It's not unlimited

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Oh ya the Internet is always true right I shouldn't believe my boss who has lived and snorkeld in Hawaii and other info pacific islands and has had 45+ years doing this
I think you guys are making assumptions and need to do ALOT more reasearch every fish store owner I have asked has told me I was right so that makes you look bad ooops.

:0 :0 :-

I think as professional marine biologist with well over 20 years working both in the ornamental fish trade and university research labs; that it just might be likely that I'm speaking from the standpoint of both education and experience, not assumptions. You also might want to find some better fish stores, there is no reason to be having the sort of losses you claim.
Now I think I've seen or at least read it all!! Shouldn't this thread be in the "Irresponsible Reefkeeping" section??

This thread is pretty comical! On one hand the OP is against reef keeping because of the casualty rate yet on the other hand, the OP is doing science experiments on his livestock that could only end in his fishes death. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me.

This thread should be "sticky'd" so that everybody can learn what not to do when it comes to your fish!
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I can't see why the mods haven't realized this guy's a troll..

He's wasting everybody's time and RC's server space with nonsense. I unsubscribed from both of his uneducated threads but every time I go to new posts these are up.. It's like a train wreck you don't want to look but you do..

There is even people defending his thoughts on the petco thread. He/she is wasting everyone's time and is making a joke out of all of this. I hope everyone else notices this and stops playing into his little game. He's just trying to get up his post count fast padding posts with run on sentences and bad Grammer probably to access the selling/buying forum.. I for one hope they take away his posts and he/she realizes that this is a serious resource and abusing it will have consequences.
Dude in Delaware there are no apex predators at all imagine how many deer geese And other critters we have

Humans qualify as a predator. The comments made have been extremely weak, not supported and easily refuted. See above about a dozen times now. This does little to convince anyone.

I've seen and know Billsreef's posting and his background for a few years now I suppose. He's quite professional and has a lot of experience in the water.
Attack the topic issue and support your claims. Never the person. Use critical thinking to support your argument. Peeing contest always get pee blown back on those competing.

Management is key, you are not going to stop the harvest, but you can mange it so that we end up with sustainability. Same for food crops/agriculture/wildlife management in general, you are NOT the only person who is a stake holder in the resources.

Certified program for sustainable methods, similar to organic USDA(well, hopefully better than that method) food, should and is implemented in some cases, all captive farmed coral and fish would qualify.

Seems arguing strongly in favor or only local frag swaps/local hobbyists to hobbyist buys, trades etc, and vendors selling captive stuff would be the best way to support your cause. Attacking poor management by the industry would be another step. Then help to correct it.

I do this personally.

Start with a good plan and an overall philosophy. You'll succeed more and waste less of your time on useless venting on line. Which of those 2 choices was your original goal after all? Venting or changing views and getting your message out? As it stands, the messages is entirely lost and who wants to read a personal flame war?
I can't see why the mods haven't realized this guy's a troll..

He's wasting everybody's time and RC's server space with nonsense. I unsubscribed from both of his uneducated threads but every time I go to new posts these are up.. It's like a train wreck you don't want to look but you do..

There is even people defending his thoughts on the petco thread. He/she is wasting everyone's time and is making a joke out of all of this. I hope everyone else notices this and stops playing into his little game. He's just trying to get up his post count fast padding posts with run on sentences and bad Grammer probably to access the selling/buying forum.. I for one hope they take away his posts and he/she realizes that this is a serious resource and abusing it will have consequences.

Perhaps, but the poster also has passion and cares about the reefs/environment. Direction and some thought can help. Maybe not today, but perhaps later.
You guys realize you can put a user on ignore don't you? ;)
I can't see why the mods haven't realized this guy's a troll..

He's wasting everybody's time and RC's server space with nonsense. I unsubscribed from both of his uneducated threads but every time I go to new posts these are up.. It's like a train wreck you don't want to look but you do..

There is even people defending his thoughts on the petco thread. He/she is wasting everyone's time and is making a joke out of all of this. I hope everyone else notices this and stops playing into his little game. He's just trying to get up his post count fast padding posts with run on sentences and bad Grammer probably to access the selling/buying forum.. I for one hope they take away his posts and he/she realizes that this is a serious resource and abusing it will have consequences.

Yep. But people keep feeding him. He doesn't seem to have a clue about sentences and seperating them with punctuation.
Remember, they are a kid. Belittling is a bit much IMO. I think we could all agree that we believed in and expressed certain views in ways that we are no longer proud of at that age.
He crossed that line of the User Agreement and was banned by Brian earlier ;) So I'm going to go ahead and close this thread so that we aren't :deadhorse:

BTW, it's good to see you posting Plantbrain :wavehand:
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