MACNA 2013 too expensive


New member
If you are lucky enough to live near still crazy expensive just to go and walk the vendor booths. @ $ 60 per person plus parking plus transportation is costs $ 140.00 just for my wife and I to get in...that is pretty pricy...just saying....
I've been to a few conferences, and if you take a step back for a second and consider what it costs to put something like this together, $60 a head for the experience isn't bad at all, IMHO.
There's a lot going on, everything costs money, and... it's supposed to raise funds for the club that puts on the show.
If your wife is like mine, and isn't really into the hobby, that sixty is a bit tougher to justify, but you had a day together. Did you get to take any pictures?
Tickets were much cheaper a few months ago so I wish I had bought then. but if $60 was too much then why was the place so packed?
The place was/is so packed because it only happens once per year and only has been in South Florida for it's second trime (correct me if Im wrong, last one was in Ft Lauradale).
I think if MACNA was in a city with less attractions, like a really cold place in the middle of the winter, and the tickets would still be the same, I would probably not attend.

If you're a local, you already saved flight and lodging expenses.

Just a thought.
Tickets were cheaper a few months ago? As far as I remember.. it was the same price. Maybe $10 difference but I thought it was the same.

I think it's worth it if you are really into the hobby. I didn't get to go the last 2 days but I plan on going right now. Hopefully I can find something good, I am sure all the good stuff is gone though.
You do get a lot of freebies at the show so it was well worth it. One of the vendors gave my brother Free Rocks .. I got free buckets of salt, Free T shirts, Free magazines, Super deals on corals… a 4 head Neon Green Trumpet for $ 20.00!!! And sweet $ 20.00 Zoa Frags… Free autographs and photos with the stars of Tanked and Fish Tank Kings also. I got free shirts from Matt Roy at Living Color. It ends up being a great deal. Although we got in for free by volunteering, I still think, if we paid the $ 60 each (wife and I) it was well worth it. The only thing I griped about was the $ 32.00 lunch outside the registration hall. Sandwich, Soda and Bag of Chips was $ 16.00 each, But that was the Westin's doing. Not Macnas. This show is only once a year, it's not a Frag swap. Most conventions I got to (Comic book) cost that much to get in and you don't get all this free stuff. Plus the displays were incredible and seeing all the cool stuff was worth the admission price alone.
worth the $60 in my opinion lots of freebies and my comment to it being packed relates to the fact that obviously it was not over priced considering how many paid up.
It's also not just meant to walk around the vendors, there are speakers there too, those cost alot of money to bring to the show. As everyone said you had options you could of bought awhile back when it was announced for $100 for a full conference pass, but prices went up closer it got. You also could of volunteered if you thought the $60 was too much. I think the club went out of their way to make it affordable for people who thought it was too pricey, especially in offering to go for free and get raffle tickets for volunteering.
Well worth it... If $60 is too much, volunteer and go in for free. Can't beat that for a great show. Also all the stupid money I spend in this hobby, $60 is cheap lol
No pictures. Lots of really nice corals. We got there at 10am to a buy a bunch of the big raffle tickets for the drawing that was supposed to be drawn at noon....found out it was not being drawn until 3 pm. We did not receive any free stuff but did get a coupon for 20 % off @ Rare Reef. I guess they ran out of the handout bags yellow bags ? Talked to the guys at Vertex about Cerebra and they said it is to be released in early December...
I agree 100% with AIRTEX.

The Vendors are there to advertise and promote their brands, products, and services. Trade Shows, Conferences, etc. are to make business its a marketing tool.

I think we all agree that the event was welcome and loved to all reefers and we all enjoyed being there. However, that has nothing to do with the how much it cost at the door. In addition, the prices of goods and corals were not cheap either. I love to spend money, and I am far from being a cheap person. However, $60.00 for such event is well over priced.

I appreciate how well it was organized, and thank all the effort of volunteers and members of FMAS which in many ways made this possible. It was a great experience and lots of fun, but that does not change that its an overpriced event.
I was under the impression that this is really a trade show. That is the its intent is to show porducts to dealers who most likely deal with a distributer. Some trade shows are industry only. The way to limit non dealers is to charge more to get in than most want to pay.

I've been to many shows, worked them and attended. When you have to do business non trade are a pia.
Let's see. $60 + $20 is $80 which was cost of attending for one day. I got eight free t-shirts. I know they are throw away but they are still great for sleeping. Got to hear four great speakers. Got $20 coupon for Fosters and Smith. Got to speak directly to manufactures and dealers of products that I'm interested in and learned a great deal. Oh, and managed to get five corals and a clam at great prices. On the corals alone I saved at least $100. Yes you have to negotiate. Never pay the asking price. So after all that, It's worth the $80.
The more I talked with vendors, the more stuff they handed me.

If you went to the banquet dinner, they had a free 50.00 rebate on IO salt. That was the most impressive freebie there.

Not to mention:

Everything free there, except the Phosphate E.
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Price was fine IMO, in line with all other macnas I've been at and I am sure that floor space didnt come cheap! Did the three day volunteer gig so I don't feel so guilty for only showing up at the frag swaps!
I was under the impression that this is really a trade show. That is the its intent is to show porducts to dealers who most likely deal with a distributer. Some trade shows are industry only. The way to limit non dealers is to charge more to get in than most want to pay.

I've been to many shows, worked them and attended. When you have to do business non trade are a pia.

MACNA was never, and isn't a trade show. First and foremast are the speakers. The Vendor show is just icing on the cake, and it's not a trade thing, it is for primarily for exposure to retail customers. Sure there are many vendors and other professionals in attendance that are busy networking, making new contacts, and renewing old contacts, but it's still about the hobbyist interfacing with vendors when it comes the vendor part of the show.
I get why people think it's to expensive. That same weekend was the home show $10, gun show$10, other events like Florida sportsman expo are full of speakers all weekend and are $10, the boat shows $20. There are countless other societies that have events like that this and I've never seen o e with such a high price. That being said I volunteered so it was free for me and I had a great time.
All hobbies are expensive.... there is no getting around it

"You wanna play? You gotta pay!!"
I think it was an excellent event, the FMAS organizers did great

Yes the price was a bit of sticker shock at $60 so i volunteered for 4 hours and ended up working the whole day Friday and Saturday, so I got in free but within an hour I had received more than $60 in free stuff. Power heads, salt, shirts, etc..

Think I will be attending next year in Colorado and will volunteer again, it will be a vacation for the family and I get to spend a couple days schmoozing with the various vendors so it kills two birds with one stone.

Also the raffles that were great they gave away an amazing array of items. Plus The AI guys raffled off 20 items on saturday (you got either a 60 gal rimless or a light) and all entries were free for theirs. Speakers were very good and I heard the banquet was excellent also