If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey folks. I am new to this and literally just brought home a 150 gallon aquarium & stand last night. I had made a run at this about 15 years ago with a 55 gallon setup but it only last about 6 months due to a now known bad pet store and extreme lack of knowledge on my part. This time I am going to research more and be much more patient.
Good luck Harley, but I must warn these darned forums are addictive and I'm frequently lurking and reading the new advice. I wish you well and hope your tank works out this time. GL all of you :) waves
Hello everyone. I have read many threads on this website but I finally decided to join the forum. I am a beginner reefer and can't wait to get started. I've only had freshwater tanks and have always admired saltwater tanks but now I decided to build a reef tank and finally have a beautiful piece of the ocean in my living room.

I have a 70 gallon tank and a 40 gallon sump.
Salt water rookie

Salt water rookie

Greetings RC my name is Luis. I've worked / enjoyed freshwater tanks probably since the age of 9. Now I'm in my 40s and I'm ready to make the switch. I have a family member that's giving me a 75 gallon setup. I look forward to learning from you all. Thanks. Oh and I'm also new to posting on forums so please forgive my lack of knowledge.


hello hugo welcome aboard

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

We are Doran and Yumi. We are setting up 2 tanks right now; a 9 gallon Nano intended for a small seahorse tank, and a 50 cube for reef! It's been a process, and the nano now has water and sand bed and the 50 May have water by the weekend.


Hi everyone.....looking forward to sharing and learning with the group.....I'm new to reefing (and super excited about my new tank...an early Christmas gift to myself this year. I had a 10g saltwater fish only tank and 55g freshwater fish only tank in the past, but its been a while.

I'm really excited about creating a beautiful coral reef with fish and have plenty to learn, so I hope this forum or group will help out with that. I set my tank up on Nov. 29th with live sand and rock and added a cocktail shrimp I bought from Publix the following day to fast track the cycle.

For my tank, I have an Innovative Marine Fusion 20, an XR15 Radion light, Ghost Protein Skimmer, and a heater......

For fish, I now have a couple Clown Fish, two Purple Fire Fish, a Yellow Clown Gobie, a Royal Gramma, some snails and hermit crabs. (might swap fire fish for some blue reef chromis)

For coral, I have a Frog Spawn, a Duncan, 4 Zoanthids, a Trumpet, two Acans, and a Birds Nest. Should receive a Tubs Blue Zoa next week.

Tank is on my desk and I work at home, so I'm able to check on it constantly which I've been doing.....I'm obsessed with it....just love it! Ensuring my water quality is spot on is what I focus on, plus feeding the corals in these early stages, and keeping the tank clean......that's about it for now. Happy Reefing and Happy New Year to all!!! :wave:
Hello everyone! Just joined and am looking forward to the reefing world. I have a new Red Sea Max C-130 that has been up for 5 days now. So far so good. I had a saltwater (fish only) tank in college so have some knowledge but am excited to start reefing.

Just added a couple of small clowns that seem to be enjoying the tank. I have a new Tunze ATO coming today from Amazon and can't wait to get it set up.

Happy New Year!
Posting 1st time

Posting 1st time

Hi all my son and I are learning this new hobby together and have only kept fish, snails, and hermit crabs and starfish so far. We are interested in doing some coral and anemones. Is there a place we can get inexpensive/free coral/anemones to try out since we are novices with them? I have heard some people are willing to split up there anemones and give them away etc. Please let me know.
New to Reef Central 2015

New to Reef Central 2015

I figure that it's time I join reef central. I've been reading the threads for years to gain advice but now I'm ready to participate. My name is Jim and I am setting up my 25g nano. With new Current LEDs and an AquaC Ramora, let the games begin! I am looking for some advice on books that I should get. The internet is great but I love paper : )
im such a newbie :worried:

im such a newbie :worried:

hi everyone ! my name is Jaime, i was given a 30 gallon tank for Christmas and i want to make it a reef tank so i'm going to need as much help as possible ! so far i have it set up with live sand, live rock and a Aquatic Life 24" T5 H0 dual lamp light fixture, a 150 bio-wheel penguin filter and a 100 watt Eheim heater.
my goal is to have lots of coral and fish with bright colours , so i'm wondering what else i have to do ? do i need more equipment ? and what temperature should my tank be kept at? what supplements and water additives should i be adding to keep stable perameters and what should they be ? also i don't know how to do water changes
thanks for your advice in advance!! :)
Hi, I am a new member, trying to follow posting rules-yet I need technical help: I got a 150 Gallon Aquarium with no top trim, and a 22.5 inch wide and two inch deep notch. My problems are:
1) How to fix (or buy replacement) trim so tank is stable
2) How to easily and cheaply buy or make the proper External Overflow Box to catch the overflow and send to sump and return to tank?

