long update time
going a bit fish crazy as i get ready to stock the 40 breeder
acclimation tank.
i picked up a pair of scissor tail dart fish, a zebra barred dart fish that all swim around together in the acclimation tank, dont know if Laura still lurks around but i did pick up another clown goby, a citron this time. I picked them up at a tank break down sale and are all over 3 years old so the 30 gallon is all full of fish, i have almost taken care of the hair algae with wet skimming and weekly water changes.
i also picked up some kind of clam that looks like a old piece of live rock and put it in the acclimation tank. i have so much equipment laying around i could set up a 55 as an upgrade to the 30 gallon sigh. never mind i have a 75 with stand i could use also lol
the female swallowtail angel fish(Genicanthus melanospilus)
is doing great and is eating any frozen offered but will not eat flake or pellet, i hope the dart fish help her discover the flake since they go nuts over it.
had my buddy come over last night and he took another 2 gallon bucket of cheato that was so thick it wouldnt all fit in there, i still have another 2 gallon bucket left easily in the fuge. after i put the 65 watt pc light my cheato is growing like crazy and my nitrates are zero.
After he left and the fuge settled down i took a look in there and it looks like i have either brine or mysis shrimp(i have put both kinds in the tank at one point or another) by the thousands, they make little swarms in low flow area of the fuge, just thought it was cool.
The powder brown has left the CBB alone and everyone is getting along in the tank, the CBB is not eating flake or pellet yet tho. it will eat hikari and pe mysis, brine, spirulina brine, rods food and a couple of other frozen types of food.
40 breeder
still showing a little ammonia will put some snails or hermits in another 2 weeks.