If you only had (1) Zoa/Paly to pick to decorate your whole tank w/ what would it be

These have my vote. Awesome. Hard to find. Anyone know of any in Texas?

I only know of 3 people who have them 1 is in Canada 1 is in California and the other is in Florida. Not saying there isnt more but those are what I know Mist people who have them are tight lipped about them because everyone wants them and they dont frag well at all
Clintos I can say i have seen the biggest mat of those Sunflower/wild orchids. When they got to a mat of several hundred. there would be random green ones. I didn't need to see those Blue Agaves, now I cannot unsee them. Where did you get the pic from?
Sorry no clue

I just save pics of zoa/paly's that I run across through forums and online stores then I save to a file in my photobucket without adding other info besides their name.
Id go old school with Tubs Blues,In fact I just picked up my Tubs at the local Fed Ex holding station.Bought them Thursday Night on Divers Den.At least 200-250 polyp rock for 100 bucks.I couldnt believe it hadnt sold.I litteraly ran to get my credit card to buy them.Their acclimating now.I'll get some pics up later.
+ 1 on the sopranos...but this one...

What is this one called...amazing!
I just picked these up today Burning Man Paly. The color is amazing. What is awesome is that the polyps are the size of quarters and get as big as 50 cent pieces. I would love to see them spread in my tank.

I just picked these up today Burning Man Paly. The color is amazing. What is awesome is that the polyps are the size of quarters and get as big as 50 cent pieces. I would love to see them spread in my tank.


nice looking huge paly's are my fav
I just picked these up today Burning Man Paly. The color is amazing. What is awesome is that the polyps are the size of quarters and get as big as 50 cent pieces. I would love to see them spread in my tank.


My favorite. If yours are like mine, the pictures don't do them justice. They are much more vibrant/fluorescent color, than pictured. Mine have grown pretty fast, too. :beer:
I only know of 3 people who have them 1 is in Canada 1 is in California and the other is in Florida. Not saying there isnt more but those are what I know Mist people who have them are tight lipped about them because everyone wants them and they dont frag well at all

Do you know if the guy in Florida is willing to come off any? Worth a shot I guess