It's not unlimited

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And the yellow tang chart is complete crap

Can you please be more specific!? Which chart in which reference do you believe is "complete crap" and WHY do you believe so? Please include your references supporting your reasoning. The charts in the references listed are based on data collected by governmental agencies and/or research done by institutions for governmental agencies such as NOAA. It's quite a claim to say they are incorrect without providing supporting evidence. (I must say I'm rather enjoying our exchange :-D .)
I'm just saying that stricter regulations need to be put in place to protect our in inviorment and our hobby even it there not at risk now it prevents them from becoming at risk that's all
How is collecting as many fish as you want sustainble that's why I'm for collection limit control bills

Just in case you haven't noticed, no one is arguing for uncontolled will nilly take all you can collection, but rather for regulations that are based on science instead of emotion.
What evidence does the yellow tang chart have that it's from a legible source

There are multiple charts on yellow tangs in the various refferences I listed. Which one do you believe is "complete crap"? Preemptively I'll point out the link to the Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) report lists the project researchers for the report as Dr. Tissot, Washington State University, Dr. Walsh, DLNR/DAR, Dr. Hallacher, University of Hawai'i - Hilo, Dr. Williams, Natioanl Marine Fisheries Service, Dr. Hixon, Oregon State University and Dr. Fox, Wourld Wildlife Fund (page 8).

This is a fascinating report as it goes into the history of the issue. Looks at past attempts to deal with the conflicting objectives of various parties. Provides an excellent example of private citizens, businesses with conflicting agendas and government agencies working together. It looks at the multipule pressures on the fish populations including the problems with recruitment in determining population changes and fishing. (Whoda thought Achilles Tangs are an important food fish :-/ ) Looking at the recommendations I do expect the price of Hawai'ian tangs to go up but not in the immediate future. I also do not see any basis for the banning the collection of tangs when solid research shows the population is increasing while the number collected is increasing also.

(Here's the link again for you - )
No worries, reefs were here long before man started walking upright and will be here in some form after we are gone.
I love saltwater fish I'm jus saying alot of fish just die through shipment or bad care an not many SW fish are CBB so that's a problem for the Bobby's future I just think there should b stricter collecting limits and seasons and even moratoriums on some fish like Hawaiian yellow tangs or flame angels for a year or 2 so they can respawn for future years harvest yellow tang populations have gone down By 40 - 70% around the Hawaiian islands recently and I feel like they need some protection that's y I will never by a yellow tang even though I'm a huge tang fan
Well corals and maybe some not at risk SW fish like dAmsels dottybacks and basslets oh and inverts and plants 2 they could just call it like an aquarium show aquatic themed things for sale
Post padding anyone?

That's exactly what I was thinking.. There's probably a lot of other threads all over rc and the Internet related to the same topic.. FYI there is an edit button to add onto previous posts:p

I agree there needs to be limits but I think the hobby has little to do with it FWIW.. Warming of the oceans and overfishing for food is IMO more important to focus on than bashing something you yourself are supporting..
What's that telling you if I'm bashing something I love . It means I really care about its long term successes and I'm only supporting my hobby in ways that won't hurt them oceans only help them except for my tangs
I have all fish that are frequently captive bred or are captive bred or animals with an over abundance in the wild. I have damsels an algae blenny a falco hawk zoo corals and a couple of tangs yellow mimic and sf tangs

madarin, chalk bass , royal gramma, pearly jaw , flame hawk shrimps and more. Coral possibly coming soon
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