Hello all,
My name is Rodney and I'm from Fort Smith, Arkansas. I have had a freshwater tank for around 10 years, but have always wanted a Reef tank and about 2 years ago I finally took the plunge.
Unfortunately, I made the horrendous error of thinking I could have someone else set up and maintain my tank for me without taking the time to understand what's going on. I have come to realize just how huge of a mistake that was and have paid for it dearly. I now thoroughly appreciate the importance of doing my own research, as well as understanding and maintaining my own system.
So, while I've had a saltwater tank for years, I've actually just been in the hobby myself for about 6 weeks, and have been playing catchup, which is what brought me here.
I currently have a 55 gallon tank (48"x12"x20") started in 2013 with a 1-2" live sand bed, 60-70 pounds of live rock, AI SOL Superblues x2, a HOB overflow box to an underneath sump with a reef octopus skimmer. I also have a 3 gallon hang on refugium with chaeto and am currently trying to breed some Tisbe pods in it. I have a RODI filter for top offs and water changes.
For testing and maintenance I have a refractometer and API's Saltwater and Reef Master test kits. I have the Salifert magnesium test kit ordered. I keep instant ocean sea salt for water changes and have ordered the BRS 2 part Ca/Alk kit for maintaining levels.
I'm in the process of rebuilding my tank inhabitants after 2 years of high turnover. My tank currently hosts a couple of black and white ocellaris, a yellow tang, and a lawnmower blenny. My inverts include 10 cerith snails, a few nassarius and trochus, about 5 blue leg hermits (the only remnant of my former cleaner crew), 2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp and a fire shrimp.
Snails have been difficult for me to come by this past month, but I plan to add as they become available until i get 10 each of cerith, nassarius, trochus and nerite as well as 3 turbos. Since I've been without much of a clean up crew, I've got a fairly significant algae issue that popped up when I took over my own water changes 6 weeks ago after discovering my SpG was 1.008 (no that's not a typo) and what exactly that meant. Surprisingly, the ocellaris, tang and hermits all predate that discovery.
Feeding is currently a mix of cobalt flake, NLS Thera+A sinking pellets, frozen mysis and Nori. I will be adding Rod's original blend and coral frenzy into the mix once my population grows and I've added Coral.
My long-term plans include:
Royal Gramma
Citrinis Clown Goby
Red Mandarin (once I've established my Tisbe population)
Blue Dot Jawfish
Chromis x 3 (probably blue reef)
Emerald Green Crab
Red Sea Star
Rose Bulb Anemone
a couple of Zoas
Acan Brain
Lavendar Mushroom
Soft Coral
Pulsing Xenia
That's me and my tank in a nutshell. I look forward to being a part of the community!