Lots of water, or What the heck are you thinking

Not as elegant as the linear actuator, but this is what I used. It is stainless steel.

mcmaster carr # 11615A12 Item 13 on the page. Hardware - Lid Support at http://www.mcmaster.com/

Their online catalog does not lend well to direct links, sorry.
AcroSteve said:
Not as elegant as the linear actuator, but this is what I used. It is stainless steel.

mcmaster carr # 11615A12 Item 13 on the page. Hardware - Lid Support at http://www.mcmaster.com/

Their online catalog does not lend well to direct links, sorry.

I was looking at 4138T56 on one side and 9425K13 on the other side. One locks the other one doesn't. For some strange reason none of the shocks that are offered in stainless steel lock.

those will be used to lift the entire canopy, I am going to use these to lift the front of the canopy


but the type of hinge you are using is what I plan to use if I can't get the shocks to work.
Well pretty busy with the kids this weekend so I did not get as far as I wanted.
Still had fun :).

Here are a few pics of one of the reservoirs. It is ready for water I just need to fill it. I had hoped to have that done by now oh well.

This is a picture of the right side. The two small gate valves are to control flow to my skimmer (which Andy tells me will ship this week). The large valve is for the return to the reservoir to keep it recirculating.

The 1.5' fitting that has nothing going to it yet will be the return from the skimmer.


This is a picture of the left side one line is from the tank, the other is to the sump.


This is a inside the reservoir picture showing the incoming hose being plumbed direct to the skimmer/recirculation pump.


This is a close-up of the inlet to the pump. The pump should pull from the inlet hose and also pull from inside the reservoir


This is just a picture of the pump

OMG. After i've just seen my GF HAS NO RIGHTS to say that i spend to much money on my 30 gallon reef tank : ) lol
Northside Reef said:
Marc here is a link to Scott's (Sidewinder) thread you may want to ask him there, I do not know if he monitors this one or not.


Yeah- I do watch this thread. I think you have some great ideas and it will be nice to see it when everything is up and running. Glad the stand idea worked out for ya- I love the way mine turned out and I am sooooo glad I went with steel and powdercoating rather than wood and paint- much easier and probably lighter as well.

So how much water do you anticipate in your whole system? The reservoirs are a great idea- Not sure if I could find it again but I remember one thread where the guy put the reservoirs in the ground to help with cooling- now that would be a pain in the butt!

I will try and post some pics of the linier actuator when I get a chance but it will probably not be installed and operational for another 2 months. When it's finished it will be mounted on the top of the canopy and you won't even see it- even when the canopy is open and will keep all the moving parts out of the canopy and away for the salt air. I just have so much other stuff to get done first before I tackle the canopy and stand (I'm sure you know what I mean).

Anyway- looking good and keep the pics coming.
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Very glad to have you along Scott. I do keep an eye on your progress as well I am looking forward to seeing that linear actuator

sidewinder770 said:
I just have so much other stuff to get done first before I tackle the canopy and stand (I'm sure you know what I mean).

yeah I know what ya mean. seems like this thing is sort of evolving on its own sometimes.

the stand is still at the welders, I have to get him back on track from time to time lol he means well but when he shows me his "ideas" I have to explain why I want it the way I want it.

Anyhow no mater I have a lot to do downstairs yet, but it would be fun to start playing with that OM.

The total system volume is about 1500 gallons before rock and sand.

500 gallons refugiums
600 gallons reservoir
280 gallons main tank
150 gallons sump
40 gallon frag tank.

I took down one of the refugiums, I was going to make it a frag tank but I ended up getting a good deal on a 16x12x56 tank so it is going to be the frag tank. I have not picked it up yet. I will get it when my refugium covers are done.

I doubt seriously I will have the tank in place before July. But taking my time now will save on a lot of headache later.

Oh well time to go sniff some more glue I guess, I will post more pics soon
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So is that resevoir tank just going to be full of saltwater? No sand, rocks or anything? What kind of movement are thinking is going to be in there? Id be curious about that as if its not enough flow that water will become oxygenless...

P.S. Have you built your fuge covers yet? Im anxious to see how those are going to work.
NewMariner said:
So is that resevoir tank just going to be full of saltwater? No sand, rocks or anything? What kind of movement are thinking is going to be in there? Id be curious about that as if its not enough flow that water will become oxygenless...

P.S. Have you built your fuge covers yet? Im anxious to see how those are going to work.

No I have not picked them up yet; Chris at Midwest Custom Aquariums is making them. I am guessing they will be done by this weekend.

Did you look at the plumbing pictures of the reservoirs?

Not only is it being recirculated by a Sequence hammerhead but they are the return for a MRC-3 skimmer (each reservoir will have their own skimmer) I doubt seriously in the extreme that oxygen will ever be a problem.

once I get the lower level going I will monitor the DO level to see how I am doing :)
Sorry missed the plumbing pics on the inside of the resevoir. :D

Is it just gonna be full of water or you gonna have any rock in there for filtration or anything?
NewMariner said:
Sorry missed the plumbing pics on the inside of the resevoir. :D

Is it just gonna be full of water or you gonna have any rock in there for filtration or anything?

no I do not want anything collecting in there it will just recirculate, skim, and overfill back to the sump.

They are made of HDPE :lol: so I guess itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s my starboard reservoir :D
Great work. Can I ask why three skimmers and not just one big one? I mean, I know why...my motto is "if some is good, more is better" but just cleaning my two small ones is kind of a pain. Will they all be close to eachother?
Keep up the pics, please.
Great work. Can I ask why three skimmers and not just one big one? I mean, I know why...my motto is "if some is good, more is better" but just cleaning my two small ones is kind of a pain. Will they all be close to eachother?
Keep up the pics, please.
EmergencyDpt said:
Great work. Can I ask why three skimmers and not just one big one? I mean, I know why...my motto is "if some is good, more is better" but just cleaning my two small ones is kind of a pain. Will they all be close to eachother?
Keep up the pics, please.


It is only 2 skimmers, one on each of the two reservoirs.

The idea is to let the DSB's, macro algae, and live rock clean the water before I return it to the tank.
Water that makes it to the reservoirs is recirculated (this keeps detritus suspended) and cleaned via the skimmers.

I have a small refugium set up on my 125. There is a very wide range of micro fauna that thrives in that refugium that helps supply the main tank with live food. As well as help with nutrient export.
I decided I like the way that system works and I wanted to try it on a large scale.

I guess my main reason for doing this the way I am is because I thought it would be something fun to try, and it sure canââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t hurt anything :)
that big reservoir you've got, you might want to consider putting a closed loop pump that's plumbed to spray the entire bottom. Occasionally, you can isolate the reservoir w/ some ball valves, turn on the closed loop pump, and then drop in a small pump that goes to a filter sock, which of course drains back into the reservoir.

I get a lot of detritus that collects in my sump... can't imagine how much will collect in your giant reservoir.
maybe plumb an eductor on that closed loop to so you can use a smaller pressure rated pump or something to kick up the detritus.