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New to reef central

New to reef central

Thanks for having me I've been in the hobby for 5 years and currently got a 93 gallon cube from a friend that was setup for 2 years I'm running a eshops sump with skimz monster and zeovit. Lights are radion 30s
I am new to this hobby trying to set up a 22 gallon long and in the process of trying to buy a 100+ gallon tank. I can already feel the addiction.
im new here came looking for helo. i just started my first saltwater tank. its a 49 gal bowfront fowlr tank. 2 clowns 1 firefish 3 nassarius snails 2 peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. i was wondering what other fish i can add. and if i needed more LR.
Hello, my name is John. I have about 3 plus years experince in fresh water. Now I am starting a 55 gallon reef tank. So far I have over 20 ebooks on the subject and watched countless you tube videos. I am excited about getting started. My main question is, what is the usual height which is best to stack the rock in a tank? Thanks. John
Hey all
New member here from Scotland UK. Been out the hobby for 20 plus years and just feeling my way back into things. My last marine tank was a 5x2x2 sumped FOWLR way back when I was living with my Mum and Dad. Have been wanting to get back to my fish since then really, but wives, kids, business etc. You know how it is.

Currently window shopping for tank, but pretty much decided on a 7x2x2 with sump etc. Big change in lighting since my last venture and I really like the look of the LEDs. Live rock still costs a fortune I see.

I am going to get into more of a reef tank this time. I absolutely adore angels tho, so this is a big decision for me.

Please wish me luck on my new marine adventure. All the best guys.
Noobie to saltwalter, purchased a used 100Gallon Cadlight tank from a friend who is upgrading. Won't receive my tank for another 2 months. Friend needs time to get the new tank up and running and then transfer everything over. In the meantime, getting my RO/DI mixing station build. Also aquascaping my dry rocks and cycling them for the next 2 months. Will also setup my quarantine tank and quarantine a handful of fish, that will be my first fish, for the next 2 months. Hopefully everything goes smoothly


Hello everyone! My name is Melanie and I have a 29g FOWLR running with a Fluval 206. It's been up and running for a little over a year. I have a maroon clown, purple dottyback, lawnmower blenny, and a BTA. I also have a few hermit crabs. My parameters are: S.G. 1.023, pH 7.8, ammonia .25 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, and nitrate 10 ppm. Tank temp ~80*(need a better thermometer). Everything I have learned is from this forum and a few other forums, as well as online articles. However, I am looking to up my game. I really want to aquascape my tank with some soft corals. Don't everybody freak out, I know there is a huge responsibility in this endeavor and that I am not set up for it. I am going to take my time and do this slowly. Does anybody know of any books that I can purchase that are very in depth and detailed? Website suggestions would also be great. Thanks!
New To The Group

New To The Group

Hello everyone, I live in Ohio and currently have 3 active tanks from a 55 community tank with cichlids and one 150 long and a 150 tall with oscars and bala sharks along with pleckos and assorted african cichlids,

I have two 72 gallon bow front tanks with plumbing that was used for saltwater along with sump tank as well.

New to the group and if anybody is interested in the Bow Front tanks send me a message.

Hello I want to sorry now for all the upcoming stupid questions but I am new to reef life I have a 75gallon saltwater reef tank.
Hi my name Nico From Sedona, AZ very new to the hobby started about 2 years ago with fresh water currently have a 125 Malawi tank and a 75 with a giant Oscar have been fascinated with marine aquariums since I was a kid starting my first salt water aquarium 55 gal with aqua clear 110 hob filter remora c hob skimmer odyssey T8 lighting 200w heater got live sand and about 25lbs of live rock from a guy on Craig's List its been up and running for about 7 weeks now got 3 damsels and to tiny hermit crabs and an arrow crab in it now I have so many questions I don't know where to start if anyone is game I can go down the list would love the help


Hey everyone,

Luke here from Austin, TX.

This is my second saltwater tank ever. It's been a while since the last 55g FOWLR and after the last three months of pure research, I've learned a lot about how I screwed myself on the first tank. It's a wonder the thing lasted at all!

I'm now setting up a beautiful Red Sea Reefer 170 for my family and I'm deliberately taking as much time as possible and moving as slow as I can to ensure success.

New to the hobby

New to the hobby

Hello all, my name is Domenick and i am new to this hobby and I'm really interested in it, love the fish and corals. i have a 10 gallon tank now all set up running for few months (4-5 months) with torch coral. he won't open up he has been closed for almost a week now and isn't looking to well, my alk has been thru the roof (16 drops using the API test kit) and i have no idea why i contacted the local fish store and the guy was stuck on don't "chase numbers" just do water changes ( 1 gallon out and one gallon back in with new water, he says it might take 3-4 more water changes until everything gets to where it needs to be. If anyone has been in my spot they would know how frustrating it is but please if anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated.
Newbie Power Head Question

Newbie Power Head Question

Hello Everyone Happy St. Patricks Day:beer:

I'm putting up a 200 g tank (60"x32"x24) reef aquarium with 3/4 inch glass. I'll be putting LPS, SPS and Soft Coral along with fish.

To handle the tank flow I purchased two Vortex MP40WQD Powerhead's to put on opposite ends of the tank. My question is will I need, or should I have additional powerhead's located at the back of the tank?

