If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

I'm Jeff. Been reading the site for a long time, well before I actually got my tank going. Lots of great info here. Have a 75 gallon with a 30 gallon sump. Only been going about 3 months buts it getting there
Back in the hobby!

Back in the hobby!

Hola Amigos!
Well, after roughly 10 years I am jumping back in the water with both feet. Just sourced a really nice used 150g 5' x 2' x 2' acrylic tank and am currently building out the system. Introducing all the kids to the hobby now that they are old enough to understand all the responsibilities required. But I tell you, I feel like SO MUCH HAS CHANGED in the past 10 years. All new skimmer technology (I need a pinwheel needle something or other now?). So I will be coming and looking for advice and hopefully share the experience with you all as we go.

Returning Reefer

Returning Reefer

Ryan here. Had a 75 gallon reef tank over 10 years ago. Setting my feet down firm from corporate America and sticking to one place to live. Now that I have, I got the reef bug again. Haven't dove back in yet, trying to rally my .5 into thinking a reef tank is a better idea than a 70" flat screen for our new home. In any case, I'm sponging up as much knowledge on new tech and methodologies, best practices So I can avoid any "I told you so" reef moments my wife is so good at. Here's to a perfect reef journey!
New to RC & SW!!

New to RC & SW!!

Hey guys,

I am 30 years old and have had FW aquariums for about 20 years on and off. Been around FW my whole life as my Grandmother used to have at least 15 tanks in her house when I was little, and believe me, I spent a lot of time at her house helping care for the tanks. She never had a SW tank since I was born though. She did used to have a 90g and 240g SW tank back in the mid 70's, with octopus and seahorses and other cool fish as well. So, I guess I get my OBSESSION with fish and aquatic life from my Grandma. Okay enough about her.

I currently have 2- 75g and 1- 55g FW tanks that are kept immaculate. I recently purchased a 150g (6'x18"x25") tank from a local reefer and I am now diving into the SW world. I have been stalking:hmm3:, er, I mean researching, a lot of the posts here on RC for the last 2 months in preparation for my adventure into SW. I can't wait until I can put up a build thread and let everyone see my tank.

I am bouncing back and forth about whether or not to go with an aggressive or community tank. It will certainly be FOWLR with no intentions of coral for quite a while. What are your thoughts in regards to which might be easiest to care for for a beginner SW keeper?

Aggressive wish list would be:
Humu Trigger, Porc. Puffer, Snowflake Eel, Blue Tang, Queen Angel, Banana Wrasse, Hardwicke Wrasse, Flame Angel

Community wish list would be:
3 pairs of Ocellaris Clowns, 4- Yellow Tangs, 2- Blue Tangs, Flame Angel, Foxface

Now, like I said these are more of a wishlist than a stock list for now. Still have awhile before that time gets here. :reading:Still researching:reading:, of course!!

I appreciate ALL responses good and bad, if not for the responses from other members a lot of us would never even pull the trigger on the things we ask about here.
First saltwater tank!!!

First saltwater tank!!!

Hello everyone,
I am still in the works of getting my first saltwater tank up and running. I have a 210g dual overflow tank that I bought about 4 months ago and so far I have bought a trigger 34 sump, Vectra m1 pump, and AquaMaxx ConeS Q-3 In-Sump Protein Skimmer, done with all the plumbing. I feel like I'm getting into the final parts before adding water. but if anyone has any tips and advice that would be awesome. thanks in advance and I'm going to continue reading everyones post!
really new

really new

I am looking into getting into this hobby. Trying to learn as much as possible. Not sure where to start. I would like to start with a 60 gallon tank, but i am not sure if its big enough. I love the look of both fish and corals. Need to start simple enough that i dont kill anything. Any advise would be helpful.
Welcome brother - good to see you here. I haven't posted much lately due to being crazy busy with work, but glad to hear you got a 90g. Like me, seemed large at first, but will make you wish you went larger, like to a 300g. Anyway, enjoy - it's much more fun than freshwater IMO.
Hi from Dallas Texas area. With many years of successful freshwater tanks, I am new to reefing, with my first 90G tank + sump going on just one week. Just saw my first tick up in Ammonia to 0.25 PPM yesterday, so excited to see some cycling progress. Started with dead rock, reef rock, live sand, refugium mineral mud, and Top Fin Quick Start. Wanting to see some life, I added some chaeto and culerpa to my refugium, and two tiny red hermit crabs who have a LOT of elbow room. I'm ready to see my cycle take off, so I can look to adding some clowns in a few weeks.

Welcome brother - good to see you here. I haven't posted much lately due to being crazy busy with work, but glad to hear you got a 90g. Like me, seemed large at first, but will make you wish you went larger, like to a 300g. Anyway, enjoy - it's much more fun than freshwater IMO.
Returning member....

Returning member....

