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Hi Clown Town :) I'm behind you in the newbie tank setuppy thing. I wish you luck and am going to watch your tank as it evolves if that's okay :)

Welcome :)
new 75 gal reef setup

new 75 gal reef setup

I have ordered a couple of things for my new reef setup. I have a 6 bulb 48" t5 light coming along with a jebao rw8. I need some help with sump or refugium set up. my tank is a standard 75 gal and I am trying to decide what size to go with. looking at the eshops r100 or the r200 refugium. I am thinking of the Danner mag 9.5 return pump. I will need to size the overflow accordingly. I want to have room for a protein skimmer and room to add a reactor. I will be cycling the tank with dry rock and my end goals will be to have a mixture of anenomes corals and fish. MY MAJOR GOAL WILL BE TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND I WANT TO DO THIS IN A METHOTICAL WAY. I plan to take my time in letting the rock cure and cycle and I am asking to draw from the experience and wisdom from the people on this site. Thank You
Hello everyone!!! Newbie here. Just got into the hobby and love it. Been meaning to do so for a while but always thought it was too complicated. Finally took the jump and love it. Learning little by little. Learning to be patient more than anything. Great therapy. I'm 34y/o and a Firefighter in FL. 90Gal Reef tank. Miss it a lot when I'm away for my shift. Lol. Is that crazy?
Hi my name is Doug fairly new to the hobby. I'm about 3 months into my first saltwater tank a 92 gallon corner, bit of a fixer upper I picked up off of craigslist. I spent a couple months researching (and driving my fiance nuts) beforehand and continue to do so. I'm joining the community because I feel I have researched as much as I can about the generalities of the hobby and would like to discuss the specifics of my tank and others with people in the community, and hopefully one day attain enough knowledge to pass some on myself.

Hey everyone :wavehand:
I'm getting back into the hobby with an 80g reef + 30g sump.
About five years ago I was maintaining a 10g nano reef with a fire fish, a fire shrimp, small clean up crew and about 15lb live rock. Few years before that I had a 25g tall reef with flame angel, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, emerald crap, tube anemone, mushrooms, xenia and some polyps.
First time Marine tank owner

First time Marine tank owner

Hi my name is Lisa and I live in Ohio..just getting started with my first tank,150 gallon Fish only primarily to start and with some live and dead rock. I am using a professional to design, install and mnt. the tank for the first 6 months just to learn the process of water changes and everything. Although he is a professional I want to learn as much as possible so it will be done my way and not end up with him in control of what I get. I want to purchase my fish where I want..have the rock and substrates I want..so..I need lots of education. I am so fortunate that within a few miles I have 3 large tropical fish suppliers and I can't wait to get my babies home.
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I am going to start a smaller 75 gallon reef for my first time. I just purchased a 150 gallon corner tank that I am not doing myself. I am just starting the learning process and need to have the professionals get me going...I am starting out with fish only for now
Just started a couple of months ago on a whim after my 2 little boys begged me to get them a tank. Figured if I was going to do it I'd do it right- Countless $$ later I'm addicted and were having a blast learning as we go. Looking forward to getting involved on this forum and contributing when possible.
My name is Mandy and I am a HS oceanography/biology teacher. After one of my students donated 2 55-gallon aquariums and odd supplies, I was pretty much forced to start setting up aquariums to keep specimens for my classes. I currently have 1 55-gallon tank cycling with live sand after having to tear it down and start from scratch. I have a 10-gallon emergency tank holding the 2 fish, 3 snails, 2 mangroves, and some chaeto until the 55-gallon is back up and cycled. At home I have 2 10-gallon tanks piggy-backed side by side holding live sand and one tiny dragons breath macroalgae. I eventually want a mixed tank in the 55-gallon, a macroalgae tank, and probably an invert tank. I've been doing a lot of research and am currently trying to clean up a brown algae issue, but things are getting better.

