Leonardo's Apogon Reef

Thanks guys!

The fish is a Serranus tortugarum or Chalk Bass. The Blue+ made it a little blue and cound't get the wihite balace right afterwards.

The lighting period is a bit shorter the usual, because of the lower nutrient level in BB tanks and the dominance of deep water Acropora.

4 T5's are on for 10 hours (all Blue+)
6 T5's are on for 6 hours (only Blue+ and Purple+ at the moment)

I came back from Italy with a lot of energy and new ideas two weeks ago. Apogon Reef was in good condition after two weeks of my absence, the only thing is that I’ve been battling a small outbreak of Cyano and Green algae.

To get rid of them I did two 50% water changes, skimmed very wet and filtering over 1 liter of Seachem Phosban. It looks like I’m winning the battle.

Besides that I incorporated a new idea. I now use a Eheim canister filter, filled with Siporax and Zeolites. The flow is very slow, about 150 liter/hour. 1 ampul of Prodibio Bio Digest and 1 ml Vinegar is added in the intake of the filter daily. Nitrates and Phosphates were unmeasurable before this filter, but I notice better and brighter colored SPS.

Now some fresh photo’s of today. The pictures appear a bit blue, this because all the T5 are blue, with every white bulb I took out I noticed an increase in the coloration and health in my deepwater Acropora.










Truly Masterclass!!
Great job Leonardo.
The corals are looking very healthy and showing superb growth.

So you planning to run just the blue lights?

Siporax and Zeovit in an Eheim canister. Interesting idea. But how do you bring about agitating the Zeolite stones? Have you mixed the zeolite stones and siporax together or in separate compartments?

I just finished making my sump. If you dont mind could you post a pic of your sump?

Happy Reefing!!
Thanks guys.

I'm planning to run different light in the future. Instead of mostly blue light I want to mix some white light and many Actinic bulbs to see what results I'm getting them. Sure thing is that Deepwater Acropora seems to be healtier, have deeper colors and growing faster is moderate, blue lighting. On my blog I wrote some more info about Deepwater Acropora Care.

I mixed the Zeolites and Siporax together. To agitate them I just shake the canister once a day, it's very simple. In the future I will add some sponges to the canister, hopefully they will colonize all the substrate and create a Cryptic Refugium.

I'll make a sump photo for you asap.

Sump picture in on the way.

Veloboy, I noticed brighter colors and a cleaner looking tank (less film on the glass). I don't notice any change in parameters, because NO3 and PO4 were already unmeasurable.
The small patches of Cyano I was dealing with also completely disappeared, despite the use of a liquid carbon source (Vinegar).

Thanks for sharing your awesome tank. Nice job with the photos. Really shows off your tank well.

That PE you're getting is amazing. :)
I really like how you also enjoy convict tangs... Am I wrong that I think you had one in a past tank?? Anyhow, I miss mine, he had to go when I relocated... He would eat from my hand... IMO, they are one of the nicest tangs...

And of course great tank as always :beer:
Dear Leonardo,
As well as you, I'm an european reefer (from Madrid, Spain). First of all, congratulations, each tank of yours is a true inspiration.
Here goes my question, do you have any special method for keeping the bottom of the tank clean (siphoning) or just good flow??

Thank you and congrats again!