Very nice tanks. Very clean, sleek look.
I noticed you have the solana xl 67. Are you happy with it? Did you keep the stock sump or make a new one? Are there any frustrating limitations inherent with the design?
Mine's not as minimalist as some in this thread (nor half as good looking!) but the intent was to create something a bit different while still remaining 'clean' looking.
Has anyone else noticed issues with their fish in these minimalistic setups? I noticed a couple of tanks with just a couple of large rocks that don't appear to have any hiding room, how do your fish respond to these conditions in the long run? More jumpers? High stress? Any issues at night?
Thanks to all who liked my tank.
Since the pics in this thread were taken after aquascaping the tank, whithout water, here´s some with water, in the beginning and as it is now:
Tom, I like your rockwork.
Your question is well pointed out. I think it all depends on how big the tank is, what fish do you plan to keep and make the layout around these factors ( amongst others). There´s a thin line between minimalist layouts and exaggerated empty tanks regarding rocks and, imho, choosing the fish before making the layout is what dictates success. FWIW, I think a good aquascaping, no matter how minimalist is intended to be, should have sufficient and spacey hiding spots for the fish to feel safe. We can provide shelter for the fish in the long run with corals but in the short and medium run, they will miss those hiding places and that can have consequences. In my case, the right island was built with such volume on the outside because in the inside it´s full of caves and crevices that are all connected, where fish can rest or take cover when feel threaten. I also made this layout to keep small and peaceful fish like Apogons, gobys, Blennys, etc. No tangs or other big fish.
I focused five " rules" that one can take in consideration when creating his/her aquascaping. They are:
- Good water flow around and through the whole rockwork
- Fish shelters
- Fish swimming area
- Coral area
- Natural and aesthetic feeling of the rockwork
I think it should turn things easier for people who are thinking in dedicating a little more time to their aquascape and it´s something I am focusing on a new article I´m writing about Aquascaping and reef layouts that will be shared soon.
i figured out my aquascape last night for the new tank and can't wait to show it off. love the minimalist look. ANDRE and SonnyX your tanks are just amazing.