Learning/rebuilding from my epic fail

I still believe that bugs and aefw are predominantly around and spread due to infected aquaculture. Ihtn almost three years and over 100 wild pieces i have never seen either nor ever in my previous tanks with probably another 200 wild pieces added in total years ago. It sh$ts me no end to constantly see my good mates on here who are great with acros constantly getting kicked in the guts by these pests Matt :(

I found adding the colors to my brown acro reef in photoshop took too long so i went back to food coloring dips again, you should give it some thought mate :thumbsup:

Ahhhhhh ! i was supposed to grab some peppermint shrimp today now the wrasse caught a bus to hell - you should have reminded me earlier :rolleyes:

Yes, I think aquaculture probably increased the frequency of these pests but I also think that once these pests made their way into stores and distributors, they became permanently entrenched in the hobby. If you are a rampant (read unhealthily obsessive) collector like me, it is really tricky to control completely. The bugs I just can't see anymore, literally. I have to put on a pair of reading glasses to see them. 5-10 years ago I could see the red bugs a mile away.. Not anymore...
If one is totally rigid in a policy of clipping bases and dipping well, aefw can be stopped at the door, I don't think..
I still do not have a read infestation of either. I'm hard pressed to locate either pest easily but I know they are in there.
When corals are healthy and growing well- and when there is some predation, from, I believe, my peppermints- the corals can tolerate them..
I'm still not decided on whether I'll use interceptor.
I'm going to keep keeping an eye on things....
If I have declining corals or very serious indication of the pests, I'd be more concerned.
Well, Andrew, please tell me which food colorings you are using these days because the palette of violet, purple, blue and burgundy in your tank is astonishing!! :)
Yes, I think aquaculture probably increased the frequency of these pests but I also think that once these pests made their way into stores and distributors, they became permanently entrenched in the hobby. If you are a rampant (read unhealthily obsessive) collector like me, it is really tricky to control completely. The bugs I just can't see anymore, literally. I have to put on a pair of reading glasses to see them. 5-10 years ago I could see the red bugs a mile away.. Not anymore...
If one is totally rigid in a policy of clipping bases and dipping well, aefw can be stopped at the door, I don't think..
I still do not have a read infestation of either. I'm hard pressed to locate either pest easily but I know they are in there.
When corals are healthy and growing well- and when there is some predation, from, I believe, my peppermints- the corals can tolerate them..
I'm still not decided on whether I'll use interceptor.
I'm going to keep keeping an eye on things....
If I have declining corals or very serious indication of the pests, I'd be more concerned.
Well, Andrew, please tell me which food colorings you are using these days because the palette of violet, purple, blue and burgundy in your tank is astonishing!! :)

Well said Matt, and I agree 100%, while I personally do not feel I have them, my tank runs like I do. I use Zeovit Flatworm Stop daily, at 2ml. I have been for a few months. If the corals are healthy and are growing, in many cases the worms cannot infest, so it becomes a check and balance. Whether I have them or not, I assume I do and will always try and keep a tank with as many known fish and inverts that I can to prey on them:) Glad to see your tank is running well, it is one of my favorites! Cheers:)
Hi Matt,

my reef is not ready to be shown yet. It was set up last September and I've had several issues keeping corals, trying this and that, and failing. I was chasing numbers, high nitrates without any impact on the tank, but tryed hard to lower them anyway. Decreased feeding, ran biopellets, vinegar+vodka, -NPPro+ProBioS... Corals were dying after 2 weeks in my tank. Finally I decided to forget about nitrates and feeding the tank (fish and corals) more. It's now when I can keep corals in good shape. Now I am able to keep brown (or not so coloured) corals alive, and I'm very satisfied with it.

That's why I've enjoyed your thread so much. I enjoyed the pictures a lot (green of envy) but I enjoyed the discussion the most.

Can you recommend me any thread similar to yours?

Thanks, sergi. Sounds like you are going through typical new tank (new reefer) instabilities. There certainly is a balance to strike between numbers chasing and numbers stability. The colours will come.
What lighting are you using?
At the risk of leaving out more informative threads than is acceptable, I will mention two simply because one is not in the sps forum and the other is (at the moment) not getting a lot of activity. This is temporary I think..
Any other thread I'd mention is actively being posted on regularly, right in he sps forum. I don't really get out past the sps forum very much.
Big E's thread called Top down shots is a fantastic testament to basic reef keeping philosophy
And Nemodan's build thread is also great for basic reef keeping philosophy
.. Like I said there are many others right here.. I'm sure you have read many..
Hope to see a build thread from you soon, sergi!
I'm sold :) I'll get another girl then :) That might a little down the track as Dave is getting captive bred royal gramma's in and depending on the price I'm hoping for a pair of them!! :D

I already told Dave that i am to get the first captive bred pair so you can shelve that little idea buddy........:beer:

He said they come with sump purchases... and he's taking his time with yours and not mine :love1:

I always enjoy when the Aussies argue over who gets what from their own treasure trove of a backyard! :)
Well said Matt, and I agree 100%, while I personally do not feel I have them, my tank runs like I do. I use Zeovit Flatworm Stop daily, at 2ml. I have been for a few months. If the corals are healthy and are growing, in many cases the worms cannot infest, so it becomes a check and balance. Whether I have them or not, I assume I do and will always try and keep a tank with as many known fish and inverts that I can to prey on them:) Glad to see your tank is running well, it is one of my favorites! Cheers:)

Hey Perry, thanks! :)
I'm intrigued by the flatworm stop, although it sounds, to me, like snake oil, I might give it a try simply because I have nothing to lose.
Yes, adding as many known predators as possible is always good insurance!

