Minimalist Aquascaping

i like that one too, very simple, yet eye catching as far as the rock goes... very visually pleasing to me
Ok, I will ask again. How do you guys do all the cool rock work with the overhangs and such? I saw one guy a page or 2 back said it was epoxy and cable ties. Is this the stick epoxy that we use to attach frags or something different? Are the cable ties just like plastic zip ties?
Fireworm, yes to both those questions, from what I've seen, read, and done myself. Also, I've heard of people using acrylic rods and/or plastic coat hangers. They drill holes in the live rock.

You folks sure have a lot of talent!

I had planned on going minamalist-ish on my new 75. I started with 45lbs of Marco and about 15lb of live rock....


My plan was to transfer all of the coral, but very little of the rock from my 30G. Unfortunately, I got carried away and moved almost all of the rock. I'm still not happy with the scape and will likely do some moving.

Ok, I will ask again. How do you guys do all the cool rock work with the overhangs and such? I saw one guy a page or 2 back said it was epoxy and cable ties. Is this the stick epoxy that we use to attach frags or something different? Are the cable ties just like plastic zip ties?

LocTite Epoxy is the best IMO. Use more than you think you'll need. Later, when you bump your favorite overhang and the whole rock leans.... then goes right back, you'll be glad you did.

You folks sure have a lot of talent!

I had planned on going minamalist-ish on my new 75. I started with 45lbs of Marco and about 15lb of live rock....


My plan was to transfer all of the coral, but very little of the rock from my 30G. Unfortunately, I got carried away and moved almost all of the rock. I'm still not happy with the scape and will likely do some moving.


IMO the scape looks AWESOME in the first picture and kind of rock-wallish in the second. I think you should go back to that minimalist look! But do whatever makes you happy, of course :)

My plan was to transfer all of the coral, but very little of the rock from my 30G. Unfortunately, I got carried away and moved almost all of the rock. I'm still not happy with the scape and will likely do some moving.


I like the first picture better. I would even suggest perhaps use a bit smaller rockwork for the right side, giving the tank a natural "balance", and slope.
I prefer the first picture as well. I haven't had time to work on the tank since the transfer, but my plan is to try to revert to something that is less "wall like".

While not obvious from the picture, there currently is some variety and depth to the current scape. It is more of an island running down the middle of the tank. Spacing from the back wall varies from 4" to 7". If I could get my hands on a wavemaker, I think that the current scape would be conducive to a gyre flow - I'm running 2 x evolution 1400 and 2 x modded K1.
I like your 'scape, but that tank looks too small for those tangs. Are you planning an upgrade or larger tank for those two tangs to go into?