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Setting up my 60 gal and 30 gal sump

Setting up my 60 gal and 30 gal sump

Hi all, been out of the hobby couple years. My brother finally push me to set up my old system. At the moment starting fresh cutting rock and starting the cycle process. Who's excited!!! Lol any how hi all
New to the saltwater world!

New to the saltwater world!

Hello All!

just set up a 20 gallon reef, which my LFS after testing my water, has finished cycling or at least at it the end. Which I found seeing how it was less then 2 weeks with only live rock and sand...
Either way just added 3 hermits to take care of the diatom bloom and installed the skimmer. Any suggestions for what to do next would be welcome!
Hello all. Im not new here but new to the hobby. Reef Central is actually to blame as they were the ones who captured my intrest. This is my first saltwater tank after 13 years drooling at pictures and videos.
Tank has been setup since early January and have been adding a snail here a blue leg there. And added Gus the Goby (jk) in early April. Next batch of fish will be a pair of clowns in next several weeks. Any questions? Hit me up! Thanks for reading.

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New to RC and having a slow time cycling

New to RC and having a slow time cycling

Hello, I've been reading RC posts for quite some time and I finally joined. I've had a good handful of different reef tanks over the years but I've been out of the hobby for the last 6 or so. Just set up a new build 75g, 25g sump/fuge. Tried something new, I've never cycled a tank without "cured" live rock before and I'm having a slow time of it. Two clowns fed once per day for three weeks and my ammonia is still at .25 for the better part of two weeks with zero signs of nitrites or nitrates. Will a new tank cycle at that "low" of an ammonia level or am I just in for a long wait?
Hello everyone of ReefCentral I'm new here and haven't personally set up a saltwater tank but my father has set up many and I might soon set up a tank. I personally have setup multiple freshwater tanks and have done tons of research and intend to learn more from all of you guys on RC.

PS. I'm only twelve years old.

Welcome! I joined RC when I was 16 and going to be 34 at the end of the month. This is a great place to learn and I have seen the hobby change tremendously over the last 18 or so years.


Hi my name is Angie, I am new to the hobby. I have been doing research for the last 6 months, started a 60 Gal FOWLR (adding my first fish today.) Once we feel comfortable we would like to start coral.
Hi all I have had a fw tank for 15 years and longed to have a sw tank. I finally to the plunge in December and started one. Lots of great information here. Here are a few pics of my tank. I have 5 chromis, 2 blue eye anthias and a watchmans goby


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Hello guys

Hello guys

Hello everyone, My name is Tramaine & im new to the saltwater hobby, Thank you for the membership. And i hope to grow in the hobby. I love fish :any information would be great. Im all ears guys. I started my 30g 2 month ago. Ive recently added to fish (clowns) & a clean up crew. Everyone seem to be doing fine. Cant wait to start adding coral :hmm5::beer:
Dragon Moray eel set up

Dragon Moray eel set up

My name is Brad.
I am fairly new to this site. I currently have a 180 dragon morayvtabk with a yellow tang and two chronis damsels. The tank is very basic, two H2O over flows to a sump with a reef octopus skimmer and a section packed with Cheto. I also have a small biopellet reactor.
Second tank is a 60 gallon cube that shares the same sump as the 180. Thisbtank only has a percula clown currently but will become a mantis shrimp tank in the future.
Third tank is a 120 high? 60x18x24. This tank has a zebra Moray and baby porcupine puffer and a Orange toadfish. Separate sump with SCA skimmer.

I'm not sure where or how to post questions yet but I would love to hear from others with large morays and how they combats nitrates. I can't seem to lower then no matter what I do. Also all sumps are plumbed with a float switch to my
RO system.
First Timer

First Timer

Hello , My name is Susan and I this is my first saltwater tank. I have had freshwater tanks in the past but wanted to give this a try. I have a Fluval Evo 13.5 setup with inTank media baskets.Running about 5 weeks using live rock and sand. Fingers crossed, so far so good. Been following for a while and have learned a lot from RC already. Thanks!
Back into the hobby!

Back into the hobby!

Hello, I am getting back into the hobby after a many year hiatus! I set up a 60 gallon rimless cube with figi cube sump. I have SCA skimmer and my lighting is one of the Chinese black boxes suspended from a hanger. The system has been up and running for a year and a half but a long war with dinos has taken its toll. Still struggling with what I think is either dinos or diatoms all over sand and rocks. I live in the Rochester area in Brockport.
I'm back

I'm back

Hi all, It's been about a decade since I've been in reefcental. Boy, a lot has changed. So, my soon to be wife is down with me getting a tank as long as it's a reef tank (mixed). Unfortunately, because of house constraints, I'm limited to getting a 27 gallon tank. I'm having it drilled. Please help me get up to speed with new technologies.
My plan:
Live sand
Base rock
Ro/di 5 stage filter
Red Sea pro salt mix
Kessil led a360w
Octopus skimmer

Should I get a uv, and if so, what brand?
Also, since I'm having a sump, is mag pumps still good, any other options?
Thanks in advance.
Hi! Returning to the hobby after 6 years of being on hiatus, ran a pred tank FOWLR before but now switched to a Reef Tank.

