MBRK Social..

yo D.. I left a small opps frag of my milli for you at Kray's that night.. did you get it?

no. damn it. kray told me you brought one for me.. THANKS! that was awesome of you! Hopefully i can make it like your beautiful colony.
i'll get it on saturday
What's up guy's just got on RC and wanted to say thanks to Kraylen for the hospitality other night it was good to meet you all we need to have another soon. By the way this is Andy just in case you didn't know
This is whathappens when i dont get on here all tha often, you guys do a get together, and I wasnt there. I know most of the people here as well. LMK when something gets worked out for the next get together. I need to get my tank going again, hopefully soon.
I have seen all the new exhibits and they are definitely worth going to see. The coral reef is absolutely stunning. It is worth it all on its own.