Mike, thank you very much! I try!!

And because you asked.. I have a couple more shots and a bit of a conundrum, I'd like some opinions on..
First.. More pics..
A macro of a pacman:

Two torts about to meet:

The growth end of a turaki, I think..

This guy was getting these red tips back in August but with the nutrient drop I had when I was away, it greened out completely. In the past few weeks, it has started to colour up again..
Now, this bit of colouring up and the great colours in general in my tank are very interesting to me.. And here's why..
Tested n and p last night.
N: 4 ppm.. I've been dosing n to get it up a bit and to help lower p... Well..
P: .17..... Yep..
Alk stable at 7.5.
Exactly 3 months ago, I decided to remove my biopellets because I thought by adding a dsb and a good sized cheato fuge, the system could handle the nutrient without pellets..
If you remember.. (Don't worry, I do!) pretty much immediately after removing them, cyano began it rear its ugly head, not to mention the bubble algea and the bryopsis.
As I transitioned off of the pellets, nutrients stayed pretty low..
After about a month, the cyano was epic so I treated..
This gave me a serious nutrient bump.. Nutrients subsided a bit and I thought things were ok but then the cyano began a strong comeback.. I treated again about 2-3 weeks ago and when the dust has settled, n was below 1 ppm and p was around .16-.18.
I began dosing potassium nitrate to bring it up and after the last couple weeks, I have succeeded in raising n.... BUT.. P has stayed stable at .16 ish
So, a few things: throughout this past 3 months nutrients have been up, they have been down, they have been all around!!
Corals continue to grow faster and show better colours...
Weird?? I think so... The one constant throughout all this is pretty decent amounts of food going into the tank.. About 8 frozen cubes of food and my Reef Roids/Reef Pearls/Reef Vitality mix- a pinch a day at light out..
The other factor is hat I have a frag tank that was infested with algea, brown leafy algea and turf algea.. After adding a sea hare in there about 3 weeks ago, the tank is spotless.
My cheato fuge grows but the cheato does not produce that fresh light green new growth that cheato does when it's super happy..
EVERY frickin algea is haaaaapy in this system but my cheato!
Since the second cyano treatment, cyano has NOT grown back... With p or .16, the cyano decides to stop... N additions? It that what is holding it back??
Is it a more favorable Redfield's ratio, after all of my denying that??
Pery tel me I should change the name of this thread... Well this tank continues to baffle, frustrate and amaze me...
Now my question... The answer would be simple if I didn't have cyano, bryopsis and bubble algea breathing down my neck..
What do I do to control nutrients in an attempt to reduce the algea issues??
In my mind, I have two options.. Either I reintroduce a Carbon source- either pellets or vinegar..
Maybe try dosing iron?? Maybe jump start the cheato in the fuge and/or jump start some iron limited bacteria??
I'm not sure which way to go.. Add a known nutrient reducer (Carbon source) or add essentially a fertilizer (iron)
I am reflexively leaning towards the Carbon source but my second guessing, counterintuitive side is telling me that maybe I should try the iron..