socks in the sump next chamber for all LR ( no LR in this section yet ) next is fug 1.5 in live sand bed 10 pounds LR next chamber is skimmer then the last section is return with a BRS Carbon GFO reactor with a return pump......DT has 60 pounds of LR ( another 150 pounds on Friday ) 2in live sand bed 8 bottles of live pods cycled for 4 weeks....using tap water up until 2 weeks ago I have two pink spotted gobies one clown fish one green mandarin one red dragonet one purple reef lobster ten hermit crabs one orange star fish still can't figure out what kind a red thorny starfish 3 acans 1 trumpet 1 hammer 1 red cap monti 1 chalice one green and orange polyp 2 patches of encrusting gorgonian 1 flower anemone 1 BTA 1LTA ( clown fish doesn't host either anemone ) I feed nems and coral 2-3 times a week fish once a day foods are frozen krill shrimp live baby brine shrimp and reef chili With this being said I have what I think is red slime algae and green long haired algae????:headwalls:
You mention you use tap water. Was that untreated? If so that wound be a big source. They are good product on the market to remove red slime. Need to remove carbon and turn off protein skimmer. Will clear it in just a few days
Newbie here

Newbie here

Hey all. New to SW here. Just got my tank up about a month ago. 40gal with two osc clowns and a smaller hairy mushroom. Live rock and live sand. Nothing crazy just yet!

Currently running a HOB bio filter, 75gph power head for current, USA euro protein skimmer with a current orbit 30" dual bulb (dual white spectrum, dual actinic) light. Not looking to set this up as a permanent tank. Will move into a sump once I upgrade tanks. Thinking 75gallon.
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I used Boyd Chemiclean. It worked fast. But don't forget to turn off protein skimmer, remove carbon and all other filter material and then after treatment you need to do a 20-25 percent water change. i did two treatments and it was gone.
Hey all,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm going to be starting a thread in "new to hobby" to post pics & my trials and tribulations. I've been cruising on RC for a while now, and am getting ready to set up my first tank, so I thought I'd say hi before picking your brains and past posts for information.

Thanks and we'll cya around,

Hey guys, new to the hobby, enjoying alot of information and reading. Have a 28G Tank, looking to see whats around the corner, thanks !
Wish to Estabish a Reef Tank

Wish to Estabish a Reef Tank

Hi All

I wish to establish a Reef Tank, require your suggestions...
Thinking of upgrading.

Thinking of upgrading.

Hey all. I'm contemplating upgrading my tank. I have someone who wants to sell me a 90gal reef ready for $90, upgrading significantly from my 40 gal. What do you think? Will the upgrade cost a lot more to invest?
Hello all, My name is Ryan. I've had a 55 gallon saltwater tank a few years ago. i Just purchased a 90g drilled and am currently gathering the rest of my equipment slowly. A lot has changed. Looking forward to having a tank again.


Hey new to this site looking to learn things
Hopefully almost over the brown algae it's slowly going away starting now to get green algae on back of tank the 5g refugium has been running 3 days with 3 different algaes in it and I did notice some pods I beleive... Two concerns is about how long to light the algae and bubble anemone and clown are havin trouble locating a spot to bloom everything else is lookin good

Currently have 60g 4 months old
5g Home made refugium
80lbs live rock
Uv sterilizer
100g canister

I had a 90 Gallon tank about 10 years ago. Now, I'm thinking about jumping back in. Plan is to get a 120/125 gallon tank and build my own LED lights. I'm hoping to keep some fish and corals. I would also really like to get a clam. I don't own anything yet. Trying to be patient and find quality used gear.

However, I just read a post about a $1200 skimmer?!?! What am I doing????
Hey i just re setup my 125 after 5 yrs or so it was in storage. Had a 20 tall going good for awhile my mom tried to keep it going while I was away for a school but failed. My rock survived I'm in for a good cycle now. I have a fuval fx5 canister coralife skimmer reefoct heaters 2 and controllers. T8s 1 36 460, 1 24 10,000k, 1 24 420, current pro strips 2 24 mix white and blue, 1 stip 36 blue. I mounted and played with the LEDs and finally got decent shimmer but nothing breath taking, I plan to let it be for at least 6 weeks, see where it goes. This is the second time I've started over with this tank. The last time it ran for 7 yrs. hope to never move again so I should be good for awhile. I am no crazy saltwater guy just love having some fish and corals. Pretty much a novice that's been doing it for 10-15 years. Never bad to share with some others
Hello reefcentral!

Hello reefcentral!

Hi reefcentral me name be Gomes and I am new to the reefin world.
In all seriousness though I signed up hoping to find some new friends and get expert advice setting up my 90 gallon reef aquarium.
Anyone looking to help put input on my other post about set up would be amazing!
Thanks :D
New to the community

New to the community

Hi, I'm Bingding! I am new to the hobby and to the community; however I have always been a fan. Currently I am setting up 55 gallon tank so hopefully I'll be able to get some insight and good advice from my fellow tankers out there:bounce3::bounce3::bounce3:
hi, I'm VW. I'm new to the saltwater world. I currently have three tanks but they are all currently set up as planted freshwater tanks. One is a high tech planted 40 gallon and then the other tank is a low tech planted 10 gallon tank. My last tank is a 20 gallon tank that is currently housing a single red glass rosy barb fry. This 20 long is what I will be converting into a saltwater tank and it's also the reason I'm checking out this forum so I can get some more information before I start spending a bunch of money on the new tank.
New o Forum

New o Forum

Hi Everyone,
I've been a mad aquarist for years and have had tropicals, cichlids, saltwater or reef systems. A lot of my past success has been limited to finances. I am looking for advice for a few issues currently in my reef system. My PH is 8.1, Ca 450ppm, KH 7dKH (2.5Meg/L) (which is a little low), NH3/NH4 0 ppm,NO3 50+ppm( which is way too high), NO2 0 ppm, PO4 0.2ppm (which is too high)
I have 9 fish in a 90G with refugium and display tank has a DSB. I run an Deltec MCE400 protein skimmer, Canister filter, 1/4hp chiller, Filter sock into refugium.
I live in a dry hot climate so I find evaporation is a big issue. I realise it is a water change issue, but what % do I remove before doing a top up of water? I find as its coming into summer I am topping up 40-60litres a week. I do 100lt water change once a month as well as the weekly top ups. Thanks for any advice.
