Karl's 100G Build Thread

Photographing fish is hard without adequate light. Otherwise the shutter is way too slow and it looks blurry like in the first pic. What kind of lens are you using?
I must admit I'm glad those anthias stayed in your tank. I ended up getting a pair of my own and am now getting to watch the change from female to male
I must admit I'm glad those anthias stayed in your tank. I ended up getting a pair of my own and am now getting to watch the change from female to male

Haha, yea I don't mind having them around either. If I was able to catch them they'd probably be gone, guess they don't want to leave. The change must be cool to watch, still holding out hope that my leopard will change.
Was able to ID this guy:


Mycedium robokaki - RefGen Robokaki Chalice
Havn't updated this in a LONG time, here it goes. Since my last check in I added a pair of BRS dosing pumps to automate my B-Ionic dosing. I think that added stability of automated/consistent dosing has helped tremendously, yet another reason so love my Apex. I was also able to finally cover my overflow properly with Colin's help. He made me a smoked acrylic overflow cover that suits the tank, no more warped plexi. Have been adding frags periodically but I need 'someone' to take some macro's of them....hmm hmm. Here are a few aweful shots I took quickly to get some pix up. I really need to learn how to use my DSLR.

Wow those pictures are awful...lmao. Lucky for u I know a guy with a macro...oh wait that's me lol! Funny how pictures shrink the tank in person that thing is huge. Is that the "purple" monster in the 3rd picture. I'll come over when I get back bud. Looking good though. Do you have a dyson underwater vacuum cleaner that sand is mint lol
Are u kidding me he scrapes his scraper after he's done scraping lol his tank and sump are super clean

Lol. Not quite that OCD, but yes I do scrape the back and overflow every couple months. The all black "frames" the aqua scape nicely and emphasizes the colors IMO.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. You gotta post more of yours, I wana see that rouge Mille you picked up from fox that franky has been obsessing over.