If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi all, new reefer but not new aquarist here. I have 5 planted tanks, ranging from a dedicated shrimp tank to bettas and even had some luck breeding German Blue Rams. I've felt the gentle nibble of the saltwater bug for a while now but it wasn't until recently that it got me good. I'm in the planning stages of a 40 breeder and very excited to move forward with it.
Returning back to the Hobby

Returning back to the Hobby

HI All,

After thirteen years returning back to the hobby. since last I had the reef tank many things have changed with new technology. I ma looking into custom building a 125g to 150g tank and would like to get input on what type of tank i should consider glass/acrylic). I live in Fremont CA and would appreciated if the members of forum give some ideas and local fish stores to visit.

Thank You,
Hello everyone,

I also am one of those returning to the hobby after a long absence. 14 years for me. I've been lurking for a while reading through so much of the great information here.

I used to have FOWLER / Clown fish & anemone tanks. Currently I have a 150 gallon tank w/ sump I will be turning into a reef tank. It's been up and running for about 2 months now. I'm looking forward to adding livestock and making the magic happen.

Spending time here I realize I've already made some mistakes, thus making me change things around. Still have a few things I want to do like plumbing the lines with PVC and changing my sump. Looking forward to hanging out here and sharing the journey.
Hello everyone,

I am brand new to saltwater, but have been a freshwater hobbyist on-and-off for several decades. My first tank was a 10 gallon mixed Goldfish and Oscar community at age 14. Currently keeping 6 freshwater tanks of various sizes at home.

I'm in the process of graduating my 12" Silver Arowana from her current 36 gallon BowFront to a 90 gallon in the next few weeks; gradually adjusting the 90G water parameters to suit the Arowana.

After that's completed, it would then free up the 36 gallon BowFront for my very first saltwater aquarium. I’m planning a Reef build with a 16 or 20 gallon sump.

I don’t plan to drill the 36BF so I’ll do an over-the-frame Overflow box, with a custom baffle set which I’m currently learning and sketching out the design.

Any recommendations/tips/tricks on a reliable straddle-over-the-aquarium-frame Overflow box is much appreciated.

I have googled the following Overflow boxes, in order of preference:

1. KollerCraft TOM RP3 overflow Box
2. Aqua-Link ADP 2110-Short overflow box
3. EShopps PF-300, PF-800 overflow box
4. Aqueon 125 gallon overflow box

I’m leaning toward either the KollerCraft TOM RP3, or Aqua-Link 2110-S, both seem more reliable in maintaining siphon through power outage/resumption. But I’m looking for Fail-Proof

Anyways, very glad to join Reef Central, I have learned tons from y’all already.

Howdy and Thank you very much,
New Member

New Member

Hello, My name is Andrew and I'm fairly new to the Saltwater aquarium. I ran many successful African and South American cichlid tanks over the years. I am currently running a 75G saltwater aquarium with 90 lbs of live rock. It's been steady for 5 months and have since added a zebra damsel, blue damsel, a clown, a bi-color angel, two peppermint shrimp (glass anemone) and some prehistoric looking cleaner fish (gradually over the past 3 months).
If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey all. My names Shae. I've been here for awhile but never introduced myself formally. I've been out of the salt water hobby for about 2 years and am planning on starting another tank as soon as the funds and plans are more solid. My wife and I just about a new home a year ago and I tore down all 3 tanks I had that were fresh water at the time. Most of the fish never made it through the move. Now my wife wants another tank. And I have a garage full of them.

My previous reef tank was a 75 gallon with life reef overflow and RO HoB skimmer. The sump was never completed but was in use as to increase the total system water and enhance flow and filtration via filter socks. Lights was a 6tube t5 aquaticlife 48" fixture. There's a chance this tank could life again.
Hello everyone

My name is Peter and I come from Portugal.

I am 30 years old and have aquarium for about 11 months.

Greetings and Salutations!

My name is Tim, I am a teacher and took over a salt water tank when my co-teacher who kept it passed away. He did not have much success to begin with and ran only inverts (horseshoe crab, urchins etc.) I attempted to take the tank over and it crashed. I decided to go into soft corals with the tank and failed miserably the first try. I re-established the tank over the last 8 months and everything I have introduced is doing fairly well! Now I am getting addicted and getting a 72 bow front ready for my house!
New to forum, not new to hobby

New to forum, not new to hobby

Hello, I'm in central pa, (north central, Williamsport) I have had a few salt tanks but now have one 75gallon. It use to be a see through tank but last year I moved it to a new location and now it is up against wall. I neglected the tank after I moved it for some time. Had rehomed all of the inhabitants except for crabs, starfish, and whatever I couldn't catch. Now I've been back to restocking. I do have to admit that in the last year or more I changed only about 15-20 gallons of water. That was when no major livestock was present. I have a simple rock stack for filter and skimmer. I have never used chemicals and have always had a great tank. Now I'm joining this forum and getting a bit more conscious of the craft. I had previously used halides and cf lights but just bought some LEDs with timers, two separate light fixtures as I couldn't see one being enough might add a third. Reason for that was built in timer and light cycles plus it had a cool weather pattern you could stimulate storms/lightning. Probably just irritate inhabitants and never use it but pretty cool. I do have a infestation of majanos on one rock cluster and am debating the better way of extinguishing them. I don't have much experience on riding them as they have never been out of control as they are now. Possibly some peppermint shrimp? Have been looking into the majano wand or even the nuking them with a laser. That is why I have arrived here. Anyone have experience with the zapping of majanos with electric or light?
Hi hope I'm doing this right!

