New To Reef Central and New to Saltwater Tanks
New To Reef Central and New to Saltwater Tanks
Hello everyone. I'm not new to aquariums. (I have 3 freshwater tanks now, a 125 gallon "assorted african" cichlid tank, a 75 gallon angelfish tank, and a 55 gallon tank that has some tiger barbs in it.) However, I AM new to saltwater, and that is what brings me here.
My intent is to turn my 55 gallon into a reef tank. (It will be some time yet before I get started, because I will wait until my tiger barbs die off before I do this, and I obviously am not going to do anything to hurry that process along. I just simply will not replace them as they die off.)
Anyway, I will want fish as well as corals, and was just wondering from some of you experts on this matter just what some options might be for that. I'd love to have something like this...
I've also come across an article suggesting not to have a filter if you put in live rock. This goes against EVERYTHING I know about aquariums. Is this a common practice for saltwater? Here's the short of it:
Notice in the list above that I didn't mention a mechanical filter... I haven't run a mechanical filter on my saltwater tanks in years. I use a combination of ample amounts of high quality live rock, turbulent water flows provided by power heads and the protein skimmer removes dissolved organics as they break down in the water column. Very easy to set up and maintain and you don't have to worry about nitrate build ups in the mechanical filter which can lead to algae issues.
Here's the link to the full article:
Any suggestions/input from you saltwater experts is most welcome.
Thank you.