Mike's 150g SC Aquarium Build

Trying to work out the skim locker. First, it took me a while to find your thread, and then the lack of images just leaves me scrolling through a bunch of nonsense.
I would run the line out the back to a container on the side like my ato footstool no? Not permanent but clean, neat and smell free.
How am I supposed to open the side door? Lol

I'd also have to drill a hole through my stand in order to get the skim to the locker
How am I supposed to open the side door? Lol

I'd also have to drill a hole through my stand in order to get the skim to the locker

How often you open it? It would just slide to the side. And I saw allot of tubes running behind the stand so figured there was room to run a .5" silicon tube. There is always a way.
I open it to change out socks...but I guess i can wiggle my fat A through the front. And i could go out the back...will look when I get home
Nice little cubby a bit taller can hide most of those tubes and wires plus double as a locker bin with lift off lid. I have a float on my locker connected to a BoB on the Apex which shuts the skimmer down and send notifications if it ever over fills. The locker can be any size and shape basically.
Interesting. I have an idea now. There's about a 4 inch gap between the back of the stand and the wall. Could have one designed to fit behind the stand
Tadah. Just needs to be able to slide out. I use the larger one seen below as you know, but you could use the lower profiled one. It takes forever to fill, and as stated, I have the float on it.

Long overdue update:

So this tank has been stressing me out for the past few months. Everything was cruising right along, SPS were coloring up and growing daily, chaeto production was steaming along...then bam...

Algae...algae everywhere. My current situation is that my tank is covered in tufts of algae everywhere, all over the rocks and sandbed. In addition to the alage, I had started dosing small amounts of ESV two part to keep up with demand, it was a meager 5ml's a day but it held my Alk at 8.4 and Cal at 420-430. Then one day alk and cal dropped to 7 and 370...I decided to slowly increase my dosing. Up to 15 mls a day (i only have small frags in there). So I didn't want to go crazy.

Unfortunately nothing ever came up from the 7 and 370 reading. SPS stopped growing, many RTN'ed and some are still STN'ing. The only thing that continues to grow is algae.

So in true reporting fashion you can't present issues and not offer solutions...

So after countless phone batteries with the FUPA crew, lots of ball busting and game planing, we put together some ideas to assist in a plan forward:

Here are some possible reasons for the decline in my tank:

- Rocks leaching nutrients - I did do a muriatic acid bath, but it may have not been enough and should have cooked rocks longer
- Nutrient Build Up - Sump was starting to look nasty
- RO/DI Filters need replacing

So possible solutions for the above:

Rocks - I could remove and start fresh, but in true reefing spirit I will press on. I did bring a small amount of GFO online to help combat this. We will see where this goes

Nutrient Build Up - I began cleaning up the sump one chamber at a time. Started with the return pump section. Removed all detritus and added a tunze nano 6045 to keep all junk suspended.

RO/DI Filters - Small story here, our house has horrible water pressure, i get a max of about 50PSI to my unit and water production is horrendous. Takes forever to make a decent batch for water changes (which lead to less frequent water changes due to the hassle). So I would need to buy a booster pump and all new filters for my old unit which was basically your no brand name unit. It was time for a change. So instead of dropping $250 on new filters and a booster pump I decided I would get a new all in one unit that comes with the booster pump, auto flush, and a few other bells in whistles.

So last night I ordered a new Vertex Purtek Deluze 100GPD unit. I was originally going to go with a 90GPD spectrapure with manual flush, but I came across this and was super intrigued by all the gizmo's and that it's a true all in one unit.

Comes with:

Booster Pump
1:1 waste/pure water ratio
Auto Back flush to ensure clean membrane
Electronic shut off switch for RO barrel
Inline TDS meter

Hoping for some good success over the next month. With FFM coming up i'd really like to participate and buy some corals, but if i'm still having issues I may have to just observe again like last year.

Well...that's all for now. Stay tuned!


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New RO unit is in...also added the Spectrapure Dual MaxCap DI and Silica Buster.

Hoping this will assist me in my adventure to a cleaner tank. [emoji13]

I would empty and clean your sump of sediment. That was an issue I had with a former tank. I thought a 150g RM sump was better. Have better luck with half that...on last 240 and on the 300g I run a 75g with no baffles, just LR as the baffling source. Better skimming and no build up.
Mike how about your bulbs I know every time my bulbs started to go boom algae everywhere ....

Bulbs are fairly new, I'd say only 3-4 months old.

I would empty and clean your sump of sediment. That was an issue I had with a former tank. I thought a 150g RM sump was better. Have better luck with half that...on last 240 and on the 300g I run a 75g with no baffles, just LR as the baffling source. Better skimming and no build up.

Kynan - I have started to clean my sump up a bit. I've started with the return section. Now there is a small tunze pump in there keeping everything clean and suspending. No more settling. Next up with be the Chaeto section. I like to clean my sumps a little at a time. Too much removal sometimes shocks the system from what I've experienced.

I have a huge problem with settlement in my overflows that and in my rocks in my 150g rubbermaid sump

I didn't even think of the overflow chamber, I know mine was growing a lot of algae. This week I finally got a piece of black acrylic cut to cover the over flow against any fish that may jump and to also block light from aiding algae growth.
The RO unit was kind of a selfish purchase on my part. We needed a booster pump to get better production since our well only puts out about 40-50psi. All the added bells and whistles are nice, auto flushing, auto shut off and the 1:1 production will be great.

A small update though. I have noticed all the algae has begun to die off. It's turning brown and is easily cleaned with a toothbrush. Did a fair amount of in tank scrubbing today, will take it slow and let the mesh socks do their part and remove all the dying algae. SPS are starting to look better. Pieces cut for FFM are starting to encrust and heal.