Tank Setup

85 gallons main display tank (drilled)
3 jebao Wavemakers
1 Reef Octopus NS-150 Skimmer
1 Resun CL-280 chiller
40 gallon sump-refugium with 9watts CFL lighting DIY
4 Par 38 Leds DIY Lighting
Hello Community!

Hello Community!

Hi there! Well, got bit by the bug (err... fish?) and now I'm hooked. Started a year ago with a 75gal freshwater, then a 40, then a 20, finally a 6 gallon... I know, looks backwards. But I wanted more of a challenge and smaller water quantities made me become really diligent on maintaining stable water parameters. I'm not very attention detailed, so hence my goofy learning curve strategy.

Now I started my first saltwater. Here's my tank stats:

Tank Setup

  • 150 gallons main display cube tank 36" x 36" x 27" (drilled)
  • Herbie overflow
  • Apex Fusion driving
  • 2 WAV pumps
  • 1 1K IceCap Gyre
  • 3 Fluval LED spotlights
  • 1 Kessil A360WE
  • 1 T5 Actinic 36"
  • 1 Reef Octopus SRO2000EXT Skimmer hooked to a Jebao DC 2000 water pump and HY2000 air/water mix pump
  • 1 Reef Octopus Varios8 Return Pump
  • 40 gallon sump - refugium with 600watt Phylizon Plant Grow Light &
  • Marine Pure 2 4x1 inch blocks, 2 1x1 inch plates, 2 cups Chaeto, 5280 copepods, 10lbs Miracle Mud
  • 45 gallon sump - 525 Red Sea XL w/ mechanical & protein filtration

I'm pretty sure I want corals. Tank is cycling right now, about a week into the process so not rushing. I got some extra equipment on the side, including a Marineland 48" Marine LED, and a T5 10K bulb for the T5 (right now I have it loaded with actinic because I figured the Kessil will give me the shimmer)

Pics attached. Any advice is really really appreciated. I'm really excited to be in this forum and to get my tank going. Will post my fish/invert/etc list next...

Thanks all,

V to the J


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Hiya i have just got my nano tank fluval sea 13.5 gallon whoop whoop :) i'm Abby and im very excited about the prospect of keeping a tomato clown fish <3
Hello everyone! I am newish to the hobby, helped my father maintain a saltwater aquarium about 20 years ago when I was a little kid so starting with just a very basic knowledge. Decided to get into the hobby when I discovered a great LFS right around the corner from me. I am starting out with a 32 gallon LED BioCube setup. Already on day four of the cycling process and am quite excited, been doing a lot of research and all when I happened across this site. Nice to find a large helpful community! (Sorry in advance of any dumb questions I may have!)
Hello everyone from NJ. New to saltwater tanks. Been around freshwater for awhile. I figured now was the perfect time to make the jump since my buddy who is moving gave me all of his equipment. I am currently setting up a 32 biocube. The tank is already cycled since he had it for 2 years. I transferred everything to my house and just working on getting water parameters perfect. There is currently one yellow head tang in tank. As of right now my water is as follows.
80 degrees
8.2 ph
180 kh
0 ppm nitrites
0 ppm ammonia
40-50 ppm nitrates
Salinity is 1.016. Need to get this up
Splitting Anenome

Splitting Anenome

Hello, I am new to the Forum and was hoping somebody can help me out. I have a 75 Gallon Reef and I just added a very large RBTA two days ago 6-1-18. I got this large Anemone for around 100.00 and I know I got a great deal. The guy I bought if off of said this particular Anemone has split multiple times in his tank. Prior to buying I checked out the guys set up and his tanks are clean and his water was close to perfect. All the Anemone's in the tank were doing well. Any how long story short I took the thing home, acclimated for about an hour and placed in the tank. First Day doing well but by the second day it seemed to be hiding in the corner of the tank and appeared to be tearing down the middle. Some flesh is slowly coming off but it is not inside out and the tentacles are still active. Two clowns are hosting still. Does anyone know if this is what an anemone splitting looks like, or is it dying.

I have attached some photos. The first photo u can see how bright the anemone is. This photos is when I first bought it. The the next photos if after day 2.


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Hello all,

I have a bit of experience with fw tanks but have not run one in years. I've mainly come hear to research everything about the amazing world of the marine aquariums. As I am looking to get into the hobby. And wanted to learn all I can before putting money into any equipment.