kudoras 84 gallon thread

picked up a randalls anthias that was in real rough shape, i am a sucker for beat up fish i swear lol. saw it for a sec last night, will try to look for it again later today during feeding time.
went drove to a larger city yesterday, and couldnt pass up my newest edition, a female japanese swallowtail angel fish :)
its 2.75" from head to tail.

the poor randalls i picked up the day before is in rough shape, they kept the water quality poor and the salinity high. i am still hopeful that it will pull through.
acclimation tank:
well the randalls lasted only a couple days after the last post, i think it was so weak it couldnt handle going into a new tank :(

the swallowtail looks great and will eat any kind of frozen i put in the tank.


copperbanded is now eating hikari spirulina brine, it has cleaned up all the aiptasia, feather dusters and i have seen him go after bristle worms.

picked up a 2 inch female spotted mandarin from someone who was breaking down a tank. she went into the DT and is actually quite round and large :)
got a quick photo of the swallow tail, the acclimation tank was overfed while the copperbanded was in it lol i have some hair algae in it but nothing serious.

long update time

going a bit fish crazy as i get ready to stock the 40 breeder

acclimation tank.
i picked up a pair of scissor tail dart fish, a zebra barred dart fish that all swim around together in the acclimation tank, dont know if Laura still lurks around but i did pick up another clown goby, a citron this time. I picked them up at a tank break down sale and are all over 3 years old so the 30 gallon is all full of fish, i have almost taken care of the hair algae with wet skimming and weekly water changes.

i also picked up some kind of clam that looks like a old piece of live rock and put it in the acclimation tank. i have so much equipment laying around i could set up a 55 as an upgrade to the 30 gallon sigh. never mind i have a 75 with stand i could use also lol

the female swallowtail angel fish(Genicanthus melanospilus)
is doing great and is eating any frozen offered but will not eat flake or pellet, i hope the dart fish help her discover the flake since they go nuts over it.

had my buddy come over last night and he took another 2 gallon bucket of cheato that was so thick it wouldnt all fit in there, i still have another 2 gallon bucket left easily in the fuge. after i put the 65 watt pc light my cheato is growing like crazy and my nitrates are zero.
After he left and the fuge settled down i took a look in there and it looks like i have either brine or mysis shrimp(i have put both kinds in the tank at one point or another) by the thousands, they make little swarms in low flow area of the fuge, just thought it was cool.

The powder brown has left the CBB alone and everyone is getting along in the tank, the CBB is not eating flake or pellet yet tho. it will eat hikari and pe mysis, brine, spirulina brine, rods food and a couple of other frozen types of food.

40 breeder
still showing a little ammonia will put some snails or hermits in another 2 weeks.
got a flow upgrade done today on the DT, i had K3x2 and a K4 but they have been replaced by two 6000(1850 gph each) and a 7095 multi controller.

i had them set at 70% and 40% for a pulse but it was way to much for the tank. huge sand storm was created plus all the fish were not very happy. i have it a 40% and 30% for now. since i had not cleaned my powerheads in 6 months i am sure it was a shock for everything in the tank.

i moved the female swallowtail angel fish to the DT last week, after a day of bullying from the PBT he has left her alone and has been accepted by everyone in the tank. i am at my max for fish for this tank(even if its a 5 ft tank)i will not be adding anything unless something is taken out of the tank at this point. current stock list:
Powder brown tang
yellow eye kole tang
Female swallowtail angel fish
target mandarin
sunburst anthias
pajama cardinal
algae blenny

in another month or so i will be transferring corals to my other tanks and will house the fish in a 75 gallon that i will be setting up soon.
i am waiting for the 40 breeder to mature a bit more before i start putting any sps in there. since i put the bubblemaster on the 40 breeder i purchased another skimmer for the DT, i will post pics when it comes in.

questions and comments are welcome
lol... Yeah those pumps can really move stuff around. Even the 6025 in the small cube I used to have was clearing out sand. Since the stream is a little more concentrated it's a little tricky to find the sweet spot with them.

I think it's time for some updated pics of your new equipment and livestock as well. ;)
checked up on the tank today during lunch, moved the pumps as high as i could since they were moving alot of sand in the middle of the tank. like you mentioned i will have to find a sweet spot for them. the sps is really happy but the LPS is kinda upset, the pagoda cup is not liking the new flow forsure.

i will take some pics tonight of some corals and a FTS.
went home today and it looks like everything has adjusted to the 60% power so i will up it again later tonight to 70%.
i am currently using the pulse mode on the 7095 every 5 secs between 60% and 40%. i was able to adjust were the pumps sat so the flow doesnt collide in the middle of the tank and knock everything over.

The flow is very different from my K3s and K4 since it was very wide and not as direct. its very hard not to make the flow hit something directly since its only 18" high.

was thinking on trying some of the other settings, any ideas?
forgot to mention that my temp while i am home during lunch is around 78.8, but for the second day in a row it was 77.6 :) so that means the new pumps are putting out less heat :)
i know what this thread needs(been kinda quiet)


before: orange digi

Now:orange digi

before: half dead birds nest

now: birds nest with shrimp hanging out
couple of shots of corals

another shot focusing on the blue bottle brush

Rainbow prostata: its been encrusting and has turned into a nice yellow/green with red polyps

BoP: this poor coral was moved up and was completely bleached out after a couple of weeks. not growing like before but its regaining its color.

my boy shyguy the CBB

comments or questions welcome as always.
Nice shots. I really like that Orange Digi. If I ever get better lighting coverage over the tank I would like to add one over by the Purple and Blue Digi's.
cleaned the Ro/di unit using TJs instructions today, the ro/di had a smell to it so i cleaned it out and changed all the filters today.
he eats anything frozen now even spirulina brine shrimp, he ate all the aiptasia and tube worms in the tank also, wont touch flake or pellets. Didnt move him into the display tank for 2 months he shared a 30 gallon with a sunburst anthias and a clown goby were he got nice and fat. He lost a little weight when i put him into the DT but after a couple of weeks he figured out how to get as much food when going against everything else in the tank. He is doing well now.