Minimalist Aquascaping

Dave, your tank is great! I've been following your thread for a while now. I like your fish choices. That angel is a 'beaut! Not too many people have pyramid butterflies either, and that's one underrated fish, IMHO.

Kyle, that tank is really unique. It's minimalist in a different sense. Looks like a volcano! Very nice :thumbsup:
the prodigal cube..

the prodigal cube..

here's the prodigal cube after the recent rescaped...


as of today..
Dave, your tank is great! I've been following your thread for a while now. I like your fish choices. That angel is a 'beaut! Not too many people have pyramid butterflies either, and that's one underrated fish, IMHO.

Kyle, that tank is really unique. It's minimalist in a different sense. Looks like a volcano! Very nice :thumbsup:

Thanks so much for the kind words...

This is a great thread, lot's of really amazing tanks and aquascaping out there!~
Eagles, that looks great! Definitely has potential.

When I take pictures, I'm finding it difficult to recreate how the rockscape actually looks in my tank... There are many more nooks and crannies than what actually show up in the pictures..

I'm impressed with the rockscapes as well as the picture-taking ability :thumbsup:
I just figured out how to correct the saturation, white balance and color modes......EVERY picture until these three made my radium lit tank look like a blue highlighter, haha.
Thanks.....yea, just 3 small lps frags and the fish so far...waiting a little longer before adding sps.

So no island in the middle or the two island look instead?
here's mine, i have changed my aquascape MANY times because i was never happy and my rocks are all big and bulky and hard to work with, so i changed everything and i am FINALLY happy and this is my final scape. I went for the two island look but ended up with this, there are two big caves on the right and left, and one in the middle underneath the clove polyps. None of the the rocks are touching the glass either :D

didnt like the pic that i posted here are a couple that are a little bit better.



middle, there are also a few more caves/passage ways around that area

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I have some earlier pictures in this thread, but I made a few changes. Actually these changes make it less of a minimalistic look but it still fits. The white rock on the right is the new addition.


Another view, it's on the left here...


A shot to show the open feel still on that side.


This is what it used to look like from that side. I like the new look better from the front but not necessarily from this angle...

i have been following this thread for a while. i don't like the "rockwall" look either. so i recently upgraded to a 180 and this is what i ended up with rockwork. i would not say it is minimalistic but it is meant to provide more swimming room for the 3 tangs i keep
not sure my new setup would count as minimalist, however i didnt wana use too much rock and though its newly setup, i dont think my rock work looks clustered at all....

either way, ive been watching this thread for a bit now, and some of you inspired my vision and i thank you all ;)

beautiful tanks everyone !

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

im sure some of you have seen my new build thread, but i wanted to share here as well :D