Leonardo's Apogon Reef


Do you ever have problems with your tank being "too clean?" I have a barebottom tank with a larger skimmer and from time to time the acros get stressed out due to lack of nutrients. Wondering if this ever happens to your tank and if so how you rememdy the problem?
Sweet stuff Leonardo! Long time no talk - I had a lot of issues and distractions so I am just starting to get semi-active on the boards again. Glad to see you back in the swing of things.
how many of the apagon leptacanthus do you have so far?
How often do you need to feed them?

I am thinking of a small group for my reef too, how many do you suggest as a minimum?

I always enjoyed looking at the pictures of your cardinals swimming through your acros. Years ago when you were first posting pictures of the formosa forest, I set a goal based on your tank to be able to enjoy something similar every day.

I snapped a couple pictures a couple nights ago of the first time I caught my cardinals out schooling. I'd like to share them with you and let you know that your tank was 100% my inspiration.

Not bad. You have certainly achieved a minimalist look while maintaining healthy corals. When I look at the FTSs I don't ever get the feeling that what I'm seeing actually came from any part of the ocean or any ecosystem in the world at all. It looks much more like a man-made sculpture. I suppose that's exactly what it is. Good job never the less!
Thanks everyone!


Do you ever have problems with your tank being "too clean?" I have a barebottom tank with a larger skimmer and from time to time the acros get stressed out due to lack of nutrients. Wondering if this ever happens to your tank and if so how you rememdy the problem?

Not anymore, when I just had a BB setup I experienced this problem, now I know you have to balance light/food/skimming for optimal coral colors. Just experiment with feeding more and reduce your lighting period when you having pale colors. make supre to check your parameters and check for AEFW.

Sweet stuff Leonardo! Long time no talk - I had a lot of issues and distractions so I am just starting to get semi-active on the boards again. Glad to see you back in the swing of things.

Hello Greg, it has been a while indeed. Been distracted myself also, but it's good to be back from time to time.

how many of the apagon leptacanthus do you have so far?
How often do you need to feed them?

I am thinking of a small group for my reef too, how many do you suggest as a minimum?

I suggest to have four minimal. They are fed twice a day in my reef.

Regards, Leonardo
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It has been a while since we had an update about Apogon Reef. And that's for a reason. After the summer holidays the reef suffered a major outbreak of Green hair algae (GHA), that was very hard to get rid of.
We found the solution for the problem, but it didn't disappear overnight. Steps we followed:

The rocks was taken out, soaked in Muriatic Acid two times, and then soaked in a solution of baking soda, to neutralize the rock. This effectively removed all the debris and green hair algae that was in and on the rock, but I also killed all the live on and in it.
That's why the rock was revived in a large bin of used aquarium water with some live rock, to seed the rock and bring life back into it.
During this several week process I cleaned all the glass, bottom and coral bases of GHA, and did several 50% water changes.

After two weeks, the rock was seeded enough and the tank clean and ready. I rearranged to rocks and glued all the corals back using super glue gel.
The GHA did come back a little, but 30% waterchanges every week, the use of 2 ml Vodka daily and the use of NP Biopellets XL got rid of it once and for all.

Some weeks ago I also added some more Apogon to the reef, it is "œApogon Reef" after all, and I can't call it this way with only 5 cardinals in it. The amount of Apogon will be expanded gradually, untill I reach the number of 30-40.

Please leave a comment or feedback, it is well appreciated!









