Nice tank. What are the dimensions
AJ, That is one KICK BUTT TANK!!! Love the aquascaping. Looks very natural. Love the way you can look through the rockwork like its a maze. Very good job.
The light is perfect. Its a lot more effective because of the shallow depth as well.AJ, man.. nice tank! I like the dimensions a TON! That video is sweet too, for anyone that hasn't watched it yet. I'm amazed that your light does such a great job with the 30 inch x 30 inch footprint. :thumbsup:
Hey AJ, What substrate did you use? Looks fantastic. How do you keep it so clean?
AJ the composition of that video is what I have been wishing everyone that shoots a reef tank video would watch! Stunning. It made an otherwise sterile tank video simply a joy to watch! So many 4 minute vids I just start and after seeing the FTS I just stop watching. But on yours I couldn't stop watching. I love the sliding focus down the top rim shot! Awesome!
Oh and the tank is beautiful as well. 1st rate!
AJ, what program do you use to do video editing? Do you know of a good way to adjust white balance in the post processing of a video?
Absolutely stellar video!
Nemo, that is awesome looking. How do you keep it form tipping over?