Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

I find the actinic better at adding a purple look than the bluw plus.
To me the blue plus adds more blue.
Same here i get that very purpling effect when i first turned them on (only the aquablues and blueplus). Then, as you said, it gets whither and whither as time goes by.

BTW, in the back of my mind i remember someone saying that hte 80watts T5s are not as bright as the 54watts ones, is this correct? I'm thinking of switching my 48'' to 60'' to get rid of some dimmer spots on the side of my tank, which is 60''.

In theory if Ice Cap's estimates are right, an overdriven 54 watt lamp runs at 85 watts while an 80 watt lamp runs at 100, the 54 would be brighter. Not a huge difference, 1.82 watt per inch vs. 1.7. You could always stagger the 54 watt lamps a few inches each way to brighter up the edges without having to get new lamps and more ballasts.
So under normal output then it should be somewhat about the same, but when i do a simple calculation of wattage per inches i get this.

54watts / 48 inches = 1.125 watts/inch
80watts / 60 inches = 1.33 watts/inch

So does that mean the 80'' will be brighter?

I would try to stagger them but i have a fixture so that option is a no go. Also i've noticed the color inconsistency when this is done and i'm not too fond of that either.

I don't know if I've seen a pic of a staggered T5 but if done right there shouldn't be a color difference. As far as I know you cannot buy a good T5 fixture with 5 foot lamps.

Running on standard ballasts the longer lamps are more effiecient so should be a little brighter. I haven't done a PAR measurment so I can't say that is 100 percent positive but I have read that is true with other lamps too..
FastUno said:
Codeman, yes I should. Let me explain.
That pic was taken with only 4 of the center bulbs on. When I have only the 2 outer bulbs on for dusk/dawn, it's VERY brown in color, not really what you want.

So to give it a more purple look during the dawn/dusk mode I will replace one of the aquablues to a Blue+. I also tend to go beyond my regular photo period... many times I come home from work late & want to view the tank late. Corals don't seem to like too long of a photo period, so I will have to keep only 2 bulbs on. Now it's too brown & not pretty at all with only the 2 outer bulbs (both aquablues) on. So to make corals & myself happier I will replace.

I also highly recommend you do the same, hope it's not too late?

Actually, I can make the change because my bulbs are on backorder from reefgeek. I will call and have them change one bulb from aquablue to blue+. Thanks for the tip...hopefully my tank will look like yours does when it gets set up.
Thanks for your help, a couple more questions though.

1. Aren't the reflectors for t5s made only to disperse light depth wise and not length wise?
2. I thought that a 48'' bulb was suppose to light up a 1ft x 4ft area, is this correct?
3. Also, if I were to stagger them, wouldn't the bulbs be skewed therefore leading to a larger single area in the tank not lit by that bulb?


The Grim Reefer said:
I don't know if I've seen a pic of a staggered T5 but if done right there shouldn't be a color difference. As far as I know you cannot buy a good T5 fixture with 5 foot lamps.

Running on standard ballasts the longer lamps are more effiecient so should be a little brighter. I haven't done a PAR measurment so I can't say that is 100 percent positive but I have read that is true with other lamps too..
Staggering the lamps about 3" each way should make the light look even at the ends. My 72" tank had 60" lamps unstaggered with ballasts shading the ends and you could just tell the upper rear edges were a little darker. You could just stagger the Aquablue lamps to make the edges look more even. Nothing wrong with using the ends of the tank for lower light critters as long as it looks good..

Just remembered you have a fixture not a canopy. Maybe raising the fixture up a tad would allow the light to spread a little more.
go for it you wont regret it. I just bought 2 54 watters and love them. Ill be getting two more shortly. :)
the pictures and the info on this thread have been great. thanks to everyone for sharing you knowledge and your tanks!