If yes, what you you recommend. I'd like to manage them via an Apex Classic Controller.

Should i have a powerhead in my Eschopps R-300 Reef Sump?

My name is Jason, I have a 150 gallon cichlid tank, and I started up a reef tank in November. I have started to put a couple fish in the tank, along with corals.


Hey Eveyone,

I am brand spanking new to the saltwater/reef realm. I have kept a few smaller (20g) freshwater tropical aquariums in the past, but am starting my first reef aquarium.

My wife got me a Fluval Sea EVO 13.5g kit for my bday. I have added approximately 15 lbs of live rock from my LFS, approx. 12 lbs of CaribSea aragonite live sand, and two 4.4g containers of NutriSea prepared water. I followed the instructions of LFS staff, and package, and did not rinse the live sand. Now every time the sand is disturbed I get a dust storm. I did read that this should subside once enough bacteria have grown in the sand which will lead to clumping of the particulate.

I've pretty much stuck with the stock hardware that was provided in the "kit". I have added the Fluval PS2 Skimmer and a Koralia 425 power head for added circulation.

Now just waiting for the tank to cycle so I can add live stock. When ready I want to add two clowns, some inverts and cleaners, and corals. Now that I am learning more about the whole reef world, I am actually more excited about adding corals then fish.

Here is a photo of the current set up....


Looking forward to getting more involved on these boards!
Holy giant image Batman. Anyone know to resize this image?

Hey Eveyone,

I am brand spanking new to the saltwater/reef realm. I have kept a few smaller (20g) freshwater tropical aquariums in the past, but am starting my first reef aquarium.

My wife got me a Fluval Sea EVO 13.5g kit for my bday. I have added approximately 15 lbs of live rock from my LFS, approx. 12 lbs of CaribSea aragonite live sand, and two 4.4g containers of NutriSea prepared water. I followed the instructions of LFS staff, and package, and did not rinse the live sand. Now every time the sand is disturbed I get a dust storm. I did read that this should subside once enough bacteria have grown in the sand which will lead to clumping of the particulate.

I've pretty much stuck with the stock hardware that was provided in the "kit". I have added the Fluval PS2 Skimmer and a Koralia 425 power head for added circulation.

Now just waiting for the tank to cycle so I can add live stock. When ready I want to add two clowns, some inverts and cleaners, and corals. Now that I am learning more about the whole reef world, I am actually more excited about adding corals then fish.

Here is a photo of the current set up....

Looking forward to getting more involved on these boards!
Hello everyone. I am new to salt, been going for about 11 months now. Been lurking on the site for awhile and thought I would step out of the shadows. This site and my LFS have been extremely helpful and made things much easier. Anyway thanks to all who contribute to the forum.
New member from Georgia here. As a child I always admired my uncles SW tanks... I myself am a complete newb. As such I am patiently reading all I can before I even whip out the debit card, but honestly it's all a bit overwhelming. We took our toddler to the GA aquarium yesterday and feeling inspired my wife and I made our first visit to 2 local LFS where I was introduced to the biocube. Was thinking an AIO would be the way to go, to get things up and running once I feel I have a comfortable understanding of all the science behind it..

Really like the looks/price of the IM Nuvo 40g. From what I can tell you dont want to go too small as a newb because things can go south quickly with less water to dilute "mistakes" but as you get up over 50g things start to get pretty expensive, especially with all in ones.

Look forward to reading more from the wealth of knowledge here, but some general guidance/steering would be appreciated.
hi all. new to this forum

hi all. new to this forum

hi all i am new to this forum. i don't have a tank yet but i am doing my homework for a 75 gal rimless build in the next few months.
Ottawa, ON new SW tank

Ottawa, ON new SW tank

Hi all,

Just set up a 55 gallon FOWLR tank 5 months ago and cycled it in about 4 months with 25lbs live rock and the remainder 60lbs non-live and Carib-Sea aragonite 2 inch bed.Used a HOB filter for the cycle period and then moved to 20 gallon sump with HOB BH-300 Reef Octopus skimmer and used the HOB filter to create small refugium.
Everything I have was bought used and cleaned in depth and then returned to service. My overflow is a system that has been shown on YouTube by Joey Urau and has been working very well. I've put a Toms aquatics pump on it so it doesn't lose prime as well as a shutoff switch in the sump in case the water level drops and there is no flow from the tank. It's set up to kill the return pump about an 1/8th of an inch from the top of the aquarium. So double safety setup that will hopefully prevent floods. Second overflow will be put in play next week for even further safety. So far the most expensive item has been the live rock and 5 fish that I put in over the last month. Total water volume is 65 gallons give or take a gallon.

2 false percula clown
1 bi color blennie
1 green chromis
1 firefish

Clean crew:
4 red hermits
4 nassarius snails
2 turbo snails

I am slightly worried that I may not have enough algae for the clean up crew and blenny, so have been adding some seaweed daily to allow the grazers to get some time in while feeding. Everyone else is happy with Spirulina and Mysis as well as some flake.

Water is 76 degrees, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 20 nitrates (or that maybe the other way around, I can never remember). Anyhow everyone seems happy. Using Reef Crystals for salt mix, only because I can get a good deal on it locally here in Ottawa. Looking forward to asking lot's of questions from all the senior members here.