Hi hope I'm doing this right!

hi, my name is Chris. I had tanks several years ago, but I've just recently gotten started again. I think I have forgotten everything and basically starting from scratch! I have a Red Sea max c130 34 gallon tank.
I agree this is a very addictive hobby! But I really missed it. I hope I can remember everything, but this site has been extremely helpful
Hello im new

Hello im new

Hello Everyone, im new to reef central. Ive been keeping marines for around 4 years now. I currently only have 1 tank :( but it is 900L. Not heavily stocked got around a dozen fish, various inverts most of which i never see! lol. Got some zoas mushrooms a sick acan and lobo, a massive toadstool, clam and hammer with some other bits too. I am also a member of ultimate reef.
Hey all

Hey all

Hey guys, what's up? My name is Brian and I'm brand new to the whole tank thing. I just got my first tank from a friend of a friend...its 90 gallon, and I'm planning on doing a Reef tank. All I have right now is the tank, sand, and substrate...I'm working on slowly piecing it together. I'm currently looking for a decent deal on craigslist for some live rock....I'll update as I go, but if anybody has any advice for a total newbie, I'm open to listen.
I used to keep freshwater tanks until I moved 3 years ago.
Two weeks ago, I started a marine aquarium. It was cycling with a shrimp for about 3 weeks prior to that and I added Prodibio Start Up before adding the first inhabitants. It is a 55g with a 55g sump (built from another tank). I currently have a 2 ocellaris clownfish, a cleaner shrimp and 7 lps. Lights are are 2 DIY led fixture running about 25 blue led, 25 white led and 8 UV led.
I'm also running a DIY waterfall algae scrubber instead of a protein skimmer (I have a protein skimmer that is not being used incase the scrubber does not work out).
Tests are fairly stable and the tank inhabitants are fairly happy (except with blastomussa merletti which has yet to open since it was added a few days ago).
Eventually, I would want to get a mandarin goby but that's not until next year when I get around to setting up a copepod culture.
Hello all, i have been freshwater fish keeping off and on for 20 years (since i was 9 years old) i currently have a 125gal FW aquarium with a big healthy oscar and some silver dollers.

I just started my 1st SW tank, a 10gal nano Fowlr it has live rock, crush coral and a clownfish i have an empty 60 gal that will eventually be my SW tank if i can learn on the 10.
New to SW and to posting on any forum of any kind. I would really like to do one of those build threads on here (I've got plenty of pics). Is there a particular way or a particular forum for that? Thanks! Lots of great info on here.
Hello from Melissa at Dolphin Pumps!

Hello from Melissa at Dolphin Pumps!

I am so excited to happen upon this community! As you may know the brand Dolphin Pumps, you may not know me. So here we go, I am my father's only daughter and recent addition to the Dolphin Brand. We are a family owned external pump manufacturer specializing in economical, long lasting and the most advanced products in the industry. What we lag behind in marketing, we place into research and development. Right now we are excitingly testing new and technologically advanced products. Yippy! What makes my customers smile makes me smile!

We LOVE, LOVE our customers and we were the first pump manufacturing company to offer a warranty exchange program, some others may refer to it as a loyalty program. If we can't reasonably fix it, we can reasonably get you into the newest and best. Of course, our pumps are hard to kill"¦we just repaired an almost 20 year old pump! Wonderful!

Call us any time with any questions (850) 434-9880! or email (info@dolphinpumps.com)"¦or snail mail (238 W Michigan Ave, Pensacola, FL 32505). Facebook too!

We do not sell directly, but we service and love to hear from our end users. We are happy to see our distributors as sponsors to this site! Way to go!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Warmest Regards,

thinking of building a reef tank

thinking of building a reef tank

Hi all, im contemplating building a reef tank so ive been reading this forum feverishly for weeks. Im from Amsterdam (netherlands), and am returning to the tank hobby after 15 years. Im not sure yet if i'll do a fresh water planted tank or a reef tank. Ive never done a reef tank, so im a bit nervous about it. Im a techie by nature, so whichever way I go, it'll be fully automated using an apex.

Im planning on getting a 250G tank, with a 50G sump and basically the works. Protein skimmer, calcium, ozon, doser, feeder, ATO/RO, etc.

My main concern is that im traveling at times, sometimes for up to 2 months. Im still wondering if that's compatible with owning an aquarium. Maybe not. I do have house sitters, but they couldnt do much more than basic stuff.

Hello reef central, first post to the site but I have been creeping for a wile as I do as much research as possible. I'm in the process of building an 10g softie tank. I am by no means new to fish but this will be my first reef tank. I had an extremely successful planted fw in which my black neon tetras would breed on a regular basis.

I also am really into planted vivaria, I keep red eyed tree frogs



But back to my 10g, I'm still collecting equipment. As of now I am using a 2x24w t5ho fixture with a 10k and an actinic bulb. I plan on running sumpless but as far as mechanical filtration is concerned I have a 350gph adjustable hob filter that I have gutted and am going to make media baskets out of egg crate for seachem purigen and chemipure elite. I also have a 110gph gutted hob filter which I plan on using to house a biocube protein skimmer. As for flow I am going to use a hydor koralia nano pump. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated. Please go easy on me