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I tend to doubt you'll drain the ocean filling that 30 gal. I'd say, of course use the ocean water. You can't beat mother nature. Some people run ocean water though a filter but I really don't think that is necessary unless the water is unusually turbid. I would suggest running carbon when using it as it can remove any trace organic contaminants that may be leaching into beach water. Mixing ASW and NSW is fine. Just make sure to match the salinity.
Thank you Waterkeeper. My reef tank will be a 60gal. tank and I do run carbon on the 30 gal tank so therfore I will continue. Hauling 60gals of saltwater from the ocean shall be a task. lol
Can a long-time lurker, but infrequent poster say "Hello"? I hope so, because here goes:

Hi, I'm Shannon. I'm from Southern California. After many years of freshwater tanks, I decided to try a saltwater tank in 2006. I quickly progressed from: "A biocube sounds like a great way to start;" to: "I only want fish, and never anything larger than 75 gallons;" then "Gee, I could try that geen slimer and see how it goes;" and finally: "I really think a 180 gallon tank would look great in the living room!" :o

For the record, it does look pretty great! :D

I've gotten some great advice through my lurking here, and just wanted to official say "hi" and thanks!
But look at all the muscle mass you are building if you haul about 160 pounds of seawater to you tank each week, Shannon. ;)
Hi, my name is Jakob, please call me Jay. I am a 15 year old boy from Reykjavik in Iceland, thats where i currently live. I have been with the fish bacteria for 7 years now, i please do not want people to underestimate me just because im young. Why not: My english is clear, i am mature and i work at a lfs. All the seven years i have kept fish i have only been into the freshwater fish but recently i have wanted more and more to set up a reef tank. So i am working on a Nano reef tank, i am not sure of size yet but it will be around 70L. I am at school currently but i am going to get a masters degree and a doctors degree in biologi. So i am a future biologist that will specify in fish. I dont know where i am going to work but i am probably someday going to open a lfs myself.
I currently have a 100g Central american cichlid tank and am buying the 70L tank soon.
So thats me, and i hope i get to know any of you better.
I could give a whole new meaning to the term "Beach Babe" :D

My husband still shakes his head over the fact that I wouldn't let him put a deck in the back yard because it would have created steps that I couldn't roll my Brute over!
I hope your Master's Thesis will be on "The Elimination Biological Contamination in the Marine Ecosystem, Precisely Newbies." :D
Hi all im from the caribbean (Trinidad) to be exact. I currently have a 50 gallon aquarium which is just cycled and ready for fish and inverts. Im very new to the saltwater aspect of aquarium keeping and look forward to some great advice from reef central.
Hello everyone from here in Texas. I'm not totally new to saltwater fishkeeping, but I am new to reef tanks and am getting back into the hobby after about 15 years or so. Look forward to lots of searching and reading, and maybe asking a few questions too!
hi-limerboy hi-nipper, welcome to the forum,start with the stickys and hope to see you posting in the forum soon

HI, well I am brand spanking new at this. Just bought a 24 gal Aquapod and mixed my first batch of salt water last night. I have so many questions. I've been trying to read up on stuff but just end up wtih more questions. (do you know how long it even took me to figure out how much salt to add to the water? it's not in any of the books I looked in) anyway, I started my heater and am goin to add my "live sand" Bagged today I think 20 lbs worth? After I do that how long to I have to wait to get my live rock in? I was planning on getting some Live Rock from my boyfriends work buddy who is downsizing his tank. Is this OK or is it too what's the word, cured? to start my cycling process? Also, any brand names or types of test kits anyone can refer me to would be greatly appreciated?
Ps, I bought a submersable heater.... how low should it go in my tank (can the cord get wet??? and any ideas on it's placement in the tank, how about placement of my thermometer. SHould they be on oposite sides of the tank? can the heater go in the slot in the back near the pump or should it be in the "main viewing area?"
Add you live rock along with the sand. This will start the cycling process. Adding the live rock later can prolong the cycling period.

Buy test kits for ammonia and nitrates. As the cycling progresses the ammonia should rise or spike then return to zero. Similarily the nitrogen will rise and then return to zero
When this has occured(3-5 weeks) your tank has completed its first cycling phase.
Curing is a process of cleaning off the debris and dead mater from live rock. Since it is this dead mater that cycles the bacteria in the tank obtaining partly cured rock is probably the best way to go.
You've come to the right place to learn. Start by reading the articles Water keeper has posted below this thread

im new HI!

im new HI!

i hope this is the right page to introduce yourself. well im kevin im 17 been in this fish hobby for 2 years. experience with freshwater and saltwater, but trying out reef. have a 50 gallon fish tank with a sump, 80 lbs of live rock and 100lbs of crush corals.and i was wondering if a 65WATT POWER COMPACT LIGHT will do for a 50 Gallon?. thank you.
if you intend to keep just fish kevin then it will be fine, basically fish wont mind the light quality.

as for the crushed coral, most reefers wont touch it as it can eventually aid nitrates to the tank due to the large particles and debris can get between them, again though if only for fish then fine, but id add just a small amount to cover the base