Hello all, its been some time since ive been on RC. Life has changed a lot and all for the better. I have the pleasure of introducing my GF to the world of Aquatics...and the life under the sea lol so far she has become addicted lol. I encourage her to come on RC as much as she can because I know the quality of members the site has and everyone is very helpful to the new inexperienced fishes..... Any way I wanted to say hello once again and I look forward to learning from some and helping some others....:bounce3:
Looking for anyone in or around western Kentucky; new to be hobby.

Looking for anyone in or around western Kentucky; new to be hobby.

I am new to the hobby and I am looking for anyone close to me. I bought a coralife biocube 29 that was about a year old with some coral and two clown fish. I am still having trouble with using test kit and levels to maintain to keep a healthy and beautiful tank. Anyone that can help would be great


Name is rem ,new to hobby ,well I started with 40 breeder 2 months ago and upgrading to 250 reefer this week with radion xr15 pro 2 of them my question is how high should I run led 50 percent and will be using complete start for cycle ,hoe long should I wait till start transferring fish to new tank

I'm new here. I am very interested in learning about saltwater reefs. I have no experience other then the research I have done online. I'm interested in getting 100 gallon tank. Look forward to discussions with you all!
John here. I've been a FW guy for 20 plus years. Was given a 135 RR and now feel compelled to go SW. However, I am going to do a local only tank while I learn. It would tick me off to loose expensive fish over simple inexperience. I know to use the search function as much as possible.
What I have learned is that no many do the local only thing. So, as soon as I finish cutting out and replacing the front glass on this tank...(upon cleaning, the guy had scratched the front glass so bad I'm sure he knew he better not charge anyone, anything) I'll finish getting it ready and filled.
I'm a carpenter and residential construction guy by trade so there is not much mechanical that scares me.
Great to be in another forum!
Hello everybody!
Hi all!
I'm Dave, I'm 26 and I've been into keeping aquariums for about 10 years now. I started with all freshwater and I am working my way into marine tanks. I currently have a 40 g corner bow front fresh water tank with African cichlids and a 20 gallon hex tank with 2 percula clowns and a royal gramma. I am currently acquiring all of the equipment to set up a 75 gallon reef tank, slowly but surely. Lol I look forward to getting to know everyone and helping out where I can!
Hi, everyone, my name is Mike and have been reading the forum for quite a while now. I am originally from Chicago, however, I will be moving to the new Sabbia Beach Condos building in Pompano Beach, FL with my wife next year. I've a 50 gallon tank for about a year now. Haven't been able to take it out as often as I would like. I hope that once I move I will have much more time on my hands.
hello all. . well being a newbie I've been reading a lot.(avery lot) . so now I've started out with a 55 long running a 525gph polar aurora 5 stage external filter.running on ocean revives artic s026. and somekind of used hang on protein skimmer i bought from my lfs.well my tank is exactly 1 month old today. i have been waiting for my cycle to go through but like i said I'm a newbie and don't really know what to look for.ive been testing lol everyday. my amon.never went through a spike but now my nitrate has been apron.20ppm. i have around 60 pds of live rock. apron 2 - 3 inches crushed coral bedding 4 clowns and a button polop 2 peppermint shrimp and aprox 10 snails 2 hammer frags. now everything in tank has been since week 2 and is doing awesome. lots of colors. but I'm getting frustrated with the high nitrates. really not wanting to dose sugar or vodka even the vinegar seems weird. I'm trying to get a all natural tank. so me question is besides water changes what else can i do to bring down my nitrates. water temp at 77-80running lites 10 on 14 off i run the whites apron from 8 till 6 then blues for hour more like to feed about 8 30 ... been feeding brine shrimp. at night and drop apron 16 pellets in the morning?
tyvm for any help in my nitrates...
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Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone, my name is Cat and I'm new to the aquarium scene. My boyfriend and I setup our very first fish tank in January and shortly after inherited a 75 gallon marine tank. We are having a lot of fun with them. Today our female two stripe clownfish started hosting our carpet anemone!
Anyways, can't wait to read more posts on here! Seems like anytime I've had troubles this forum has provided the best advice, figured it was about time I joined!
Hey all! I've been lurking around these forums off and on since about 2006, so I know my way around, but the time has finally come for me to start a reef tank! I have plenty of freshwater experience, and have kept a wide variety of small freshwater fish. The pea puffer is by far my favorite. But I've always secretly preferred saltwater.

I'm in the final research stages for my 7.9 gallon Fluval Flora/EBI reef overhaul, as you can see in my other thread, and I'm super excited! Thanks for putting up with my dumb questions while I get settled in!

AquaMaxx protein skimmer just died

AquaMaxx protein skimmer just died

my amaxxMaxx protein skimmer just died and i'm hoping I can get some advice on the following:
1. how do I keep my water parameters consistent with a dead PS?
2. What is the best protein skimmer on the market that can fit a emerald trigger sump (10'x13X22x)?

Unfortunately I'm going to have to make this decision without enough research as the aquaa Maxx just died. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

help please