Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

SLOreefer said:
horkn, how did you get a 3x39w kit? i would love to get a similar 3x24w but dont see those ballasts offered. what specifically did you get or do i have to call john to ask for it?

yep, grimmy got it right.. i run a workhorse5

works great:)
Had it for 3 months & then sold it. I direct fed cyclo & bio plankton often, then just got tired of doing it.
Here's an updated pic of mine:

For more info on my budding system, look here:
adrinal, I can't pic up your email address in your profile. PM me and I will. I'm so frustrated with this I could punt my Mac out the window.
FastUno said:
Updated tank pic below.
Come on guys MORE PICS, MORE PICS, this is suppose to be a pic thread?


here, i will re post yours then;)

i will psot more pics when i get mroe stuff in it:D
Zapata, those are 5 T5's? Tank looks very bright. I have the 6 bulb, 54W Tek T5 fixture, I had to cut back to only having 4 of the bulbs on. Corals did not like that much light!

I would recommend the 6 bulb only if you are doing mostly SPS. Softies & LPS 4 bulb fixture would have been just fine. Kicking myself for not getting the 4 bulb fixture instead, would have saved money on fixture, less bulbs, & more space!

Will be changing the front aquablue to blue+ shortly. Pic was taken with 4 inner bulbs on.

Oh & I think the look is due to corraline growth that reflects purple back.
yup those are t5's, overdriven with URI A4 ballast (same as 660) using icecap slr reflectors. yes they are way bright, it is only 5 bulbs, blue+,aquable,sun,aquable,blue +. one of the blue+ is ran off a workhorse 5 ballast. yes i am trying to switch over to mostly sps as the softies really dont care for all the light.
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? When I first turn on my 4 center lights, I get this really purple glow back from the tank. I guess as the bulbs warm up, the purple gives way to more of a white look, still purple, but not as deep as when you first turn them on.

FastUno said:

Will be changing the front aquablue to blue+ shortly. Pic was taken with 4 inner bulbs on.

Oh & I think the look is due to corraline growth that reflects purple back.

I wouldn't change a thing...I ordered the same bulb setup for my tank after seeing your pictures.
Codeman, yes I should. Let me explain.
That pic was taken with only 4 of the center bulbs on. When I have only the 2 outer bulbs on for dusk/dawn, it's VERY brown in color, not really what you want.

So to give it a more purple look during the dawn/dusk mode I will replace one of the aquablues to a Blue+. I also tend to go beyond my regular photo period... many times I come home from work late & want to view the tank late. Corals don't seem to like too long of a photo period, so I will have to keep only 2 bulbs on. Now it's too brown & not pretty at all with only the 2 outer bulbs (both aquablues) on. So to make corals & myself happier I will replace.

I also highly recommend you do the same, hope it's not too late?

You should also note that I dose with B-Ionic daily. You see that rock to the left? That was dead rock about 1 1/2 month ago, now it's covered with corraline. I am getting a lot of corraline growth & it reflects back as a purple color. I guess because I have more rock work exposed than corals (i upgraded from my 55g to this 90g only 1 1/2mo ago). Can't wait for my next wave of coral purchases!