If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey guys, I've been in the hobby for many years, but only 5 months on the saltier side of things. I have a 220 gallon tank, here is my equipment:

220 Gallon with dual corner flows, 40 gallon sump, 8" Super Reef Octopus Skimmer, Mag 12 return, Razor Maxspect 160 watt 16k LED x 2, 4 Koralia 1500's. 2 x Phosban 550 reactors, Kamoer Dosing Pump, Tunze Wavebox 6215, Tunze 3155 Osmolator ATO, 240 lbs of rock, on a 2" aragonite bed.

It is mainly an SPS tank with some other types of corals mixed in.

Hope to meet some of you guys and get into things here at RC.
Please Help!

Please Help!

Hi, I'm Roger, Sorry if I stepped on anyone, or posted in the wrong area, I'm new to Forums as well, I have no idea how to post something, again I'm sorry :) I have a question, I'm literally at my whits end here. I have a 120 gallon reef tank, 7 months up and running. I have several corals, 2 Cardinals, 2 Clowns, Dotty Back, and 2 Chromis. My desperate question is, I bought a yellow tang, on 2 different occasions, and they died within 2 weeks, TWICE this happened, the same exact thing happened with Blue Hippo Tangs, TWICE they only lived for 2 weeks, the Yellow and Blue tangs die within 4 - 6 days of each other, all other fish are fine, I bought a Redsea test kit for Alk, Ca, and Mg, all are perfect, and ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are perfect, ....... Any "HELP" that you can suggest will be greatly apreciated
Have been a prolific poster on R2R but wanted to see here... and say hello!

Hi im super duper NEW!

Hi im super duper NEW!

The name is ROB you all can call me BOB. Like the title states i am super duper new to reefs. I have owned many freshwater tanks but of course never professionally with all the doodads. Most my tanks where those multicolored rocks with fake plants , pirate ships and such. Anyways i was watching Nat Geo on reefs and i was curious on how corals feed so i jumped on YouTube and searched coral feeding. WOW i was watching a channel called Tidal Gardens i was amazed by the colors and different types of corals. so this was months ago since then Ive been reading and watching vids. i think i am ready to start my hobby in reefing slowly of course. i want to start small even though Ive read its harder since things happen fast in nano builds but for now im just introducing my self sitting back and reading up some more.
New to reef central

New to reef central

Hello everyone,

New to the site but been in the hobby for about 2 years now. I was on a local forum but moved on. Thought I would give this site a try. I have a Nano reef Zoa and pally dominate with about 15 to 20 types of Zoa's and Pallys. My favorites so far is the Rastas, blond blue eyes and the Granny Smith pally that just grew 5 new heads in the last 2 weeks.


New member here. Just getting started in the hobby and reading all the newbie threads hoping to minimize my mistakes! Just bought a 65 gallon rimless.
So, just wanted to say hey to everyone as I have been reading these forums and others for a long time as a guest before deciding to registering so I could see all the awesome tank setups.

Im an off and on aquarist, that is to say, when the opportunity arises, I get equipment when I can much to the Mrs' concern. Thankfully I have two little girls, 5 and 1, that love water, love fish and love their freshwater tanks.

I understand that marine vs fresh are two completely different monsters and thus why all the reading and research I have been doing over the past 8 months. I will read and reasearch till I cant see straight before I even attempt to start something like this, and besides, helps build patience and my girls can learn the benefits of research, no matter how much the 5 year old wants to see "nemo" in a tank.

So far, Ill be starting a 30 gallon FOWLR for now, it has been setup for 14 days now.

So this is what I have so far:

CaribSea Arag-Alive Fiji Pink 40lbs, AquaticLife Internal Mini Skimmer 115, (2) Hydor Koralia Evolution Pumps, Jager Thermostat Heater, (2) AquaticLife Expandable LED Light Fixture, CaribSea South Seas Base Rock 40lbs

And if anyone has any input as to the Berlin method of filtration, please speak up.

And right now I want to thank everyone in the hobby that has posted to this forum and other forums that have helped with my learning thus far.
My name is David and I am starting with a a JBJ30RL FOWLR tank. I have been reading these forums for awhile and will be using them as a guide on this fantastic commitment I have taken on.

I have had freshwater tanks for quite some time but have always been drawn to saltwater. My father and brother-in-law have saltwater tanks so I have decided to do it as well.