I do not need the "best of the best" and the need to keep the costs and complex do it yourself options "not too complex"

I am not trying to reinvent the wheel yet if the 22.5 " wide x 2 inch deep notch is already there - why not use it?

I really am more of a freshwater aquarium hobbyist but this thing might bring me into the slatwater fold after solving my problems:

Hi, I'm Jerry Im a Reefaholic. I've been in the hobby since September of last year. Lots of information to absorb. Lots of GOOD information here. Fascinated with this hobby. Biggest problem so far.......Patience, or lack of it, but I am learning. Look forward to being able to contribute to this forum in the future.
Hey all! My name is Michelle, and I am a BRAND NEWBY to marine aquariums!!! My husband and I have been wanting to start this venture for years and have finally begun! This is what we are beginning with: 55 gal tank; protein skimmer; fluval marine and sea light fixture; of course the thermostat and hydrometer, test kit etc. We started off with live sand, 20 pounds of live rock and 27 pounds of dead rock. We are hoping to have a reef tank with fish eventually. Any advice is GREATLY appreciated, as we are extensively reading, but we know first-hand experience is the best! We are currently trying to decide if our tank is cycled, cycling...eeek who knows!? We have had our tank up and running for 4 days, no fishies or anything else yet, just the live sand and rock - working on aquascaping with some more live rock ASAP. I'm excited to share this venture with all of you as well!!!
First saltwater Tank

First saltwater Tank

Hi all my name is Cole,
I just bought and set up my first tank set up. It is a 60 gallon cube with built in overflow. It came with a AGA mega flow wet/dry sump, LED light with built in timer, a Rio 750 gph pump and a heater. We filled it with 40 pounds of live sand and 20 pounds of what the pet store called dry live rock. I purchased RO water from the pet store to fill the tank. My salinity is at 1.023, my PH is 8.3. my tank has been running for about 2 weeks now and we have been adding flake food for the last 3 or for days in an effort to start it cycling. We have been testing the water everyday since we filled it and all of our levels are still at 0. The only thing we have noticed that has changed is now there is some algae starting to grow on our rock. I'm considering adding a fish to the tank do you think its safe to do so?
My name is Dennis, from White Creek, NY. When i had my 120 gallon freshwater tank have a bad infection of worms, and a big die off from medication, i decided to change it over to a saltwater tank which i had been thinking abut for a few years. My mother has taken a huge interest in it with me, and it has become the center of the household. We have had it set up as a marine tank for over a year now. 120 lbs of live rock, five inches of sand, and a 234 watt LED Aquaticlife light. (model 420280)
Been out of hobby for a while coming back

Been out of hobby for a while coming back

Going to start a rebuild of my old 65 gallon reef ready tank I had set up 4 years ago before I moved. thanks for all the good reading
Hello Reefcentral

Hello Reefcentral

Hello RC.my name is Ryan.im from cincinnati ohio.i get in this hobby from my lil brother.i have 40 gallons fresh water almost 2 years.i have 8 Angels fishes and now i just start 112 gallon salt water with basement sump and refugium setup.the tank have been cycle 6 weeks which some fishes and coral.i hope i will learn more about salt water and make some friend from cincinnati.here is my
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Hello, another newbie here. I'm Julie from Spring Hill FL. hubby Fred & I had fish 30+ years ago, the time was right to get back in the hobby....and BOY has a lot changed!!! We bought a used 125 gallon tank from Craig's List in Sept. and have been working on it since. The hobby is fascinating and so complex! We really appreciate all who share their hard earned knowledge and tips with those new to the hobby, and I look forward to the day when I have enough know-how to PIF as well!


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Yay... First step ask for help!!!!!

Yay... First step ask for help!!!!!

hi everyone, I am ready to get back into the reef hobby. I had a 120g setup before and had to sell everything except the tank. but since then i have acquired. a monster it's a 220g perfecto tank non drilled but i am going to drill the back of the glass for an overflow box. i plan on using my previous 120g tank for the sump . and i was wondering if you guys would be willing to help me with some lighting and protein skimmer suggestions
Hi 😊

Hi 😊

Hi, I'm Kaylee. I'm brand new to this hobby! Just set up my aquarium yesterday and then redid it today. I have a bio bubble to start with. Hope to gain more knowledge and understanding. 😃