Here's one good reason why I don't want to add interceptor..
I took this under actinics the other night..
Oh that is one sweet pic, I love it, could see that pic on the front of a coral book or magazine!!! I absolutely love acro crabs, I have none, but they are the coolest little creatures, I love their symbiotic commitment to their host, just amazing man :)
Hey Perry, thanks! :)
I'm intrigued by the flatworm stop, although it sounds, to me, like snake oil, I might give it a try simply because I have nothing to lose.
Yes, adding as many known predators as possible is always good insurance!

Here's one good reason why I don't want to add interceptor..
I took this under actinics the other night..

That is an awesome pic!
Hey Perry, thanks! :)
I'm intrigued by the flatworm stop, although it sounds, to me, like snake oil, I might give it a try simply because I have nothing to lose.
Yes, adding as many known predators as possible is always good insurance!

Here's one good reason why I don't want to add interceptor..
I took this under actinics the other night..
Gorgeous.... love acro crabs. Sadly, i lost mine during my recent red bug treatment with Interceptor.
I still believe that bugs and aefw are predominantly around and spread due to infected aquaculture. Ihtn almost three years and over 100 wild pieces i have never seen either nor ever in my previous tanks with probably another 200 wild pieces added in total years ago. It sh$ts me no end to constantly see my good mates on here who are great with acros constantly getting kicked in the guts by these pests Matt :(

Dude 100% agree! More people need to say things like this. I have not seen many pests at all on wilds, maricultures maybe a couple times out of a lot. Everytime I have got a pest it's from a hobbiest, even well known hobbiest coral sellers that frequent the boards for sales have sent me infected frags, and then tried to act like they had no clue they had them, after a bit of conversation they did after all. So I only buy wild and maricultures now. Money makes people do some wierd stuff. And pests give people a wierd attitude like they can't let anyone know or even talk about it or they will be shunned, like a wierd stigma. I posted a new zoanthid nudibranch pest on a couple sites and got one reply with someone giving their experience and thoughts. Imagine if there was a new acropora pest found and one cared to even look or learn....
Hey guys, thanks for all of the love on that shot! Wow. Very nice! :) this crab usually sees me coming and scurries down around the back of the coral but I guess because I took the shot later than usual with almost no light on, he wasn't watching me.

Dude 100% agree! More people need to say things like this. I have not seen many pests at all on wilds, maricultures maybe a couple times out of a lot. Everytime I have got a pest it's from a hobbiest, even well known hobbiest coral sellers that frequent the boards for sales have sent me infected frags, and then tried to act like they had no clue they had them, after a bit of conversation they did after all. So I only buy wild and maricultures now. Money makes people do some wierd stuff. And pests give people a wierd attitude like they can't let anyone know or even talk about it or they will be shunned, like a wierd stigma. I posted a new zoanthid nudibranch pest on a couple sites and got one reply with someone giving their experience and thoughts. Imagine if there was a new acropora pest found and one cared to even look or learn....

I agree.. This is why I treat every coral that comes into the tank as suspect. If there is an Acro crab, I remove him before dipping the coral..
I know.. All my talk about treating the corals before putting them in my tank doesn't seem to have helped me very much.. I still think one can be effective at keeping the pests out with strict adherence to the clip and dip method..
My downfall was when I rescued a tank full of acros last year.. There were like 20-30 acros, colonies and frags. I had to take all these corals away in buckets and and then cut them up and dip them all before they got too stressed. It was also late so I clearly failed to stop all the pests in my haste to keep everything alive and properly dipped..
That's where I got my Jaw droppers and a few other very cool acros, so I don't regret it..
Live and learn!!
Matt,gThis is a dood strategy, which I am not good at. I never dip any corals, but I never introduce any colonies in the first place.

Do you think a reef tank can harbour AEFWs without acroporidae in it exhibiting any external stress signs?
All the guys I have seen with aefw in the past few years love the clip and dip method :hmm3: I think the clip and dip method is good but people get complacent doing this and sometimes aren't sure of what eggs even look like. I prefer holding them in a observation tank for a period of time before adding to the tank. Even if it's connected to the main system the chances are slim to none that one gets through. Especially if your watching them daily. There are many ways to skin a cat and as long as your proactive it usually works out. They slip through when you "trust" that things are clean for whatever reason. And if your like me it's happened :)
Being prepared to get pests and deal with them makes reefing compleetly fun. We don't even blink if we see pests on new corals anymore and I haven't had this much fun keeping corals since I started!
What food do the glass cardinals like the best? I had a school before but they seemed to pick either each other off one at a time until I was left with only a couple
Nice fuzzy polyps in the macro pics! :D Too bad about the smooth-skinned blue-ish one...hopefully it comes out of its hump.