In Doctor's Office 220 Gal Upgade

Acropora Robusta (indo-Pacific)
From the Brooklyn Aquarium Society meeting 11/13/10 at the auction.
So far he's plain green but let's see how he colors up in a few weeks!

Coral rundown

Coral rundown

SPS (50 species)
GARF Montipora green capricornis 7/4/03
Pocillopora Aqua Green (Mo~Idol) 4/18/10
Stylophora Blue (Mo~Idol) 4/18/10
Pink Birdsnest (Mo~Idol) 4/18/10
Purple Nana (Mo~Idol) 4/18/10
Montipora red capricornis (OzoneParkGuy) 5/17/10
Pavona Cactus Coral Colony (OzoneParkGuy) 5/17/10
ORA Red Planet (H2O) 5/21/10
ORA Green Birdsnest of Paradise Colony (H2O) 5/21/10
Elk's Horn Green (TomToothDoc) 5/23/10
Digita Orange (Atlantis) 6/4/10
Monitpora spongodes (LIRA auction) 6/4/10
Digita Green (LIRA auction) 6/4/10
Digita Burgandy (LIRA auction) 6/4/10
Pocillopora Turquoise (LIRA auction) 6/4/10
Bali Green Slimer Staghorn Acropora (Greg Hiller) 6/4/10
Mike Accardi's Teal Staghorn Acropora (Greg Hiller) 6/4/10
Superman Montipora (Rickytsui) 6/11/10
Sunset Montipora (Rickytsui) 6/11/10
Green Tort Colony 6/16/10
Acropora eflorescens Tabling Colony 6/16/10
Purple Milliepora 6/16/10
Larry Jackson's Purple-tipped Acropora Colony 6/16/10
Hydnophora (oonycxwilloo) 7/15/10
Tabling Green Acropora Colony 7/24/10
ORA Pink Birdsnest Colony 7/24/10
Bright Green Devil's Horns Colony 7/24/10
Blue Ridge Soldiers Colony 7/24/10
Curlique Acropora Colony 7/24/10
Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips 7/24/10
Montipora pink capricornis 7/24/10
Digitata Green Colony 7/24/10
Mint Green Milliepora (OzoneParkGuy) 7/29/10
ORA Birdsnest (Jarrett Shark) 9/06/10
Lokani (Emmanuel) 9/10/10
Ponapi Birdsnest (Emmanuel) 9/10/10
Aqua Delight (Emmanuel) 9/10/10
Phil's Granulosa (Emmanuel) 9/10/10
Blue Tip Tennius (Emmanuel) 9/10/10
Mike Accardi's Teal Staghorn Acropora (Jackson4567) 9/19/10
Monitpora setosa (Jackson4567) 9/19/10
Stylophora Cat's Paw Purple (Pauliwalnuts) 10/24/10
Robusta Acropora (BAS auction $4) 11/12/10
Sarmentosa Christmas Acropora (TomToothDoc) 11/14/10
Milliepora Red Planet (TomToothDoc) 11/14/10
Oregon Blue Tort (Reefbum) 11/14/10
Tyree Purple Monster (Reefbum) 11/14/10
ORA Pearlberry (Reefbum) 11/14/10
ORA Hawkins (Reefbum) 11/14/10
ORA Red Planet (Reefbum) 11/14/10

Pogoda 6"x8" 2003
Bubble Coral 6"x10" 2003
Hammer 8"x13" 25 heads 2005
Tongue Plate Coral 4"x6" 2005
Trachyphillia Red Brain coral 2"X3" 2007
Toadstool 9"x12" (maybe not LPS but big enough to hang with the big boys) 2003
Torch Coral 4 heads 2010
Water eXchange System (WXS)

Water eXchange System (WXS)

Started work on the WXS to facilitate water changes, also I'm finally changing out the Little Giant circulation pump for my Blueline HD 100 with a manifold to handle all the pumping needs of the system.
Also planning on re-doing my electrical controls.

First thing first;
Build the stand to hold two 50 Gal drums

After a couple of months of not seeing my small tank fish, she came out today during feeding time!!

I just love her. I'm gonna call her Picod. She so small you can barely notice her in my 220g main display tank.


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Nice set up doc, but spend some money and get your patient's more comfortable chairs.

No sitting in this area, only in the treatment rooms. Those chairs were 7G each. Organized appts leave little waiting time, and no complaints from patients. :)

The biggest problem is getting the patients into the rooms without having the stop to look at the reef.
Hey Doc, Nice tank

Where are you located in Ozone Park? Would love to come by and get a look (Im looking at a 220 in my future),
I live in Rosedale, Queens, so you are not far

Thanks Willie, A bunch of us are hanging out tonight in my office if you want to come by your more than welcomed. Give me a call. I'll PM u my#