Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

I am about to purchase a new set of bulbs since mine may be approaching the end of their useful life - have any earth shattering new bulbs been made available in the last year - ones that are not in my list below?
RedEyeReef said:
My Opinion, if you plan on keeping the Ham 14k, or any other bulb the peaks @ 450nm then I would go with Actinic VHO URI bulbs (420nm). If you plan to run a 10K bulb the peaks at 420nm then go T5 Blue Plus bulbs (450nm). I have heard, not tested that T5 Actinic 03 aren't as good as VHO URI Actinics.

Either way, I don't think you can go wrong with any T5 lights.

Thanks RedEyeReef, but if I decide to go with T5, what bulbs would you suggest?
jeffreylam1132 said:
Thanks RedEyeReef, but if I decide to go with T5, what bulbs would you suggest?

There are some many others on this thread with more T5 experience then I... I have heard by many that the Blue Plus is the T5 to go with, but with Ham 14k's you are lacking a 420nm peak (actinic). I think you should go with one of each and see which works the best over your tank.

Some else with using T5's please speak up.:)
Juvv said:
ok its all setup. here she is.



sorry for the bad quality its my camera hehe
I'll help with getting the pics to show. Use the IMG button to have your pics show in the post.


Noticed those red mushrooms are in the bottom, lower left corner.
Any troubles with those? Are they not liking the light?
um , yeah they are havin a bit of trouble only because there are the end of a tunze powerhead blowing 6000lph on them lol. just dont have anymore room on the sandbed atm to move em.
other than that there doing ok :)

my other mushys are goin fine
For all you T5ers out there I need your opinion on what to put over my 65g (36"x18"x24"deep).

I was looking at the TekLight (unless someone suggests something better).

Should I go with 4x39w or 6x39w????

Also, what bulb combination would be best?

I really dont have any plans for stocking which is why I was leaning towards the 6x39w so I wouldnt be limited in the future.

Thanks all.
Nuhtty said:
For all you T5ers out there I need your opinion on what to put over my 65g (36"x18"x24"deep).

I was looking at the TekLight (unless someone suggests something better).

I think Retro T5 Kits with Ice Cap Ballasts will be better. From what I have read, longer bulb life and runs the bulbs brighter. I switched out the ballast that came with the Teklight Retro kit for a Ice Cap ballast and am very happy with it. I've also read, no proof to back it, that the Ice Cap individual T5 reflector is better too.
6 bulbs fits fine over a 75g, so I would asume 6 would fit fine over your 18"wide set up. You can always turn 2 off if you feel its too much light.
using the icecap ballast does not make the bulbs last longer. it can actually shorten their lives as at least one member here has seen..., but usually it does not affect the longevity of the bulbs...

from all the tanks, esp the last of the TOTM's i think for the most part, overdriving isnt necessary for t5ho setups. its more depnedant on the reflector and bulb choice....
horkn, Andy from Icecap is saying the bulbs on an Icecap only have to be replaced at 2 years. Are you saying that is wrong?
I think Andy said Ice Cap's don't shorten the lamp life, didn't extend it either. T5 industrial specs are 20000 hours before needing to be changed. That is like 4 1/2 years at 12 hours a day before the output decreases to the point of needing to replace the lampdue to lumen loss. That isn't saying how well the spectal output will hold up on these aquarium lamps. The GE's and maybe the ATI suns should last a pretty long time before much of a shift but anything with blue phosphores will start shifting after a few months. Just a matter of when does the color get to the point you don't like it any more and throw away the lamp.

Anybody out there have a blueplus lamp that is over 12 months old yet? Throw a new one in next to it and see if you think it is good enough to keep using.

I had read something from an engineer that was a 'lighting expert' that fluourescent bulbs do not shift spectrum like halides but that the bluer bulbs lose brightness quicker than the daylight bulbs. I don't know if what he wrote was true or not.

Im sorry the order Im using is:
2 10k (sunbright) 8am-6-pm,

3 actinic(marine blue) 12noon-8pm
1 10k(sunbright) 12noon-8pm

front to back:

Tell me what you think.....