In Doctor's Office 220 Gal Upgade

Fantastic tank. Pity that it can't be in the waiting room. It would keep less noisy kids in the treatment rooms.

I hope my waiting room has enough room for a tank. It's just something I've always wanted to add to front office. Alas, I can't find a good place for it.


Thank you, I'm thinking about placing a pico sized tank in the waiting area on the counter top. Not sure, just an idea....
The manifold parts arrived. Now to cut to size, dry fit, then install.

The water manifold from the pump out to the various tanks, reactors and WXS (water exchange system).

First the pump
Blueline HD100
100HD Specifications:
- Inlet: 1" MPT
- Outlet: 1" MPT
- Max Total Head (FT): 45
- Max Discharge (GPH) @ 0ft: 1,900

With 45' of head strength I decided to use the pump to feed all of my tanks as well as other functions.
1. Bio Pellet reactor - currently powered by a maxijet 1200
2. Frag tank -currently powered by a ehiem pump
3. Refuge - currently powered by a ehiem pump
4. WXS - not currently in use
5. Main display tank - currently powered by little giant

Schematic of the water manifold

All the peices cut and manifold dry fitted. Now to the physics guys or gals which valve has the highest pressures and which should the above valves should go to the main tank?
Some pics of my animals

Tongue coral wow look at these extensions


The bubble coral so full light green appears extremely happy

This Teal Tort in the back corner seems to have every branch with growing white tips!

This Purple Larry Jackson Nana couldn't be more purple and growing happy

Efflo 500

Soldiers come out at night! Blue ridge soldiers.
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The temps change by .5 degrees monthly until I get to about 75 degrees at its lowest, then order as the temp get warmer.

It all depends on the stability of the system. I do not want the temp to fluctuate more then 2 degrees. If the temps go too high i'll adjust the schedule. as the chiller is disconnected currently.

The schedule is as follows;
Sept 78 degrees
Oct 77.5 degrees
Nov 77 degrees
Dec 76.5 degrees
Jan 76 degrees
Feb 75.5 degrees
Mar 75 degrees
April 75.5 degrees
May 76 degrees
Jun 77 degrees
July 77.5 degrees
Aug 78 degrees
great looking tank!!! how you find the time to practice and reef keep!!!!

Thank you, I squeeze time a little everyday. Sunday is maintainance day ~ 3 hrs but its all fun. Friends know I'm in the office on Sundays so they come and hangout (n help too!)
Added new bio pellets replenishing carbon source. Notice the distinct color differnce btwn the NP old BioPellets and the new NPX BioPellets.
(btw I reset the tape marker after i took the pic)
Cost Analysis

Cost Analysis

Using Dr Farley's three part DIY

My monthly cost is going up now.
I figured it to be about;
$2.65 per month of Ca
$1.04 per month of Alk
Dosing at 22ml/hr
I was taking pictures of the Teal Stag I have, but it just didnt look as good in pics.

After examining the pics for a few mins, I realized that it was the coraline which was taking all the fame. Here a wide angle shot.

So the OCD kicked in, and I began the formidable task of scapping the back glass of the tank. The tank however is 24" back to front and 29" deep. Using the pythagorean theorem Its about 37" to the back bottom of the tank. All I have are a 3" metal scapper and a smaller 2" plastic scapper. It took serious OCD to get this job done and what a difference!

Now I have to deal with the wires, cables and the light shining on the back wall. I only have six or so inches behind the tank and wall. Plastic drop cloth to protect MP40 tank stand and wall.

Taped the cords and wires to the back wall for paint roller clearance.

After using flat black water based paint, four coats with 20 mins of drying btwn coats....,

Ca 475 (within range)
Alk 7.45/3.14 (within range)
Mg 1440 (within range)
Phos 0.03 (within range)
SpGr 1.025 (within range)
temp 76-78 (within range)
pH 8.2-8.4 (within range)
ORP 360-390 (within range)

Dosing Ca @ 23ml/hr
Alk @ 23ml/hr
Mg not dosed
No other additives

Skimmers cleaned and both started
Filter socks changed X 6
No Carbon in use
No Phosban in use

Bio pellets functioning properly. No need for additional pellets

Emptied the frag tank. I need to lift it up higher on the rack as I am having a tough time cleaning the sump under it. I'm planning on using the frag tank as a lagoon tank hosting species which inhabits such environment.
Main Display Tank 220G - 14 fish
Yellow Tang 2003 (7 yrs old) Hawaii
Hawkfish 2006 (4 y/o)
Powder Blue Tang 3/2010 Maldives, Sri Lanka Indian Ocean
Six-line Wrasse gift from Olivera 6/1/2010
Blenny velvet black with white dots Olivera 6/1/2010
Maroon Clown female from Olivera 6/1/2010
Maroon Clown male from Olivera 6/1/2010
Pink Goby tiny from Olivera 6/1/2010
Yellow Goby large from DrCooper 7/14/10
Hippo Tang oonycxwilloo 7/15/2010
Naso Tang Large 7" 8/15/10
Bartlett Anthias #1 oonycxwilloo 10/24/2010
Bartlett Anthias #2 oonycxwilloo 10/24/2010
Firefish (Orange, Red, White, Yellow) oonycxwilloo 10/24/2010

40BG Refugium Tank in the Fishroom - 3 fish
Lemon Peel Angel- 2007 (3 y/o) Indo-Pacific Ocean
V-Tail Grouper 4/25/10 Indo-Pacific Ocean
Yellow Tang Olivera 6/1/2010

Pico Tank
Percula Clown
Bartlett Anthias #3 oonycxwilloo 11/19/2010
Bartlett Anthias #4 oonycxwilloo 11/19/2010
Bartlett Anthias #5 oonycxwilloo 12/19/2010
Bartlett Anthias #6 oonycxwilloo 12/19/2010

Frag Tank

Little fishies