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Great update... Love the new pump I want one so bad. Is there any other pumps you were looking at or were you set on the abyzz.
Great update... Love the new pump I want one so bad. Is there any other pumps you were looking at or were you set on the abyzz.
I dont know what's more impressive to me....the pump or the vinyl in the background!
All jokes aside, pump failure is the reason I've been buying a spare for awhile.
My system is much smaller than yours and I just use a Pan World 100PX-X to run mine, but I have a spare 100PX-X on the shelf on standby. I trade them out about every 6 months for cleaning, but should something go wrong, I've got a spare I can swap out in just a few minutes.
I've been thinking of going to a DC pump to replace them, but was unsure which pump I want to go with. Doing that would allow me to run the ARID off a manifold vs a dedicated powerhead in the sump...
Tank looks great Joe!
I dont know what's more impressive to me....the pump or the vinyl in the background!
All jokes aside, pump failure is the reason I've been buying a spare for awhile.
My system is much smaller than yours and I just use a Pan World 100PX-X to run mine, but I have a spare 100PX-X on the shelf on standby. I trade them out about every 6 months for cleaning, but should something go wrong, I've got a spare I can swap out in just a few minutes.
I've been thinking of going to a DC pump to replace them, but was unsure which pump I want to go with. Doing that would allow me to run the ARID off a manifold vs a dedicated powerhead in the sump...
Tank looks great Joe!
Greg, you know there is! Well there are actually a lot of updates, so I'll give them in order of appearance.
First a FTS for Matt.
I know it looks like not much is going on since everything is still small frags, but a few have started to grow into small tennis ball sized colonies. Tank still looks empty but it is on the right path now.
Next up earlier this week I added some more fish to the tank from liveaquaria.
I added
(3) Female Blue Star Leopard Wrasse
(1) Potter's Angelfish
(2) Bicolor Blenny
(2) Wheeler's Shrimp Goby
The blenny's and goby's went into the tank and disappeared into the rock work and I have only had a few glimpses of them since. I have the Potters Angel in QT tank to get him eating before I put him in the main tank as I already have 5 dwarf angles and they tend to beat up newcomers. But the leopard wrasses were just fine.
I already had 3 Leopard wrasses but wanted to have a few more. Here is a pic of the leopards meeting the existing male.
A little video of them getting acclimated to the tank, at this point they are in the tank for about 5 minutes. I had the lights out when I added them to the tank, but is seems half the fish wanted to check out the new additions.
While I was getting the fish acclimated I was down in the sump room. I noticed water on the floor down near the sump, at first I though I knocked over something but on a closer look, the seal on my main pump was leaking.
The pump I have is a MDM Sequence 1000 series 6100seq23. It's a beast of a pump. I've had it almost 12 years and has been in continuous operation almost the entire time. The Sequence looks similar but it should not to be confused with the reeflo pumps. MDM are really well made pumps and it puts out 3000GPH at 20ft head pressure. I use it to power everything, main tank, skimmer, ARID, and the chiller. Earlier in the year I started to realize that the pump would need to be replaced soon, 12 years is a long time for a pump to last. So I had been looking at alternate pumps for the last few months.
Upon examining the leak, I go into a little of a panic mode as I determined there was a fair amount of water leaking. I originally put a sponge under it and in a couple of hours it was soaked, so I rigged up this hi tech means to funnel water away from the pump.
Using an old section of kids racetrack I was able to channel the water into a bucket. At least now water was not getting on the sump stand and was at least contained. OK now I need to get a new pump to the house ASAP, because if this pump fails or starts to leak even more I am screwed as this is the heart of the tank. Next up replace the pump.
Hey Joe, thanks for the fts! It's an awesome canvas to work with. In a year, it's going to look shockingly different.
How are all the wrasses doing? Was there a change in nutrients after adding all those fish? How's the cheato growth in the pax bellum, these days?
It's quite funny seeing the abyzz next to the sequence..
You must have found it oddly quiet at first.. I bet now, there's a whole new group of sounds you are attuned to when you walk into the fish room.
really like your tank!!
your frag rag looks great
and the size difference between old and new is insane :bigeyes:
keep those updates coming ^^
This was a coral that was recovering. Here you can see the difference in less than 2 months. This coral was almost unchanged in the year I had it in my tank. The growth spurt it has show is really incredible.
March 23rd
May 18th
Wow now that is what I call growth!!
Good job!!
Corals look fantastic Joe. What do you think is causing this change for the better?
That's awesome Joe! I've been experiencing a similar growth spurt lately. Are you still dosing Zinc at double prescribed rate?
Thanks Flo. I am happy with the progress that I am getting now.
It is definitely the Triton base elementz supplementation that is driving al this. I dosed trace elements and tried everything I can think of and was still having the worst time keeping things going. The week a switch to Triton base elements all the problems went away.
My zinc dosing has been all over the place, I stopped the 2x dose and went back to normal dose, the I mixed the wrong amount and dosed that, which was like 3x the amount.
Hmmm. I've been dosing about 1.5 X the target and my tank is doing really well. I think you are right that the trace element replenishment is the key to your success. A few of those missing elements seem to be super important.
Hmmm. I've been dosing about 1.5 X the target and my tank is doing really well.