It has been a while since we had an update about Apogon Reef. And that's for a reason. After the summer holidays the reef suffered a major outbreak of Green hair algae (GHA), that was very hard to get rid of.
We found the solution for the problem, but it didn't disappear overnight. Steps we followed:
The rocks was taken out, soaked in Muriatic Acid two times, and then soaked in a solution of baking soda, to neutralize the rock. This effectively removed all the debris and green hair algae that was in and on the rock, but I also killed all the live on and in it.
That's why the rock was revived in a large bin of used aquarium water with some live rock, to seed the rock and bring life back into it.
During this several week process I cleaned all the glass, bottom and coral bases of GHA, and did several 50% water changes.
After two weeks, the rock was seeded enough and the tank clean and ready. I rearranged to rocks and glued all the corals back using super glue gel.
The GHA did come back a little, but 30% waterchanges every week, the use of 2 ml Vodka daily and the use of NP Biopellets XL got rid of it once and for all.
Some weeks ago I also added some more Apogon to the reef, it is "œApogon Reef" after all, and I can't call it this way with only 5 cardinals in it. The amount of Apogon will be expanded gradually, untill I reach the number of 30-40.
Please leave a comment or feedback, it is well appreciated!