The manifold parts arrived. Now to cut to size, dry fit, then install.
The water manifold from the pump out to the various tanks, reactors and WXS (water exchange system).
First the pump
Blueline HD100
100HD Specifications:
- Inlet: 1" MPT
- Outlet: 1" MPT
- Max Total Head (FT): 45
- Max Discharge (GPH) @ 0ft: 1,900
With 45' of head strength I decided to use the pump to feed all of my tanks as well as other functions.
1. Bio Pellet reactor - currently powered by a maxijet 1200
2. Frag tank -currently powered by a ehiem pump
3. Refuge - currently powered by a ehiem pump
4. WXS - not currently in use
5. Main display tank - currently powered by little giant
Schematic of the water manifold
All the peices cut and manifold dry fitted. Now to the physics guys or gals which valve has the highest pressures and which should the above valves should go to the main tank?