New member
Your tank looks great Joe. All that hard work is paying off.
this morning, iPhone pic.
I don't use any coral food. Tried most of them, I don't think they do much if anything.
Loving all the fish joe. What aminos are you using now if any?
Nice colors and light. I use t5 too and colors are very different from leds
Can you explain the use of acropower? Is that aminos right? And which relation have with your nitrates? Thanks
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So I add 1 ppm this morning and raised the amount of KNO3 I am dosing.
Looks amazing Joe! Good to see you back in the groove!
Wow really looks great, very envious of all the fish!
Love all the fish joe
Crazy amount of fish.
The tukas look really good!
How many times a day do slam in that much food?
Looks so great with all that life.
What source are you using for the KNO3?
Your tank looks fantastic!
I love the look of all the anthias. I want some so bad in my tank, but they never make it. Any recommendations?
How do you keep algae from taking over the tank.
Are you running gfo pellets zeovit what is your secret
Ever have any issues with cyano with the aminos?