If I currently have a small tank (29 gallons on 18" deep) am i crazy to get the longer t-5 setup (54w)? i know eventually i will expand to a larger tank that i will need them it just seems silly to buy the two sets of shorter lights if i don't need to. I basically want to keep everything but clams (soft corals, mushrooms, a few fish with lots of live rock) will the extra light coming from the side of the tank because fof the lights being so long hurt them at all.

also if i wanted to hang the lights like the TEk system does anone know who sells a fixture similar that i can retrofit . I was thinking of starting with 2 or 3 bulbs to start with this small tank but when i get the bigger tank i would add 2 or more bulbs. hoping to not have to buyand reretrofit another Fixture later down the road when i get a bigger tank. Thanks!
You can get a retro fit kit and make a hood or fixture to mount the lamps in. Get the right length. You could always re use a lot of the retro fit equipment when you move to a longer tank. 2 2foot reflectors on a four foot lamp and so on..

The Grim Reefer said:
You can get a retro fit kit and make a hood or fixture to mount the lamps in. Get the right length. You could always re use a lot of the retro fit equipment when you move to a longer tank. 2 2foot reflectors on a four foot lamp and so on..


Agreed, I think getting Ice Cap ballast and the right bulb size in a retro kit, when you get a longer tank then buy the right size bulb. Bulbs need to be replaced anyways.
I have a 120 gallon and as of right now, I'm running (2) 250 W metal halide ice cap ballast with 14 K bulbs (hamilton's) and (4) 55W actinic 03 power compact. I'm thinking of replacing my power compact with either T5's or VHO. Which will be a better fitting with my metal halide? Also, which bulbs to choose to mix with my 2 14K metal halide. Some suggestions would be really aprreciated.

Hey guys, after reading all of this, ive gone out and got myself some t5 lighting.

im from australia, and its only just come out here so there are only like 2 options for us as far as brands go.
One is Aqua medic (made in germany) which i purchased a twin setup of (39W) which comes with 2 actinic tubes.
the other is aqua z qhcih ive purchased a twin setup of with a 10k tube and a 20k tube. I just wanted to know, if this amount of lights and the tubes, will this be ok to put sps under? my tanks dimensions are 3ft x 14" x 20" high.
ive also got a golden maxima clam, just wondering if it will be ok aswell if i keep it up high

cheers :)
I just got mine - I love the colors - don't really have too much in the tank yet so not worth posting a pic.
I run two suns and two blue pluses
Juvv said:
Hey guys, after reading all of this, ive gone out and got myself some t5 lighting.

im from australia, and its only just come out here so there are only like 2 options for us as far as brands go.
One is Aqua medic (made in germany) which i purchased a twin setup of (39W) which comes with 2 actinic tubes.
the other is aqua z qhcih ive purchased a twin setup of with a 10k tube and a 20k tube. I just wanted to know, if this amount of lights and the tubes, will this be ok to put sps under? my tanks dimensions are 3ft x 14" x 20" high.
ive also got a golden maxima clam, just wondering if it will be ok aswell if i keep it up high

cheers :)

If the fixtures have individual reflectors for each lamp you should have good light. I'd still keep SPS in the upper half of the tank.
yeah they have singular reflectors.
one set i got have the parabolic or what ever they are reflectors , so hopefully everything goes to plan!:)
jeffreylam1132 said:
I have a 120 gallon and as of right now, I'm running (2) 250 W metal halide ice cap ballast with 14 K bulbs (hamilton's) and (4) 55W actinic 03 power compact. I'm thinking of replacing my power compact with either T5's or VHO. Which will be a better fitting with my metal halide? Also, which bulbs to choose to mix with my 2 14K metal halide. Some suggestions would be really aprreciated.


My Opinion, if you plan on keeping the Ham 14k, or any other bulb the peaks @ 450nm then I would go with Actinic VHO URI bulbs (420nm). If you plan to run a 10K bulb the peaks at 420nm then go T5 Blue Plus bulbs (450nm). I have heard, not tested that T5 Actinic 03 aren't as good as VHO URI Actinics.

Either way, I don't think you can go wrong with any T5 lights.