Anyone have advice for teachers using tanks mainly for the purpose of holding a wide variety of classroom specimens? Looking for way to organize to maximize space and to have complete nutrient cycling.
Oooh this sounds very interesting Littlefoot. I do hope I can nab some of the advice given and am avidly watching this thread :)

Welcome :) Lovely to have you join us all. I'm new too and it's awesome
Hello all I'm new been reading post for about a week now and I'm finding all the abbreviated talk on lighting and corels a bit confusing. What I do like so far is the openess to encourage people to injoy the hobby and the willingness to teach others that just don't know. Thank you all. I feel I'm going to be here a long time.
Hi, i'm Sushant from India. i have been keeping fresh water tanks for 20+ years (Mostly planted tanks) . i have decided to take a plunge to the saltwater side of the hobby too. i'm planning to start a 55 gallon reef shortly. but would like to dedicate some time understanding the basics before i start.
Evan here from Nebraska. I have had freshwater for 10years and started a 7g nano salt about 9 months ago, i am currently working gone setting up a 40b. Glad to be here and learn!
Yet another newbie!

Yet another newbie!

Hi..my name is steph...I have many questions and don't really know where to start...not even sure how to post them...let's see if this works!
Black stuff in/ on my sand?

Black stuff in/ on my sand?

What do I do to get rid of this stuff? Hopefully I posted this in the right place!
Use Jebao equip, it's cheap!

Use Jebao equip, it's cheap!

I have ordered a couple of things for my new reef setup. I have a 6 bulb 48" t5 light coming along with a jebao rw8. I need some help with sump or refugium set up. my tank is a standard 75 gal and I am trying to decide what size to go with. looking at the eshops r100 or the r200 refugium. I am thinking of the Danner mag 9.5 return pump. I will need to size the overflow accordingly. I want to have room for a protein skimmer and room to add a reactor. I will be cycling the tank with dry rock and my end goals will be to have a mixture of anenomes corals and fish. MY MAJOR GOAL WILL BE TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND I WANT TO DO THIS IN A METHOTICAL WAY. I plan to take my time in letting the rock cure and cycle and I am asking to draw from the experience and wisdom from the people on this site. Thank You

Fish-street.com has all sorts of Jebao pumps, skimmers, uv sterilizes, everything and it will save u hundreds on this build. It can be confusing at first because many items u see on there look out of stock, they aren't simply click on the item and it will then give you a price and shipping estimate. As for the sump or refugium take the money u saveby purchasing Jebao equipment and purchase a trigger systems sump ($330) or so, with built in refugium, and adjustable water height skimmer section. Or you can purchase a cheap 40 gal breeder and silicone some glass baffles DIY in at home for hundreds less, a 40gal breeder may come for sale in your local craigslist. Some things to look at on fish-street are as follows: Coral box D500 skimmer, Jebao DCT 8000 return pump, 18w UV sterilizer, Jebao D4 doser, etc. are all very high quality products and reviews and vids can be found on YouTube. The best part is they all run on DC current for longer lasting, quieter, and cooler running pumps than the ac version and all can be controlled by an apex controller or others. Hope this helps!:beer:
Hey my name is Taylor and I'll be cycling my first ever tank at the start of the new year!
I got lucky and found a tank in the garbage decided to reseal it and take on this exciting hobby!!

I have a column 56 gallon tank
2 voyager 3's
Reef Octopus bh-100f hob skimmer/filter
Reef breeder photon 24 led lighting
150watt heater
Lots of patience!

I'll be getting my sand base rock and live rock in the next couple of weeks and then I'll go from there!! Even before starting the exciting part of building my tank I have had so much fun researching and learning so much about how a reef works and how so many things are apart of this vast ecosystem!! Any tips or suggestions are highly appreciated!!

