Light upgrade ? for 75 gallon


New member
Currently I have a 48'' coralife with {2} 10,000 and {2}actinic bulbs . After looking at many light setups,I've decided to go with the Tec light 6-54 watt t5 ho {reefgeek}.
My question light is layout .
3 aquablue
3 actnic blue plus
I would like my zoos and other corals to pop .
Thanks for input....
That sounds like a good setup.
But... Why not use two 250 watt SE Bulbs in Luminarc reflectors?
It's only 200 watts more and you'll have more then enough coverage and never need to upgrade your lights. Using 14k or 20k bulbs would mean you wouldn't have to suppliment with actinic. Sure, you'll pay more for this setup, but you'll be so much happier. Plus if you do decide to upgrade from t5's, then this setup will cost you less in the beginning.

Again, you won't need to upgrade your lights with MH, but watch out for the larger tank syndrome!:eek1:

Well I'd love to upgrade to a big tank .I've got a 180 sitting in the livingroom . The 180 has Africa cichlids that I've had for 3 years and I would not part with them .
It would cost much $ to switch over .
I put the 75 in the bedroom by the desk kind of my personal refuge.
As far as the tek lights , I'm trying to get the corals to show more color . Seeing some of the pics from other peoples tanks has made me switch over from the pc . I should have them by next tuesday . From what I've read I should see the so called pop that I se in others tanks . The reason I did not go MH is the heat {Fl.}
Thanks again
I'm running that exact same light, only different bulb combination.

3 aquablue
1 sun
2 blue plus

Very crisp when all lights are on, colors stand out, and not too overun with blue. I have roughly 35-40 different types of zoos going, and all are growing very well, as well as some SPS.
sn8kbit , I take it you're happy with the lights .
How are people running the light ? order front to back ?
I'm getting the 6 light tek . o My are going on a 75 tank
Dont get 500w mh. people on RC love to overgun the lighting on their tanks. 6 T5 sounds like the perfect setup for your 75. By the way, if looks is your primary motivatior wouldn't you be looking at VHO actinic for your blues? Just thought I'd throw that out there
Lights back to front are:

blue plus
blue plus

I have it over a 75 gallon, and have been very pleased.