I am planning the first 6 months of my new tank now so I appreciate any good advice I receive.
Name is Jonathan - plenty of freshwater tank experience but new to salt water / reef. No tank yet - in learning mode for the time being.
Not new to the hobby but new to this site. I have been trolling around for info for a while so I figured I might as well join. I'm in the middle of setting up a nano bow front and will start a build tread soon. Thanks, joe
Hello from Panama City Florida

Hello from Panama City Florida

Hello all new to the site. We have a 75 gallon mixed reef in wall tank.

About me:
Worked in retail fish store for 6 years
Have had all sorts of fresh tanks since 17 (Cichlid, Planted, ect)
Saltwater and Reef tank for 3 years

Alittle about the tank
75 gal in wall with under tank sump
48 Corallife 130 watt power compact Floricent (mostly off now)
1 x 36" DYI LED Fixture (10 x 5watt 10K Led, 6 x 3 watts Blue LED, 2 x 3 watt 420nm LED, 80 deg lenses)
1 x 36" DYI LED Fixture (36 x 3 watt 50/50 mix White and Blue LED, 60 deg lenses)
Programmer for Sunrise/Sunset simmulation
Marineland Protien Skrimmer

Chemical wise..runs some Nitrates but mushroom, rics and Leathers seem to like it.
All other chems zero

Marine Beta (comet)
Coral Bueaty
Kole Tang
Black Clown Fish
Royal Gramma
4 x Blue Green Cromis
2 x Fire Fish
Blue Reef Damsel
Pajama Cardinal
Benggi Cardinal
medium Red Brittle Star
2 x Skunk Shrimp

Orange Ricordea
Blue Ricordea
Purple Ricordea
Neon Green Ricordea
White Alevopora
Green Alevopora
Green Goniopora
2 Devils Hand Leather (green and purple)
Colt Leather
Green Candy Cane
Yellow Candy Cane
Yellow Polyps
Green Sand palys
Pink Palys
Various Zoes (all over)
Star polyps
Neon Green Ducanops
Green Stripped Mushrooms
Red Mushrooms
Blue Mushrooms
Fuzzy green Mushrooms
Sun Coral (yellow) nursing back to health
Sun Coral (Orange) nursing back to health
Several small Kenya Tree's
Tan Anthelia


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update on me

update on me

Hi again, a lot has happened since I last posted on here. The center brace on my 80 gallon bowfront tank split allowing the back glass have a lot of play in it. I went and purchased a new 120 gallon from Reef Life Aquariums in Birmingham. They were very helpful and gave me a good deal on the tank. So long story short, My old tank broke, I saved all the water in it and put it in the new tank. My new tank is now cycled and I'm just waiting for my next day off so I can get my new fish.
Hi everyone! I'm a beginner with saltwater. We have a oceanic biocube 29. We have roughly 35 pounds of live rock in the tank, and 3ish pounds of rubble in the filter. We have some coral, snails, shrimp, crabs, a conch, and 3 fish. Oh a pencil urchin that came on the rock too. I'm just here looking for info and help. We have a great local store that we ask most of our questions, but sometimes I don't want to wait to get there! I look forward to browsing the forums.
Hi, Paul from Phoenix. I'm new to the hobby and looking forward to my 1st build. Hoping to find some locals to help me avoid mistakes.
Howdy all, I finally bought my first home and can finally support a reef!

I've hired Aquarium Art of Miami (Rick) to build me a 265 gallon with a 75 g refugium. I'm looking forward to building and maintaining my reef. Just saying hi and I'll post pics when the ball gets rolling
Hi all. Paul here from Columbus, OH. New to site and still somewhat new to the hobby. I have been keeping a 12 gallon nano cube for 6mos. now. I'm in the process of a 40B build. Still gathering equipment right now.
Hiya! I was recently hired at Petco as an aquatic specialist. As I am pretty familiar with freshwater I haven't a clue with salt water tanks. Hoping to poke around and educate myself so my customers don't suffer from lack of knowledge. Any and all tidbits are welcome! My main area of experience is in reptiles and amphibians. That's really all there is to me. Cheers!
Hey everyone just figured I would introduce myself here been poking around off and on for a few years. Been in the Hobby for about 4 years but still have a lot to learn. Ive been slacking on aquarium upkeep and starting to get back into it heavy so will be asking questions a lot i'm sure.