One thing I do that may be overkill is put Seachem Stability in everyday. Just a capful of the large bottle. My LFS also does this to their tank and they told me that I didn't have to do this but that it definitely wouldn't hurt.
Tank Stats:

75 gal Perfecto tank 48x18x20" off craigslist. (Drilled)
40 gal sump 36x16x16" (four chamber: socks, skimmer, refugium, return)
Glass Holes 1500gph overflow kit with two 1.5" drains
Two 4" filter socks
Coral Box D700 Skimmer (Largest model, probably overkill but adjustable flow)
Refugium: Chaeto, miracle mud, mangrove tree, live rock (Copepod/Amphipods)
Jebao DCT 8000 return pump (again overkill but adjustable flow)
Two Cobalt Neotherm 150w heaters ( one in sump, one in tank)
Flex PVC return line (1")
One Venturi style swirl eductor (1")
Jebao RW-8 Wavemaker (Adjustable flow)
48" Marineland Reef LED (came with tank)
No controller: looking to build Arduino style controller. (Future)
5 stage Reverse Osmosis System without de-ionization (I drink this water too)
Feeding live food: silversides, Cope/Amphi, brine shrimp, garlic, homemade stuff
Red Sea test kit.
Red Sea Coral salt
Jebao Four stage dosing pump (future)
Carbon bags/ possible reactor (future)
BRS Pukani Dry Rock (40-60lbs)
Carib-Sea Ocean Direct grade live sand (80lbs)
All pumps (skimmer, return, wavemaker) are DC power (low heat)

Any feedback on this list is greatly appreciated. I have many of these things, but some I do not have or have not ordered yet (sump, 1500gph overflow kit, flex PVC, dosing pump, carbon/reactor, live sand, Pukani Dry rock) but this is my set plan so far. Also if in the future I can get by with pellets/flakes or any high quality food that is easy feeding I would love that for automation during trips or vacations to minimize my fish sitters job, but i realize this all depends on the fish/coral species in the tank. The reason some of these parts are so powerful is I plan in the future to upgrade to a 150gal tank.

Fish stock list, and reasons:

3 squareback anthias (schooling fish)
1 orange spotted goby (best sandsifter)
1 Starry blenny (rock hopper)
2 clownfish (anemone symbiosis)
1 Dwarf Flame Angel (color, watch out for corals)
1 watchman goby (pistol shrimp symbiosis)
1 pistol shrimp (watchman goby symbiosis)
1 blue tang (color, look out for ick)
1 yellow tang (color, look out for ick)
2 engineer goby (look like eels, won't kill my fish or shrimp)
2 barnacle blenny (shoot out of rocks to feed)
1 molenaris wrasse (buries itself in sand)
1 cleaner wrasse (hopefully to keep tangs free of ick)
2 clams (look cool)
2 harlequin shrimp (feed on choc chip starfish)
1 mandarin goby ( color, eats only Copepods)
Cleanup crew (emerald crabs, snails, hermits, shrimp)

I realize these can be fairly advanced fish to keep, and would like feedback on the list, some of these fish cannot be kept until the tank is well established. I understand that 18 actual fish is a lot to keep in a tank that is 75 gal, however a well known YOUTUBER named reefer Gil has a very similar 75 gal setup with many of the same fish, his has 13 actual fish total. I am willing to part with possibly the anthias although I would really like schooling fish, either the watchman goby or the orange spotted goby if either will pair with a pistol shrimp then I want the orange spotted for its incredible sand sifting abilities. I would also part with the blue tang I'm worried my tank may be too small and I also would part with the cleaner wrasse if you guys do not think he will be needed. Also I need tips on a clean up crew, how much of each emerald, hermit, snail, shrimp etc. I am looking to do SPS and LPS corals and softies and read that hermits and other crabs can puncture the softies and do damage with their pointy legs. Hopefully I can accommodate as many of these creatures into my tank as possible, as I should be able to cycle the water very well and remove much of the bio load with my setup. I am completely new to this and bought my tank off craigslist, but as you can tell I have been researching for monthes now and hope I can pull off one of the most beautiful 75gal reefs around over the next couple years. Any feedback/tips are welcome guys!


I have posted this 3 times idk why no one will help me, I entered in new reef fish recs and snorvich has ignored me each time and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong all I want is help. Plz someone explain to me this damn site!
Finally made the leap

Finally made the leap

Just started setting up my IM 20 gallon. I'm looking forward to getting it going. Planning on a slow start to keep everything happy. My exp has been freshwater primarily.

Thank you