Lunchbucket's 48"x48"x20" Reef

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Went down and taped it up on the floor.

Old layout w/out window. It would be partly in front of the window but would not have been all the way to the wall on that side for 3 side viewing

New layout. Would have the window in the room. Looks good like that just wish it wouldn't use up so much room. 2 side viewing and more of an inwall feel.

Yeah unfortunately I think it works better and will look better. Just will take up more room...I guess the important part of the basement is the tank :D

You <b>guess</b>????? Eric, this is <b>Reef Central</b>. Nothing, and I mean <b>nothing</b>, else matters.

And covering up the window actually favors the tank in that you don't have outside glare hitting you when you view the tank during the day time. The new walls will solve that.
LOL sorry I was in a funk. Wife and I weren't super excited at the moment. Well she wasn't super happy w/ the way that the whole basement will turn out and the messed up my excitement about the tank.

Marc - True, true, I'm back on board sorry for the slip up

jnarowe - I actually thought about adding a bigger beam so that I don't have to deal w/ the posts downstairs but I'm trying to do this super cheap.

So I've been pondering the tank's location w/ many switches along the way. This is good as I'm looking at it from all angles....well I might have another one. My wife and I have been pondering in our heads how to lay out the furniture w/ the tank down there and w/ the two posts (one has been in the tank rooms that I have made up) and w/ the posts it isn't working out great. The first ever layout that I planned w/ the tankroom using up the two closets and encasing all the posts we didn't have to worry about the post breaking up the room. So we are going to go back down stairs and see if we can get the tank into the "unusable" area that the posts take up or break up. There is a 40" wide area that it would be hard to put anything inbetween the two posts (about 6-8ft apart)

I guess it's good that I get it planned out now and finalized before I get much of anything done down there :D

jnarowe - That is pretty cheap. Not bad at all.

Well I came home from a walk w/ the dog and the wife was ALL pumped up. She figured out a way to make both of us happy. No posts to deal w/, no heating ducts hanging down making our ceiling in the living room shorter, no sewer pipe taking up room in our living room. The solution...switch the living room to the other side. Where the bedroom next to the "old" tank room would have been. I did a sketchup of it a while back.

This one but we didn't sketch it out w/ the furnace moved!! I'm sketching up one right now. There are some differences compared to this one that I posted in the past. Different closet layout, tank layout, etc. But this can help visualize how I'll get rrid of the plumbing and post problems.

You could always angle that wall by the furnace to make the walking space a little easier to navigate.

You both seem to really love the idea of surprising your guests with a tank. They have to walk in and pivot on their heels to see it. :lol:
Marc - that is the old plan just a quick reference for what we were kind of thinking

Here is sort of what we are thinking. Not all the doors and stuff are planned out and the plumbing area where there is a almost a hall isn't right but you guys can get the idea. I might have to make the tank room a little bigger we will see

Goodwin9 - After the 200gal is set up it will not be there anymore. My power can't handle it and all the guts (skimmer, lights, etc) are going on the 200gal cube.

I don't see much of a space advantage to having it like that with just the back of the tank in-wall. With your limited space, I would make it an in-wall corner unit. Then you don't have to worry about the whole line-of-sight BS.

I should have made the sketchup like that but was watching the super bowl too much :D Just kind of threw it together. I'll do a corner like that...good call. Most likely in the area it is in to use up that wall where there is a door for the bedroom that kind of uses up the wall and makes it "funny" to do a whole lot w/. I'll try to draw that up tonight

Sorry for what?

I had a weird double post. I was checking out too many threads at once and accidentally posted a quote of myself.

Decent game for a Super Bowl IMO. Actually enjoyable instead of the usual blow out.
Super Bowl was awesome. Either way if NE won it would have been history and the way NY planed was amazing. Heck of a way to sleepers.

I talked to my boss about the new layout as he is great w/ layouts and planning building and likes it. Just need to figure out where to place the tank, where to put closets, and where to put all the walls for sure. Takes away the "trouble" spots.

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