kudoras 84 gallon thread

right before we left for school this morning, my daughter was yelling for me to see what she found in the DT, she found one/three pep shrimp, so thats good, glad something wasnt picking them off. going to buy 2 or 3 more for the DT next week.
2 nights ago i noticed something was burrowing in the front of the tank but it was 1/3" size hole so i was interested to see what it was. i hung out with my red light flash light for a bit and saw a large worm with 3 tentacles on its face. it looked nasty and easily 12" long. it reminded me of a Eunicid worm so i tried to catch it but boy does it move fast, will be on the look out for it over the next couple of nights to see if i can find were its home is.
finally remembered the name of the monti cap i got a couple of weeks ago, ORA Brett's Purple Rim Montipora Cap

since i got a frag of it, it doesnt have any purple on it yet...
after reading on the bretts monti, looks like i might have to wait for it to grow a little and my lights might not show the purple on the edge of the cap, no biggie i am liking the coral as is. my pearl berry is doing great as is the acro verde, both growning nicely. my green fuzzy acro is finally filling in and looks like its trying to branch out.
never endin aptasia, the peppermints r doin anumber on mine i do have to hit the big ones with a little of Aptasia X to size them down and let the peppermints do the rest.
been sick the last two days with a cold so besides top offs and 2 parts in the early morning i have not really looked looked at my tank. did notice this in the morning on my pavona. any ideas? all my other corals are doing great. current parms
s: 1.025
nitrate: 0
alk: 9.5
ph: 8.2
calc: 400
temp: 78.6

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14401323#post14401323 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
been sick the last two days with a cold so besides top offs and 2 parts in the early morning i have not really looked looked at my tank. did notice this in the morning on my pavona. any ideas? all my other corals are doing great. current parms
s: 1.025
nitrate: 0
alk: 9.5
ph: 8.2
calc: 400
temp: 78.6


looks like some tissue necrosis---cut the injured piece off and a little bit of extra so you get it all.
I just read through the previous page---is it possible you might have burned it with Joe's Juice?

at any rate it should be removed.
your prob right capn, i have been going after the aiptasia for the last couple of weeks. dont have anything to cut the coral tonight, will go out tomorrow morning to find something to cut it cleanly off.

thx much for the response.
finally going to put in the coral i picked up today, i had to acclimate 6 bags and only had 3 lines to acclimate. had to run to walmart for some more tubing.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14506617#post14506617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
finally going to put in the coral i picked up today, i had to acclimate 6 bags and only had 3 lines to acclimate. had to run to walmart for some more tubing.

lets some see pics of the new coral?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14506617#post14506617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
finally going to put in the coral i picked up today, i had to acclimate 6 bags and only had 3 lines to acclimate. had to run to walmart for some more tubing.
6 bags eh... can't wait to see what you picked up. :)
got some quick shots of the new additions, only tried a couple of times per item(usually try 10 times per pic i post but its been a long day).

first up is my new brain coral(bag 1)


next is a so so pic of my new BoP(bag 2)


if you noticed the aiptasia in the last pic i picked up 6 of these guys(bag 3 and 4)
didnt get to clean that side of the tank since he was actually out when the lights were on.
